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    Usar "drop in" en una oración

    drop in oraciones de ejemplo

    drop in

    1. A significant drop in the production of the hormone estrogen brings on menopause

    2. I could either fall down on the spot and die, or I could leap over the balcony and drop into the sea far below

    3. It would have been so easy to jump, or was that exactly what they wanted? I could drop into the void, a sheer drop without any fear of flying

    4. Nice of him to drop in like that

    5. Ted will drop in at the club tonight and see if he can find an angle

    6. “I sold her a drop in an ampule, but it was concentrate

    7. drop in a mist that covered the room

    8. As you learned earlier, while a sudden drop in calories will have a short-term effect, a

    9. drop inconspicuously, bent and picked up the purse along with the

    10. seems to drop in around the time she’s preparing dinner for her

    11. Your mind is at peace, and there is a marked drop in conscious mental activity, or the activity recedes into the background;

    12. The forecast called for rain tonight and the possibility of a storm off Lake Erie tomorrow had increased with a big drop in temperature

    13. We are going to drop in on that historical place from the good old USA, Fallingwater,” Martin said

    14. Sebastian noticed the drop in her mood again

    15. With this done and much to everyone’s relief we made to get back to the trench and drop in

    16. As if the guards realised the drop in temperature, the bell rang, and it was time to head back indoors

    17. “We have more chance of surviving a drop into the chromosphere of a star

    18. Some analysts noted the drop in attacks fit with the withdrawal of US troops in Afghanistan, that attacks supposedly once used to kill terrorists were actually being used as artillery against targets in Pakistan, targets that US planes could not have bombed without an international incident

    19. “My theory is that it’s all just a drop in the cosmic bucket

    20. Friedman's disciples in the dictatorship gave Chile higher unemployment, more debt, more bankruptcies, a sharp drop in wages, and almost destroyed Chilean public education

    21. needles would turn gold and then drop in the fall

    22. And sometimes it was even possible to notice a distinct drop in temperature

    23. Major Harris, as commanding officer at the Grabensheim kaserne, assured the Colonel that he would drop in to the PX periodically, and vouched for the men’s behavior, but also asked that a squad of MP’s be on hand as a precaution

    24. Another couple of mouths to feed are, as you can see, just a drop in the ocean

    25. That way they could not just drop in on us, and it would

    26. through a series of S-bends where the coastal highway edged dangerously along a precipitous drop into the waters of the Pacific

    27. So, I propose there is a cause and effect between increased use of capital punishment, deterrence, and a drop in the homicide—”

    28. Anthony stood up and stated that it was not at all clear that the drop in murder rates was due to the reinstallation of the death penalty

    29. There was a drop in SO2 (million tons) from a high of 28 in 1975 to 17 in 2000

    30. Was the push an all-out effort to get the carbon fines and sanctions going by the time the sun-earth cycle began its cooling phase in order to be in a position to take credit for the drop in temperature? Said another way, without a global taxing body in operation, when the cooling started, this political movement would suffer and possibly die, bringing about some other income redistribution scheme,

    31. Bush’s and mirrored a drop in the CMM’s market share of

    32. Why not go and call? He remembered that Ellen had asked him to drop in sometimes and there was Rosemary's book to take back--he ought to take it back before he forgot

    33. They promised to look me up in Tlatelolco and urged me to drop in on them in Chalco

    34. While it was assumed that the drop in estrogen during menopause

    35. You will break up into groups of two and each pair of you will drop in to assist one of the Dark Knight squads

    36. The knife was pulled away, allowing her head to drop into a bowed position

    37. it, while I see it as an iridescent drop in the vast expanse of cons-

    38. circuit, the link will drop in the absence of interesting traffic, but the OSPF adjacency

    39. And then, when I got close to it, I stuck my ear close, very close, so that I could hear even a pin drop in the room beyond the heavy iron doors

    40. Twitter activity is known to drop in the early hours from midnight to 8 a

    41. It is significant to note that tweets that use more than two hashtags show a 17% drop in engagement

    42. This was shown by the sharp drop in performance of the older American students, especially as they headed

    43. A drop in

    44. “One year out of four thousand seven hundred and eighteen is a very small drop in a very big bucket

    45. The 21-mile drop in elevation between Lake Superior and Lake Huron allows the passage of huge Lake carriers though the system of locks, dams and canals built since 1855

    46. final exhalation might have contributed to the drop in

    47. When the bag was empty he rolled it up and put it into his pocket ready to drop in the oil fired incinerator on his way back

    48. It’s just this little credibility nick that you can drop in a meeting with a prospect for a consulting

    49. I use it for the girls, but that’s nothing, a drop in the bucket

    50. She uncorked the top and plopped a drop in the mixing bowl

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