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    easy chair oraciones de ejemplo

    easy chair

    1. His lounge is a comfortable room, laid out with a sofa and a couple of easy chairs at one end and a table, set for four, at the other

    2. He takes me into the front bedroom which he’s got laid out as an office with bookshelves and a computer, as well as an easy chair and a music centre in one corner

    3. Herold reclined in an easy chair, her Nose nearly at the interior spine of the book she was Engrossed with: one she has been writing herself—

    4. I looked round and saw Ma sat in an easy chair by the fire she was well wrapped up and had a blanket draped over her shoulders and one on her knees and she was wearing thick socks the colour of pea soup

    5. lower area, a TV and a couple of easy chairs

    6. easy chairs, and Miss Thrasher herself proved to be a pleasant hostess

    7. Once Mendoza had poured them all a glass of white wine, begging their indulgence that he was forced to use the plain water glasses that were all that the hotel was willing to supply to its guests’ rooms, Senhora Mendoza and Elizabeth sat on the bed chatting while Colling and Mendoza took the two easy chairs

    8. He sat in one of the easy chairs, reading an old issue of Time that he had packed in his suitcase in Germany, as the maid finished her work

    9. It was located to the left of the foyer, and on the opposite side was a large room with a pair of sofas and easy chairs that Frau Vollmer referred to as the sitting room

    10. I sat down on one of the easy chairs

    11. She looked behind an easy chair and she pulled out a rolled up picture of a girl in a bathing suit, as if that substantiated her point

    12. He sat down then in a lime green easy chair

    13. Jason selected the closer easy chair

    14. She was especially fond of the capacious easy chair we had bought with her in mind, because it comfortably fit her large body

    15. in the plush easy chair

    16. Once they got inside, the man sat down in a small easy chair

    17. plush col ection of couches and easy chairs, piles of books, buckets of

    18. Americus sat down in a wide easy chair that yielded a little at his weight, and rolling a similar chair brought it closer up to his side and made me signs to sitting down

    19. With signs, Leonardo indicated to the masters of the region that should walk up to the large door and protect the main entry of the residence, he ordered us to hide behind the colossal wicker easy chairs, which we did without delay, as Batam and the guards

    20. Pushes began to go and come because the space was not sufficient to hide so many people and, consequently, the unsteady easy chairs threatened to collapse any minute now, until the guards chose to shelter under the leafy branches of a nearby fern

    21. On one of a pair of ancient easy chairs spewing greasy stuffing onto the filthy deck, sprawled an impressive beer gut

    22. Kareltin sat in the easy chair beside the fire, Sanjay brought up another chair for the constable before taking his seat opposite the inspector

    23. The first thing this grocer did was to remove the easy chair

    24. Tighe sat in his easy chair; he knew Pon would now be in Cambodia and therefore a fugitive

    25. four easy chairs and a coffee table, the remainder of the

    26. With the use of her cane and easy chair, Lady Triplet rose to her feet

    27. Lady Triplet winced and rubbed her chest as she cautiously made her way back to her easy chair

    28. Ellen Cooke, slack mouthed, lay slumped in the easy chair beside the bed, her book fallen to the floor and a slight snore issuing from her deeply sleeping form

    29. After shaking hands and exchanging kisses with them, Kern and Vargas took place in a sofa close to Miri’s easy chair

    30. He found there a steward in the process of serving tea or coffee to the nine men sitting around on sofas and easy chairs

    31. television blared in one room, where two guys sat in easy chairs, staring at the tube, relaxed

    32. Jake was in an easy chair in the lobby, reading a copy of Today

    33. One sofa and one easy chair sat in an open space near the door, while a work desk and chair sat against the steel wall at the end of the cabin

    34. As the congressmen present looked at each other with consternation, Hillary got up at once from her easy chair in the coffee corner of the Oval Office and walked quickly to the television set sitting against one wall, switching it on and tuning it to the CNN News channel

    35. Ingrid took the sofa offered by President Thomas Dewey, who was sitting in an easy chair facing her in the coffee corner of the Oval Office

    36. As I rounded the easy chair I had slept in, I noticed that the picture on the television had changed subtly, so I sat down to see what was going on

    37. One wall was actually lined with wooden shelves full of books, with a comfortable-looking easy chair and a small table supporting a lamp set in one corner near the bookshelves

    38. Holding on to the thousands of questions she had now in her mind, Patricia hurried to her bar corner and poured three glasses of fine Scotch, returning to her guests and giving them their glasses before sitting in an easy chair facing their sofa

    39. He then served himself a scotch on the rocks and sat in his favorite easy chair

    40. That decided Ming, who then got up from his easy chair and smiled to Zang

    41. “Good, good, tell me all about it then, sit over there” said the Admiral pointing to his easy chair by

    42. Vinny leaned back in the easy chair and groped the

    43. As Li took the sofa offered by her, Janet quickly told her secretary to bring a tea service, then sat opposite the astronomer in an easy chair

    44. She showed him an easy chair set to one side in front of her desk, keeping a neutral expression all the while

    45. With John and Marilyn sitting in the lone sofa of her lounge, Ingrid sat in an easy chair facing the sofa

    46. Pierre sat facing him in his favorite easy chair and examined the expression of the graying royal functionary

    47. Pierre stiffened in his easy chair at once, indignant

    48. Pierre frowned before showing her the easy chair placed at an angle with the sofa he and Susan sat in: he, like Susan, had not appreciated the fact that their daughter had to marry a man more than twice her age in order to fill her mission’s goals in the Guadeloupe

    49. As for Sarah, since an angel never needed to sleep, except to keep the appearance of being human, she simply sat in an easy chair in the dark, as vigilant as ever

    50. Richard motioned for them to have a seat on the easy chairs as he moved from behind his desk to sit by them

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