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    Usar "drastically" en una oración

    drastically oraciones de ejemplo


    1. No one will deny that life has changed drastically in the past two generations

    2. All my residents have suffered loss as a result of war – either tangible loss in the shape of careers thrown off course or emotional trauma caused by bereavement - and I can empathise with them … if for a different, and drastically less acceptable reason

    3. I do not suggest that you try drastically to alter your eating habits as soon as you read this book

    4. be completely transformed so that crime rates drastically

    5. The fact is, trying to lose weight by drastically cutting calories is not only ineffective, it is unhealthy

    6. back drastically for a few weeks before returning to the old ways, you will begin to gain

    7. Circumstances they each found themselves in may have drastically changed and would again before the end

    8. This drastically increases the erosion on the coast of India

    9. The only clue in its fleeting telemetry indicated a drastically dilated timescale by the order of at least a billion to one

    10. We’re going to have to keep it going because the temps are supposed to drop drastically in the next couple of hours

    11. Only a minor change in time scale but it drastically improved the safety margin

    12. The amounts given as compensation differ drastically between the two when it comes to seduction awards

    13. In this maze of inky tunnels and chaotic turns, however, his demeanor has begun to change drastically

    14. We spoke about the people that had come into our lives and how everything had so drastically changed for the better

    15. Then, when the hard times hit, as they did with the recession and stock market decline a while back, they have to drastically cut back on spending and/or raise taxes at just the wrong time

    16. drastically increasing energy costs and decreasing the ability of our states to create jobs, foster

    17. warming, and the whole process of jumping to conclusions may be drastically flawed

    18. explorations and the effects of the World Wars, the Islamic Empire shrank drastically from its prior glory

    19. When we drastically reduce the time, we don’t need to have a reception

    20. Learning impermanence will help those who may feel that their grasp on the world is spiraling drastically out of control, this is merely a cycle

    21. When there is fear that something is drastically changing beyond control this will cause many to change their view and create peace in their environment

    22. However, thanks to George, she had vital new information regarding the spell that could change the outcome drastically

    23. That the text in the Bible has drastically changed due to being copied many times in

    24. thinking is required to drastically reduce the rate of road accident and

    25. monthly amount set you will drastically reduce the term of

    26. Keep in mind that this happened when AIDS had yet to proliferate drastically

    27. commandment without drastically changing in ways that stand out at odds with society and loved

    28. That is, these policies are impacting our standard of living by drastically increasing energy costs and decreasing the ability of our states to create jobs, foster entrepreneurship, and give manufacturers the ability to compete in the global marketplace

    29. Had the administration done nothing, a lease plan was already set to take effect that would have opened vast expanses of the Outer Continental Shelf, drastically increasing our nation‘s ability to tap into our domestic energy supply‖

    30. counsel” and expected my hours would be drastically slashed

    31. They had just tried to speed birth up by putting PIT into her IV when the storm came over, dropping the barometric pressure drastically

    32. reflects the general principle that, with some drastically tragic exceptions, European Jews fared better among the ruling elite than among the common people (including the lower clergy)

    33. at how drastically her life changed since then, five years

    34. “I was beginning to doubt that your re-integration would be successful, when he drastically accelerated it

    35. something drastically changes we will be the only ones who

    36. This motivation has been drastically reduced by the effects of government promised and supplied public welfare and the dependence it generates

    37. beyond) to drastically cut down your time in this

    38. what they are interested in buying), you can not only drastically cut down on "bail-outs" but also seriously ramp up your conversions

    39. Their journey had taken them higher up into the mountains again and their pace had slowed drastically, as the heavy snow brought with it a total white-out to cut through

    40. It has already been noted by Newberg and d’Aquili that activities in the verbal-conceptual association areas of the brain are drastically reduced during advanced meditation

    41. options were so drastically reduced the weekend before Harry’s due return that it could have

    42. Either things had drastically

    43. But on the death of Einstein, things drastically changed for

    44. Although I have drastically cut down on the scope of my surgical procedures, I have no problem with the “bread and butter” type of practice of O&G

    45. A wonderful practice is to drastically increase the number of attributes you can become aware of for each object

    46. My place in Society has altered drastically with the knowledge that Connor Rondel is my brother, Colin, and my marriage to Tristan

    47. an encore here at the end), trying to lose weight by drastically cutting

    48. Using up the end of the drastically reduced limit on one of his credit cards, he received the delivery from the local grocery store

    49. something that changed him drastically

    50. As Michael was returning to his hotel he couldn’t stop wondering how drastically his life changed in just

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