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    Usar "exorcise" en una oración

    exorcise oraciones de ejemplo


    1. can exorcise the devil and the diseases he brings, is a prayer in tongues

    2. and commanded to exorcise demons and heal the sick

    3. The men you see on the left are some of the first exorcists attempting to exorcise them with the use of primitive anti-Obake weapons

    4. Unfortunately for me what Akito actually meant was that we were going to an exorcism, also known as the type where we dress up as priests and attempt to exorcise nonexistent ghosts

    5. I found a picture of Akito attempting to exorcise the cat, and I drew a turd on his head

    6. embedded itself in his mind and he was unable to exorcise it

    7. Conceivably, he was using these camps as an excuse to exorcise his own demons

    8. “Anyway,” asked the Minister of the Sheriff, “what is there to exorcise?”

    9. “Here’s a question: how are you going to exorcise whatever nasty he’s got crawling in his soul when you can’t even stand up on your own?”

    10. I even tried painting to exorcise my pain

    11. ” She put one of the couch pillows under her head, stretched her arms above her head for a moment to exorcise her weariness and sighed

    12. and analyst, he was able to confront his own hidden guilt and slowly exorcise the haunting

    13. ” He once opened himself up to thirteen ancient, dark druids and has never been able to exorcise them

    14. together there had grown up between them some evil spirit of strife, which she could not exorcise from his, and still less from her own heart

    15. No more heartburns or backaches, because I've brought the good word and we're going to exorcise this witch we've got here!"

    16. No more heartburns or backaches, because I’ve brought the good word and we’re going to exorcise this witch we’ve got here!’

    17. ” She had made this sudden discovery with the clarity of a revelation when, trailing her endless bridal train behind her, she had entered the vast salon of the Social Club, where the air was thin with the mingled scent of so many flowers, the brilliance of the waltzes, the tumult of perspiring men and tremulous women who looked at her not knowing how they were going to exorcise the dazzling menace that had come to them from the outside world

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