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    Usar "enlightened" en una oración

    enlightened oraciones de ejemplo


    1. enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his

    2. The youngsters in particular, who are more enlightened these days and have not been subject to foreign rule like many of us, there is a lot of resentment to rules and regulations that are practiced simply to put spokes in the development initiatives

    3. For the enlightened on the harmful

    4. Even in more enlightened times, it was a foul job

    5. There are still, even in these most enlightened of times, some

    6. It is a sad fact of life, that even in our enlightened society, women still shoulder the responsibility to a large extent when it comes to being left literally holding the baby

    7. enlightened souls, and all the many others that have come before you, by

    8. She had a point … but, all the same, I’m under no illusions, I know what the general opinion is of adulterers, even in this enlightened age

    9. the enlightened player has a mathematical edge over the house in

    10. The enlightened art of seduction:

    11. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual

    12. An enlightened soul is therefore one who embraces all of life, the “now” and the “hereafter”, for the separation that appears to most of us, does not really exist

    13. In other words, just because we have crossed over to the other realm, our character does not automatically change to that of an enlightened soul

    14. enlightened actions produce

    15. on, emotionally enlightened by everything he sensed in the

    16. Along with asphalt, thought by some of the less enlightened to be manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases

    17. ‘How enlightened of him

    18. These were blips in the history of a planet which would ultimately, the Council believed, lead to an improved, more enlightened civilisation

    19. Its elasticity is grounded on the assumption that our society is a living organism subject to the vicissitudes of enlightened opinions, changing social and moral values and evolving standards of decency

    20. The Soviet Empire‘s pre-meditated attempt (and subsequent failure) at eliminating all vestiges of God from the hearts and minds of its oppressed subjects offers some glimmer of hope in America‘s own internal struggles with anti-religious forces who, in a similar manner, are avidly seeking to promote a Secularist Agenda by advancing legislation aimed at removing religious symbols and displays from public forums and driving them underground where it is hoped such forms will one day be lost on future generations otherwise lacking the necessary (spiritual) predicates and values formerly derived by enlightened examples that, for centuries, provided structure and moral sustenance and meaning to religious thought

    21. I enlightened to an English colleague that in my time, the so-called "soccer hooligans" would have been so fatherly sorted that they would swim back to England whilst begging for mercy

    22. Egan’s face went from looking stressed and disappointed to enlightened and excited

    23. while The Written Law of God is cast off! It is regarded as foreign, antiquated and obsolete, in the eyes of this so-For every man is led by the deceits of his flesh, lo he is married to the selfish desires of his own heart, and all the called modern generation of enlightened peoples

    24. It is rather ironic that the terrorists are much more enlightened on this subject and female terrorists are common enough

    25. A number of (politically) prominent individuals have achieved historical repute for their providential and skillful management of exceptional events that defined their tenure in (public) office notwithstanding the reluctance of some who were neither willing or able to meet the extraordinary challenges that confronted them; provoked to action, however, by the enlightened examples of others before taking formal or appropriate action in response to such events

    26. Where has it been written that a Great Nation must commend itself to the parochial interests or jealousies of ancient traditions that have lost their comparable standing or concede its leadership position among the Community of Nations, rather than conforming to its (own) enlightened self-interests? Such designs must inevitably tarnish that nation‘s highest historical achievements that it should (otherwise) enjoy and (rightly) pass along to posterity

    27. Hence the enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution

    28. Hence it is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby they achieve great results

    29. According to Sun Tzu, an ideal general was an enlightened Taoist master which led to �The Art of War� to become a prime example of Taoist strategy

    30. • You are enlightened and willing to consider that animals truly do have wisdom

    31. And humans will move into an enlightened state of being such as they have never imagined possible

    32. Kept hidden from prying eyes, this was the place where the enemies of the state, the sinners and the ones who were considered dangerous, unruly, and frivolous with the La were brought to be chastised and enlightened

    33. Faith, as he now saw in his enlightened mind, did not exclude logic or slave men to a body of lies, a life of unhappiness and endless toil

    34. She had broken all protocol that might have enlightened her about proper behavior, in the sheer ecstasy of reunion

    35. as he enlightened me on the details of Lawson

    36. ” Newer enlightened interpretations tended to be resisted as apostate corruptions of original belief, and additional “visions” tended to be treated in a “capital” way

    37. that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened, that we

    38. and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened

    39. We are now enlightened and ready

    40. Part of a girl’s education was to learn the social skills appropriate for a young woman and to this end an enlightened freedom was needed

    41. This lucid presentation of the possibilities both frightened and enlightened Vera

    42. With the Indians in flight westward, might the settlers of the expanding new country have pursued the most enlightened policies ever conceived by a “conquering culture”? As

    43. 30 To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living

    44. It expires as soon as God enlightened us with the truth, but we still choose to follow the broad path and follow the majority in wrong doing, then only a fiery indignation waits, because by doing this we are crucifying the Son of God all over again and putting Him to shame!

    45. Heb 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

    46. By which it is the consciousness enlightened,

    47. And after that we would return Enlightened,

    48. Obviously, this city was born the wise and enlightened, and knows it from birth

    49. As the enlightened warriors keep incarnating into physicality, they bring with them new abilities for the human forms they inhabit

    50. Once you reach the seventh sub-zone of the seventh major zone you are spiritually enlightened and have mastered all that is contained therein

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    Sinónimos para "enlightened"

    enlightened initiate educated discriminating discreet prudent collected circumspect perspicacious rational