‘Such an existential question will have no meaning when you are only of the spirit
I am aware of the existence of other people who have a similar likeness to me that confirms my own existence‖ (Freely adapted from Rene Descartes) The troubling assumption with most (nihilistic) existential thinkers is the idea that the universe is fundamentally evil; without purpose or meaning and that alienated Man must overcome the evil dynamics of Nature through his or her own (determined) efforts or by exercising Free Will that ironically lends force to conscious expression
c) Usuarist Projects act through 3 characteristics: Constitutional, Institutional and Existential
The Usuarist Project acts through three types: Constitutional, Institutional and Existential
For few people can grasp or accept the concept of existential nihilism
This is all so existential
who was having an existential break down caused by the loss of
In a broad sense, the specific object of this existential research is humanity, within
What counts is an analysis of one’s existential lies, which we are all immersed in like
own existential experience, which has been accumulated over years of work on themselves
group that has given of itself, by exposing their own conflicts, problems and existential
massive power that psycho-affective and existential conditioning has over
This freedom is connected with the notion of the existential unconscious,
existential lie it is also necessary to have a goal and a purpose that is not
This is where the first existential void begins
state of grace, and how today it is characterized by existential emptiness
existential problems that human beings face
But our existential reality showed us that we were not living
forms of conditioning, of existential and psychological conflicts, and that only
This type of therapy is centered on the experience of existential
existential level, and we can already offer what we have discovered so far
In this space, every person has the possibility to have an existential
Existential Anthropology, which I have formulated to offer a new vision of life,
The Sophia University of Rome, with its Institutes of Existential
The beauty of life, of a serene life lived on a biological and existential level
I say this categorically, because not one of their models of the world or systems of thought addresses an essential couple of existential features
Existential aspects of change are indeterminate in their outcomes - things could go a number of
systems are mythological rather than existential, and that those who have promoted such postulates
It requires personal struggle, an inner ordering of the self, a face-to-face confrontation with our existential y unknown identity
“Ironically, man’s existential confusion is caused by the two life-supporting elements—kama, the biological need, and artha, the mundane means
It was as though the consequential loss of freedom was indeed a temporary relief from their existential anxiety
that occur to me at this time--affect a female listener? This one simple sentence brings up points concerning the physical, the intrapsychic, the interpersonal, the existential, and the cultural, all imbued with the evaluative
existential separation and aloneness
Needless to say, this is an existential and psychological encounter with oneself from
They would stand alone, facing a basic existential issue
“I’m starting to really hate this existential, mystical talk of yours, Laura
ing back, this was much more of an existential domino than a simple
“I love the smell of an existential crisis in the morning
existential needs of the patient
greed, with the distractions of consumerism, with the pain of existential
existential angst: not just the consciousness that Sartre wrote about,
other religion down to the level of Islam, merely to avoid the existential
“This creates the existential quandary of means without meaning
As with any organism, its primal existential ethic is survival at all costs
The 'game together' hedonistic naturalism of GameWorld replaces the existential need for physical connnectedness by replacing it with digital kinnectedness, e
Is this the best we can do: be Sisyphuses of recycling, reproducing meaning from being green, resourcing existential purpose from personal self-sustainability, while still misidentifying the principle terrorist to a people's democracy, to a caring humanity, to life in general and consciousness in particular – money, just simple fucking money?
” Everyone on every corner zombe grinned their existential preference
Our existential angst about a future scarcity of the Happiness Commodity is a result of our ownership society
“This existential dementia of |Now| and ~Now is the isolated island of egolessness: a task without sense of who I was, what this means as purpose, and what it will mean to have done it tomorrow
we can engage in the habits of driving, texting and eating and yet only be remotely aware and invested in these multiple fusions of existential habitudes, i
Ethic is a choice to pursue the recreation of an existential immanence of a particular emotion or the feeling of 'It is good to be alive' through proscribed acts, or, visa versa, the attempt to cultivate a desired, but not yet experienced, feeling through the repetition of acts that are purported to produce those emotions
A raw emotion is the existential awareness that there is no reasonable cause for the raw state to be present, yet the reflective state on the raw state is the phenomenological experience of the ungrounded raw state raised to the power of itself, e
Thus, a traditional existential angst about the absurdity of being is revived as the meaningless meaning of the week
“In the end, we are existential creatures, existence before essence, and the essence of spirituality is the choosing of how one inhabits the birth of their soul
From the existential conflict of naively wanting to will an ideal is culled a capitulating cynicism that abdicates reality for virtuality, where the dream of the ideal has been recreated in the GameWorld of Anime-me-heroes
Whereas Global Wars are eternal wars waged by nation states, the Immortal War is the existential conditions of inequality which persist throughout human civilization, i
Just like the poor, out of existential necessity, were the first to master the practice of recycling, chines will be the first to master sustainable consumption and the elimination of nuclear energy's radioactive hazards which fry chines' minds
For us the reality of being zombied is the existential psychological experience that persons are devolving into personisms and then reverse engineering back into mere unformed nisms, whose purpose is to consume a meaning and then become an unreflective carrier-agent for it
My discourse on secondary beauty and on immortality is one that in substance is very similar to alchemy, even though it offers an alternative path that is comparable to an existential artistic one
Existential Personalistic Anthropology and Cosmo-Art offer an affirmative answer to these questions
The existential lie becomes a part of the I that lies to itself without knowing it is lying
A person can spend their whole life immersed in the existential lie and not know it
Homer gives us a clear example of one of Ulysses’ existential lies when he recounts how Ulysses, after returning to Aeolus after his companions open the bag of winds, blames first a sleepiness that came suddenly over him, then blames his mad companions and finally bad luck, but he never blames himself (v
The narcissistic wound is not only the result of a deprivation; it is also the result of the fact that the I believes it has been done a grave injustice that has damaged its biological, psychological and existential needs
What can change history is the decision to step out of the existential lie and the choice to conform one’s actions to the laws of life, at any cost
But when the child becomes an adolescent or an adult all these types of violence will rear up again in the form of existential trauma
I already spoke of the existential lie in previous pages, but here I would like to add some further reflections
“The existential lie is a lie that people tell themselves without knowing that they are lying
“If we define the existential lie as a partial truth that is rendered absolute by the megalomanic I , it is the job of the I Person to ask itself what exactly its absolute truths are, and how a truth can become a lie as soon as it is isolated from the principle of reality or it is thought of and affirmed in contraposition to the principle of reality
The first existential lie is established here, and from this point on it expands and pollutes every relationship between individuals and entire populaces
Popper is also important because he introduces the concept of existential life history and he asks: should we be pessimists or optimists? Clearly if there is an annihilistic approach at the basis of our thinking, where no objective truth exists, then we have to be pessimists; if, instead, we can reach some sort of truth, then we can be optimistic
The existential lie, which is what we are focusing on in this laboratory, is different from falsity, because it is a description of a partial reality with an attempt to make it an absolute, while falsity is an affirmation that concerns a reality considered in its totality
The fetal I has always invaded men and women’s existential space
In the end, the mother must face her own existential lies and she must recognize that the father’s power exists just as much as hers does
This is easier said than done, but again requires adopting a Sartrean existential world view that
In their existential
The threat they posed now seemed greater than any existential question I could ask myself
The formlessness anyway was his favorite existential positioning
The existential fears were replaced by fears that society
It causes angst of living and existential nausea or in the end it may induce a state of emotional blindness and intellectually a state of God-less-ness
The entire existential angst and anxiety of the expanding awareness of Europeanized humans during the 40’s and 50’d was quickly covered up, buried and ignored
marketplace is really nothing more than an existential quick-lube shop, and while there
� We base this search for the self, the existential search for the self on the following working definition:
� Mindfully habitual acceptance allows us to naturally realize the gentle power of unconditional positive regard, compassion, and forgiveness in the problem solving process of becoming the self and in the existential search for that becoming self
� Our ego denies us our existential search because it closes us off to the openness of the existential search as it makes endless judgments about the world
� Frankl writes about this existential choice in Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning:� "It is equally conceivable that everything is absolutely meaningful or absolutely meaningless
� I have also realized that the title of the book, The Existential Search for Self limited the purpose of the book and the purpose of the processes of our existence and our being
� That's why making sense out of competition, among other ideas and manifestations of the dominator model forms part of the existential search for the becoming self for ourselves and the human community of selves
� Interestingly, it stands at the center of our being along with the very idea that we can make choices, essential and existential choices about what we believe, what we perceive, how we act, and how we learn from those actions
� The existential paradox that arises from this rather neat arrangement comes when we discover that such a defensive mechanism leaves us wide open for acting in destructive ways to others and to ourselves
� In that section, we discussed how we come to create the internal "I am" statements, but these statements, these existential statements about the nature of our being, come from others as well
We will want to make choices based on that attitude, that principle, so that it takes on meaning and becomes part of our quest of aspiration, the existential search for our becoming self
To resolve this informational drought and spiritual vacuum I perceived myself to have I deemed it necessary to become a student of Theology and Psychology as the basis for the first step in the search for the answers to these enduring existential questions
After acquiring personal knowledge – not being presumptuous as this may already have been personally achieved - from new information about these existential issues, Self may digest and process this information, personally cross-referencing it with the conscience and private language of Self’s Self
It is important that we explore and discuss the potential abuse to people by practitioners of these popular cults, because as spiritual beings we seek answers to existential questions and thus remain potentially vulnerable to those who claim to possess the supernatural abilities to see and read into the future
To the worship, belief and adherence of ‘man made gods’ and ‘systems’ that purport to quench human thirst for answers to existential questions the human spirit possess to desire
A belief in parapsychology has the propensity to encourage the instigation and misdirection of intellect and cognitions, and attitudes and behaviours of Self, instead of searching for the answers to these existential questions through the journey of personal discovery, and the process of the investigation of knowledge underpinned by consciousness, intellect and rational logic and reason
It could be said that this proposed evidence from logic and reasoning processes, which always needs to be considered and contemplated through and within a reflective introspective intuitive spirit, is an alternative path underpinning the justification for the beliefs, faiths and values humans may have about the answers they come to possess for those personal existential questions