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    eager for oraciones de ejemplo

    eager for

    1. He understood the attraction of Megnor girls, their child-like size made them precious, but their wombs were still eager for a good sized man

    2. Try to arrive a few minutes early so that you look as though you’re eager for the date to begin

    3. Even as small boys he was eager for

    4. and was eager for the newcomer to visit the infirmary

    5. Once they arrived Todd was eager for the cart to be unloaded as the weather was just as a perfect summer's day should be and he wasn't going to tempt fate, or sprites

    6. She would rise early in the morning, often before dawn, make great haste as far as Markarth and return the following day, all the more eager for her next job

    7. ” His grin widened, seeming all too eager for her to linger

    8. errands, eager for people to see his heir

    9. They clearly were eager for her to be there, and this added to her suspicion

    10. seemed eager for what lay ahead; it was not a sentiment he shared

    11. Social ―improprieties‖ (I am being generous) are oftentimes conveniently sidestepped or (casually) dismissed by ―social-minded‖ reformers who, eager for ―root‖ causes, worsen matters by making (implausible) excuses like ―social disease‖ or introducing psycho-babble into the equation rather than holding these tiresome individuals responsible for their actions

    12. As she was not merely an employee but a director and a member of the Board, they were eager for her to regain her health and return to work

    13. The horrors of the “what if” scenarios are then sensationalized through a media that is at the same time sympathetic to the cause, eager for exciting news, and ignorant of the facts

    14. And I proceeded to where things were chaotic; And I saw there something horrible; I saw neither a Heaven above nor a firmly founded Earth, but a place chaotic and horrible; And there I saw seven stars of the Heaven bound together in it, like great mountains and burning with fire; Then I said: 'For what sin are they bound, and on what account have they been throw in hither?' Then said Uriel, one of the holy angels, who was with me, and was chief over them, and said: 'Enoch, why do you ask, and why are you eager for the truth? These are of the number of the stars of Heaven, which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and are bound here till ten thousand years, the time entailed by their sins, are consummated

    15. Gallery goers eager for a moment in the presence of evanescent fame, but who may wish to share only the presence, but not the essence, of this unique exhibit, beware

    16. M: Yes, when the mind is eager for reality, it gives attention

    17. And I proceeded to where things were chaotic; And I saw there something horrible; I saw neither a Heaven above nor a firmly founded Earth but a place chaotic and horrible; And there I saw seven stars of the Heaven bound together in it like great mountains and burning with fire; Then I said: 'For what sin are they bound and on what account have they been throw in hither?' Then said Uriel one of the holy angels who was with me and was chief over them and said: 'Enoch why do you ask and why are you eager for the truth? These are of the number of the stars of Heaven which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and are bound here till ten thousand years the time entailed by their sins are consummated

    18. But, most of those who only enjoy giving or receiving pain in a purely sexual context are good hearted folk, they have simply become jaded and bored with milder sexual activities, and they would never dream of sharing painful sexuality with another unless their partner was willing and eager for the experience

    19. As Clifford turned into the driveway with John and Rosie, they could see the whole family looking out the windows, eager for his return

    20. State had plenty of openings, and the college was eager for applicants who could pay full tuition

    21. Pushed from the rear by others eager for their own first taste, they wallowed into deeper water and along the shoreline as they kept trying to sample the distasteful disappointment

    22. Those who are eager for wealth are contrasted with the faithful:

    23. He was not eager for this parley yet the protocol of war demanded that he ride forwards

    24. Like a child eager for a game of hide and seek, they were still swirling wanting to play

    25. News travel fast and the people, always eager for a new thrill, came running

    26. He advanced with careless haste, eager for the end

    27. ” I too was eager for revenge

    28. They were eager for the time-honored sport of baiting the stranger

    29. Walter relented as he always did, “Okay Henry, I accept that I was just as eager for the money as you were but let’s be realistic, Bridges isn’t going to play ball with us now

    30. All eager for the treat;

    31. Sympathetic right wing groups, eager for a scrap with the police were already organising themselves to travel to Caernarfon to help free their new found hero

    32. his face showed he was eager for action

    33. Impetuously each night, with the eager fortitude of a teen, she would dress quietly after all eyes in the house had closed

    34. Donna twisted her head slightly and parted her lips, eager for his kiss, needing the distraction, hungry to erase the remnants of Jared’s face from her consciousness, and the effect Sam’s playing had on her

    35. Either because he was overeager for the British Army to get into action or because Nancy Laplante was not there to bring some incisive counter-arguments, for which the higher staff had justly feared her, Churchill approved the operation’s plan as presented to him

    36. � I have lots more documentaries if you still are eager for more after these, including one on the Russian �AIST� class air cushion vehicle

    37. Alex was eager for this repartee; he glanced up at Thomas, with

    38. All three were eager for the rain to end

    39. eager for it

    40. caught up in his own world, he was however eager for a quick end

    41. When she was all eager for a date, it was either my naivety for being truthful or vanity of not looking my age, damn them both, that put paid to it; unasked, as I revealed my age, she exclaimed, ‘oh, you’re my dad’s age’, and that was that

    42. He was eager for Dieter and Helga to put the past behind

    43. He read through the spells and eager for more, accidentally finished the book while the absent-minded enchanter was searching his robes for a better magnifying glass

    44. Pushing open the barn door, she laughed when the horses – eager for their morning oats – nuzzled her with their warm breath

    45. Out of the compassion which was impressed in the spirit of the messenger (cpth) he acquired by his nearness to his Creator, he became lenient with the creatures, kind in treating them, eager for guiding and indicating them and clement and gracious with them

    46. Then he will be like Ares, "hated by gods and mortals," the embodiment of unrefined brute strength and blind violence, obstinate and eager for strife, yet not nearly so successful as the more prudent Athena (his dual; see next) (Larousse 124-5; Sharman-Burke & Greene 39-41)

    47. Even Alder, who stood behind him and to his right, looked eager for a fight, his eyes wild and a small hint of satisfaction on his face

    48. Hence why Mikhail was so anxious and eager for Karl to phone him that afternoon

    49. ” The men laughed again, eager for an exhibition

    50. liked his boyish charm, but he was often too eager for

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