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    Usar "eaves" en una oración

    eaves oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He had found a whole back closet behind some shelves in the eaves closet that she hadn't even known about

    2. eaves dripped rust from the corroded iron guttering that hung to the

    3. A big rain barrel hung right below the eaves of a roof strong enough to hold a week’s snow in a Kugenzglaw winter

    4. The house grew a lush crop of the fruits, mainly along the eaves and on the balcony rails of the upper rooms

    5. The eaves of the old barns are spattered with droplets of mud where the birds are building nests

    6. Unwanted solitude peels from the eaves

    7. the overhanging eaves as they made their way back

    8. on the eaves of the surrounding buildings

    9. under the broad eaves on the shady side of the street,

    10. As he watched the melting ice drip from the eaves

    11. the eaves, then down into the shadows of the ravine

    12. looked around at the eaves surrounding the courtyard,

    13. they can get purchase - usually under the eaves

    14. And the lamplighters and road sweepers marked his return with equal dependability, as the cold vapours began to congregate in dark corners and beneath sagging eaves, at very nearly exactly just before eight each evening

    15. ’ He slipped over to where Rita was, to eaves drop and to see what he could learn

    16. washed over the cabin and fingered the eaves, and brushed furtive hands

    17. His parents had found him much later, curled up in a corner, wedged into the eaves, shaking and sobbing

    18. He counted two stories and a small window in the eaves indicating a third floor attic

    19. Colling tucked the Luger into the back of his belt and found a corner in the eaves in which to conceal the box of cartridges

    20. Beneath the first couple of trees in the forest eaves, she rolled out her blankets on the soft ground and lay down with a sigh

    21. He turned with a jolt, and she saw that they had reached the northern forest eaves

    22. Only the outmost trees in the forest eaves hid him, but it would be enough

    23. They were heading for some scattered tents in the forest eaves

    24. Before she had passed the last couple of trees in the forest eaves, someone loudly called out her name from behind

    25. The scattered tents that had been in the forest eaves yesterday were now in the middle of open land

    26. Misur came to the door, under the eaves, and shouted:

    27. There would be no more leaf storms, no more rain by the Seine, no more dripping eaves

    28. stored under the eaves

    29. opened the others and spread them around under the eaves

    30. He couldn't see a thing on this dark cloudy night, and he couldn't hear anything except rain dripping from the eaves, and the snoring of those enjoying delicious sleep

    31. The eaves had many holes and a colony of bats had taken up residence under the roof

    32. Smoke was finding its way through gaps under the eaves

    33. Then he heard a leathery rustle in the eaves above his head

    34. beneath the thatch eaves, and saw Bob limping down the stairs into the ambient light of

    35. There were external cameras and lights at the corners of the building, at eaves level

    36. Eaves dropping into the conferences,

    37. I see it growing in my garden, tall and strong reaching to the eaves

    38. You will not be able to communicate with her telepathically and I want you to stop eaves dropping through me

    39. For Yin, there must be empty areas, shadowed eaves, set back structures and elevations in the back

    40. cooed in the eaves above the door to the coffee shop

    41. and eaves are dripping with powdery

    42. My mother had always told me that you never hear anything good when you eaves drop, yet I hovered outside, listening through the gap

    43. Inside the church was dimly lit by candles along the aisle and eaves

    44. It stood on its own and I spotted CCTV cameras mounted on the corners under the eaves and a remotely operated machine gun on the roof

    45. She saw herself, at first with an astonished chagrin and afterwards with resignation, swarming up to the eaves of her little home, pauseless, gapless, luxuriantly threatening choke the very chimneys

    46. Silas would have liked the house were it not for the pigeons; a group was always hanging around the eaves

    47. The rest of his gang was finally catching on, taking off from the eaves and coming after Silas

    48. He knows that he really shouldn't eaves drop, and he considers just ignoring it

    49. In the moment that he's hovering between these two options, it's already clear that he's just eaves dropping and he might as well just keep doing it

    50. It was the first fine day of winter, a few days before we were due to ride to Aquae Sulis for Arna and Val’s wedding, and though it was still very cold, the sun was out and we had built some long wooden benches to put outside under the eaves of the hall’s roof

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