Usar "everywhere" en una oración
everywhere oraciones de ejemplo
1. I see them everywhere
2. He is an inspiration to soap-crafters everywhere
3. dig the holes everywhere
4. He is everywhere
5. Everywhere, sprouting out of the walls and hanging
6. This orange shit was going everywhere
7. A shattered airplane wheel lies nearby, aircraft parts are everywhere, as are broken bottles of moonshine and flaming boxes
8. ‘She looked so terribly vulnerable, Mum, lying there with bandages everywhere
9. The bodies of the beach everywhere, the scene of horror and
10. Talstan, and all Angels everywhere, could not allow that virus to go into production
11. In verse eight, Paul, by inspiration, commands that prayers are to be made: "I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing
12. On the contrary, it is crystal clear to me that Evil prevails everywhere
13. The walls of the interstellar transit tore away everywhere, seemingly rushing at the still open terminus of the transit in a fiery wave
14. Without unfolding the message, I stuffed it into my trouser pocket, and then, frantically, I rubbed the mirror down with my towel, smearing a thin layer of wax everywhere
15. There are people everywhere and the atmosphere suggests a festive mood
16. The sky here, everywhere he had been, looked like New Earth while the skies in deep regions looked more like the sky of another planet than the sky of Mars
17. Green Monster is everywhere in Lastriss, even in kegs, and that's what she filled them with
18. Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world
19. There were eggs everywhere, in all sizes and shapes
20. She carried them with her everywhere
21. It was thonga country, they were everywhere and they were obviously herded
22. Everywhere was closed except for the occasional all-night bar full of market traders
23. The hall would be used as their refuge, cots were placed everywhere
24. Outside a stiff wind blew the spume about the waves where windsurfers danced and bobbed on the water while grit and dust blew everywhere on the land
25. I turn it in my hands, trying to work out how it would fit together with the others … again, I wonder whether it has made a difference to the degeneration I have seen everywhere on Errd
26. People and children everywhere; some laughing, some arguing, some chastising children - some chastising parents
27. While it is small take it with you everywhere
28. We still make beautiful decorations on the outside of the houses and flowers grow everywhere like in days long ago
29. I’ve been looking for you everywhere – father wants you …’ she gasped, ‘Berndt, you could have warned me that your mother was coming with you!’
30. ‘Bloody things get in everywhere
31. Then he was away again, unveiling his possessions and finding little faded photographs everywhere
32. I should have known it by the flowers; they were everywhere, welcoming and dazzling outside a house the colour of summer sky
33. Nevertheless, centuries of fine and proper blood were coursing through her adrenalin swollen arteries, and with her unwavering sense of indignation on behalf of underdogs everywhere, she steeled herself for the physical punishment that was about to pour forth upon her head
34. Everywhere - stars
35. You and I have not seen a soul since we left Ritterston this morning … if this were Earth, we would have gone through a dozen or so villages, and probably got stuck in a couple of traffic jams – everywhere on Earth you find signs of man and his works – and generally speaking not good signs
36. I felt at home there in spite of the brick-heads, but then there were brick-heads everywhere now
37. Anxiety, avarice and violence are evident everywhere in our so-called technologically sophisticated cultures, but no one seems to think of the children
38. He caressed her and she made the rest of her clothing disappear and replaced it with a short dress made of as open a mesh as the hammock so his fingers went thru to her skin everywhere
39. They're everywhere over there
40. With great care, Manolis placed a sprig of marjoram behind his left ear, 'You know, my friends, when I was touring with Pantelis I took my cat with us everywhere, but when he ran away to settle down, more than anything, I missed his teachings
41. The bastards had grown bold, and smart; they had another camp we knew nothing about and they attacked without warning, Valotin and I fought thru 20 of the beasts, but they were everywhere
42. The great politician was drowned out in a storm of derision, with shouts and cat-calls ringing out everywhere
43. Women can be seen everywhere
44. Terry and Bling became what the world's press called an 'Item', appearing everywhere together
45. He was the fiercest of all the pirates of the Aegean, of the African coast, of everywhere
46. Rather than picking her petals off one by one in the time honoured fashion of lovers everywhere, Tom elected, being in a romantic mood and disinclined to do harm to such a simple little bloom, to kiss each petal in turn
47. Here were antiquities to order - and not just a warehouse, a factory - and everywhere the Kaliantikos logo, a diamond 'K', Daphne's little company
48. 'CCTV cameras everywhere so let's hope they're not watching by satellite
49. It was something about the Caribbean breeze that seemed to follow her everywhere and press her robes against glimpses of her body
50. “Love is everywhere, Love is in