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    Usar "drowsing" en una oración

    drowsing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. They spent the rest of the day swimming, playing, drowsing in the sun, and eating their supplies

    2. Max walked over to the drowsing sentries

    3. past apple-orchards where bending boughs were heavily loaded with mellow fruits exhaling fragrant odours, through the cool shades of lofty avenues of venerable oaks, whose overarched and interlacing branches formed a roof of green, gilt and illuminated with quivering spots and shafts of sunlight that filtered through the trembling leaves; over old mossy stone bridges, spanning limpid streams that duplicated the blue sky and the fleecy clouds; and then again, stretching away to the horizon on every side over more fields, some rich with harvest, others filled with drowsing cattle or with flocks of timid sheep that scampered away at the sound of the passing carriages

    4. Long before ni-Frith, all were drowsing in the undergrowth

    5. a time light seemed the only thing that moved; the sky -- sun, clouds and breeze -- Now came the dog days -- day after day of hot, still summer, when for hours at awake above the drowsing downs

    6. Drowsing at long last, Dunk dreamed

    7. His head rocked forward and then up like the head of a passenger drowsing on a plane

    8. He was drowsing, barely conscious of what she read to him

    9. The drowsing murmur of the five and twenty studying scholars soothed the soul like the spell that is in the murmur of bees

    10. They gradually wandered apart, dropped into the "dumps," and fell to gazing longingly across the wide river to where the village lay drowsing in the sun

    11. ‘Dear Brothers,’ he began, blushing and stammering, with a written speech in his hand, ‘it is not sufficient to observe our mysteries in the seclusion of our lodge- we must act- act! We are drowsing, but we must act

    12. After dinner I fell asleep and as I was drowsing off I clearly heard a voice saying in my left ear, ‘Thy day!’

    13. Eh? Oh, he had been drowsing, thinking

    14. By seven-thirty Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey had pretty well got its tents up and it was time for me and my brother to race back to where the motorcars were unloading the tiny Downey Brothers circus; a miniature version of the large miracle, it poured out of trucks instead of trains, with only ten elephants instead of nearly one hundred, and just a few zebras, and the lions, drowsing in their separate cages, looked old and mangy and exhausted

    15. Ah, that is interesting! Jumps into his hand? When he was drowsing?

    16. The officer, who was drowsing as he sat on an anchor, rose up and gave the order to let them pass

    17. But as soon as it was dusk she returned home, and after having supper with her parents and her brother in the dark outhouse, she went into the hut, healthy and free from care, and climbed onto the oven, where half drowsing she listened to their lodger's conversation

    18. “Dear Brothers,” he began, blushing and stammering, with a written speech in his hand, “it is not sufficient to observe our mysteries in the seclusion of our lodge—we must act—act! We are drowsing, but we must act

    19. After dinner I fell asleep and as I was drowsing off I clearly heard a voice saying in my left ear, “Thy day!”

    20. After the second error everyone was just drowsing off again when a figure cautiously put his head inside the dug-out, and hoarsely said: "'Ere, sergeant, yer might come and 'ave a sniff

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    Sinónimos para "drowsing"

    dozy drowsing drowsy