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    Usar "endlessly" en una oración

    endlessly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. endlessly and the glories and splendours of your surroundings grew shabby and mean

    2. far flung boundaries of the void Smith finally determined that the endlessly irritating

    3. The pickings became sour and few, you hungered endlessly and the glories and splendours of your surroundings grew shabby and mean

    4. Across the far flung boundaries of the void Smith finally determined that the endlessly irritating sensation that underlay the void was deserving of a name

    5. with their customers and owners endlessly chatting and

    6. Another amazing and interesting quality of happiness lies in the fact that it tends to multiply endlessly

    7. If you let your imagination wander endlessly, you will always want more and more

    8. When Kelia would come home after school, she and Lunarey would talk endlessly, mostly about things from Kelia's life, like her latest crush at school, or what her friend recently gossiped to her about

    9. endlessly grey in every aspect and the cottage garden was only

    10. The stories went on and on endlessly, and they all had plenty to tell

    11. and came into a large open room, totally crammed full of desks, filing cabinets and trash cans which were overflowing with the paperwork that seems to be endlessly generated by

    12. I prayed endlessly that his decision was not to take the offer

    13. I prayed endlessly, prayed for answers to my never-ending questions

    14. Crowley dabbling nearly endlessly, how subtly he could be

    15. Carter‘s endlessly quixotic ―peacekeeping‖ overtures to autocratic regimes throughout the Third World in a transparent attempt at redeeming his failed presidency; this is not to imply, however, that our ex-president does not (otherwise) share a certain sympathy with such leaders as evidenced by his fawning indifference to human and civil rights abuses routinely evident in many of those countries

    16. The hallways just went on and on endlessly

    17. Well, we both heard him rattling on endlessly about how unfairly his brother treats him

    18. With a couple of days in hand before the class returned from Christmas, I put some ideas on little cards, and re-wrote them endlessly

    19. Confederate admirers and apologists will tell you endlessly about the supposed horrors of Sherman’s March Through Georgia

    20. The most obvious example was dilettante Teddy Roosevelt, who bragged endlessly about a few hours on a charge up a lightly defended hill

    21. And of course the winners get to re-write history endlessly until it meets the needs of their mythology

    22. He had seen visions of gruesome death, savagery and bloody toil, endlessly replayed as if it all was a theatrical stage, and he was the sole viewer

    23. He stood on the spot picturing his dad’s good looks, (they used to say he was a dead ringer for Dirk Bogarde), and Stan’s endlessly fuming pipe

    24. Clive had studied it endlessly in the early days, trying to trying to figure out what made men tick

    25. with one's ideals is endlessly to struggle to realize them

    26. These days, his mother was simply too fragile to do her accustomed daily chores, although she grumbled endlessly when someone offered to do anything for her

    27. He and Melanie had been through it all endlessly

    28. The grey blanket that covered everything and the endlessly streaming rain did not improve the mood at all

    29. For a very long time after that, Europe seemed intent on crippling itself endlessly, even up till the two great wars

    30. The smallest of snippets of all these “sounds?” seemed to be endlessly descending upon my inner mind, as snowflakes on a windless winter, seeming to tell me of things beyond that of even the most vivid of any imaginary guesses

    31. In short, they had to fight endlessly for their survival

    32. Time now passed endlessly slow

    33. The path has been endlessly repetitive as both the Old and New Testament and their probable predecessors seem to bear witness to

    34. His fingers caressed her cheek so endlessly gentle almost without touching the skin, and she smiled at him

    35. Theology has endlessly searched to identify that which seems to be at the center of all that Man does in his physical existence

    36. Elior’s voice was calm again, but endlessly wrong

    37. The selfish, the bad, the evil has always been seen as the insistence on individual advantage at whatever cost, with all the endlessly argued variations in between

    38. - And therefore endlessly indifferent, she added still tonelessly

    39. She loved him endlessly much, but he did not want her

    40. Piercing, sharp and endlessly strong

    41. She was so tired, so endlessly tired and still, there was so far to go

    42. Around our little house, the only one in sight, empty fields stretched endlessly

    43. Still it would be better to know and confront the situation as it was than speculate endlessly about what it might be

    44. The merchant then blathered endlessly about his travels

    45. Through the mist she could see the forest rising all around, choking out the track that wound endlessly back the way they had come

    46. On the way, I asked Giovanni why no one in Venetia even mentioned the Marco Polo about whom Colon went on endlessly

    47. The publication Nursing Science is quoted as advocating a new feminist approach that is “open-ended, ambiguous, dynamically constructed, incessantly questioned, endlessly self-revising, never set, but floating and moving with the river of life

    48. endlessly without any result whatsoever

    49. The false grievance of a stolen election, pounded endlessly in print and over the airwaves soon became endemic to the whole Democratic Party

    50. am-the-body’ idea spins out endlessly its thread of illusion

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    Sinónimos para "endlessly"

    endlessly infinitely ceaselessly continuously incessantly unceasingly unendingly interminably away forever