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    Usar "exclamation" en una oración

    exclamation oraciones de ejemplo


    1. ‘What is it?’ I asked, sensing something behind that last exclamation

    2. ‘Yes, I love the bit where he says they debated who would do the research … there’s actually an exclamation mark there

    3. ‘It was an exclamation of scorn…monsieur,’ he said

    4. there was a sharp exclamation and he knew that the

    5. With a lightning bolt exclamation point!—

    6. But before he could, Mr Pinscher startled him with a sudden exclamation

    7. These words were followed by a very long silence, broken only by an occasional exclamation of ‘Hjckrrh!’ from the Gryphon, and the constant heavy sobbing of the Mock Turtle

    8. These words were followed by a very long silence, broken only by an occasional exclamation of 'Hjckrrh!' from the Gryphon, and the constant heavy sobbing of the Mock Turtle

    9. “Cora!” Lisette’s exclamation stopped me in the doorway

    10. She looked downcast, glancing at Ethan, waiting for some kind of explosive reaction, some kind of reproach or exclamation that never came

    11. (exclamation) ahí; 5

    12. It put an exclamation on Juliet’s

    13. The exclamation is the result of her first sighting of the wolf as the animal lopes into her vision

    14. Their appearance was greeted by a huge roar of cheering and exclamation from the audience

    15. “No!” Sari surprised herself at the certainty of the exclamation

    16. “What?” The exclamation tumbled from Simon’s lips before he could realise the foolishness of it

    17. Justin looked at his watch and gave a loud exclamation

    18. The first man swung his torch round and gave a loud exclamation

    19. The doctor replied with a wordless exclamation of disgust

    20. Is there any room in this scale of values for the exclamation: how good he

    21. I jumped in sight unseen, and as one of my early reviewers of Killing the Giants so boldly said, "POOR WRITING SKILLS!" The reviewer didn't exactly say it with caps and an exclamation point, but that's how it feels when the stark reality of where you are as an author smacks you in the face

    22. As the tape drawer opened, he heard an exclamation from her

    23. interrupted? Is it now that we have “the inexpressible sighs,” the exclamation of “Abba, Father!” the vision, the divine visitation, the cessation of work on the seventh day, the foretaste of the graces of the future age? It is here indeed that human flesh ceases to speak; it is here that we have absolutely calm weather; it is here that

    24. A motion from Yasmela checked his exclamation and, saluting, he took his stand again beside the doorway, motionless as a brazen image

    25. The woman beside him sprang to her feet with a startled exclamation as the strangers entered, and her eyes, passing over Conan, fixed themselves with burning intensity on Valeria

    26. She spoke no word after her first exclamation; she stood tensely, her hands clenched, staring at Valeria

    27. At the low call the master of the plantation wheeled with a startled exclamation

    28. It said, "You're going to pay for Thompson!" and underneath in much bigger letters was scribbled, "Tonight!" Both exclamation points were almost ripped into the paper by its author

    29. “word” consists of letters and numbers and is used by gamers, meaning an exclamation of happiness or triumph

    30. Nancy withdrew quickly from the parapet, swearing at her bad luck, but she was too late: the two guards watching the family had looked up at the boy’s exclamation and had seen her, as they next shouted alarm cries to their comrades

    31. Nancy appeared back into the command post nine minutes later, wearing a massive, mean-looking type of spacesuit and prompting an exclamation from Skorvalsen

    32. Tatiana, now feeling none of the constant pain that had dodged her for weeks, was about to warmly thank her when she heard a strangled exclamation in French coming from the main entrance

    33. ” came the soft exclamation, before Reno threw his arms around his partner and let out a hoot

    34. A surprised exclamation from Miri Goshenk about ten minutes later attracted Sylvie to the control station of the lab

    35. Nancy’s answer to that was to float up and glide silently towards Flavius, attracting a strangled exclamation from Milvia

    36. The beefy man’s face stayed impassive as he replied to Eli’s exclamation

    37. Doctor Reginald Victor Jones� head snapped up when he heard the horrified exclamation of his superior: ULTRA was the codename for the code-breaking operation in charge of intercepting and decyphering the German high command radio traffic, encoded via Enigma machines

    38. � She however withdrew her hand quickly when she heard the respectful exclamation of one of the patients

    39.  Use caution if the site uses a sensational writing style (lots of exclamation points, for example

    40. Erik looked sharply at her then: her involuntary exclamation had just confirmed his theory about who had been chasing the cargo ship with armed boats

    41. As they were passing by a parked van, the driver let out a short, surprised exclamation just before Farah heard a series of weak detonations

    42. That announcement was immediately followed by a horrified exclamation from their rear observer

    43. “Shantanu got two letter marks in Social Science and Hindi,” she answered with boastful exclamation

    44. Only his long experience of reporting from war zones stopped Anderson from letting out an exclamation

    45. That brought a puzzled exclamation from Anwar Duharto

    46. uncovered since so hastily disguised in exclamation or retreat – driven to distraction,

    47. up and electric charge triangulation - grained with the flight of angelic exclamation

    48. And last, but not least, no other view appears to me to harmonize with the exclamation of the Apostle St

    49. The amazed exclamation of Eugene made others look around

    50. And, once again, the exclamation followed: Uh-oh

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