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    Usar "expediency" en una oración

    expediency oraciones de ejemplo


    1. In the carrying out our obligations there is an area of expediency

    2. which God ever gave involved expediency

    3. S o far as co n cern s church obligations, elders of the congregation are authority in the realm of expediency

    4. Expediency is that which expedites

    5. There is no expediency where there is no

    6. We should keep in mind also that there is no expediency where there is no obligation

    7. The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

    8. This is oftentimes the case whenever social and political expediency advances behavioral assumptions that experience and common sense otherwise refute

    9. History will not look favorably upon certain members of this shameless Congress who have (deliberately) placed (political) expediency ahead of National Security!

    10. …portends a Crisis of Conscience for the obvious reason that were an individual evil, in which case Conscience would no longer factor into that individual‘s evil intentions or designs, or complicit in some activity considered evil (in the conventional sense) or (otherwise) cognizant of loftier moral arguments that should properly inform his or her actions, who has chosen, however, to promote expediency and self-interest over principle and the (rightful) concerns of others, that individual has willfully and knowingly sidestepped the boundaries that separate Good and Evil or, at the very least, its milder derivative, Right from Wrong, (thereby) waiving all rights for (personal) redemption whereas Amorality, on the other hand, suggests a gross indifference to moral clarity; an ―intellectual‖

    11. Any number of examples may be cited such as a public servant who compromises core principle values (or motivating factors), that would normally prompt that individual to act or behave differently, for (political) expediency or an individual, feeble in mind or body, who involuntarily acts contrary to how that individual might otherwise behave if he or she were not under emotional or physical duress or a

    12. In many ways Pilate was not unlike many contemporary politicians conditioned by the fine art of political expediency rather than motivated by the callings of Truth and Justice

    13. He trusts that, if he immerses himself in the currents of the ethics of expediency that swirl around him, he is not opening an unwanted door to meddling in the freedoms of others

    14. Seldom in history has a man shown more courage in acting on principle in contempt of passing expediency and popularity

    15. For my part, I was not going to tolerate that the old woman stood in the way of Beatrice’s destiny as if a chess piece would be with Gertrude in charge of the moves, accommodating her farmhands on the board of life, to her best expediency

    16. “Other applications followed with the same request for expediency and secrecy

    17. We didn’t need the expediency since we had more than enough with the indictment to obtain our warrants through the normal process

    18. That night when Sneha wanted to know the cause of his disarray, he took her into confidence about the expediency of dismissing Naina to extricate himself from a tight corner

    19. Convenience and expediency guided her

    20. or not by the practical expediency of Patrick borrowing a

    21. Such expediency will derive an interest expense that equates a firm’s

    22. Bradley, who was not known to sacrifice or neglect units for political expediency, nodded in approval at her last words

    23. Republicans cheered the Majority Leader‘s non-partisan vote, but other critics complained that it was a vote cast for expediency, as the Majority Leader is in a state which is almost evenly split between conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats

    24. Political expediency was guiding Mayawati as well

    25. Expediency is the fermenter in these cases

    26. such human giants is never celebrated in this modern world of expediency

    27. As history bears witness, the policy of restraint, more so the expediency, of the Sultans, ensured tranquility in India that enabled the Sufis to continually spread the faith of Islam on the peripheries of Hinduism

    28. However, the Musalman rulers’ inability to attract the elite of the land into the Islamic fold could have been two fold; for one, the Brahmans didn’t condescend to descend to suffer their Musalmanic society though some of the Rajputs, as a political expediency, kept them in good humor

    29. It has more to do with expediency and performing this

    30. Expediency is the by-word of the times

    31. from the Web because of the expediency it offers, an offer that provides a no

    32. It was decided that, for the sake of expediency, they would take

    33. had told them, practically in one breath for the sake of expediency

    34. Then you get each person drawing their own personal moral-ethical lines out of pure expediency and convenience

    35. Greed in itself has no human value except that of convenience, expediency and self-gratification

    36. Why are people doing this? Fear of Nature? Fear of the Universe? Spiritual emptiness, boredom, normality, expediency, convenience, the need for distraction? Paranoia, cowardice, ease, self-gratification? How does his affect human happiness or health? How does it affect our Sense of Wonder, or Love, or Courage, or Honesty?

    37. Because that kind of change is difficult and painful: while all tool-change is based upon expediency and convenience

    38. Why? Because business has no ethics, only expediency and legality…, which is a fudge of both legal and illegal practices, but mostly never investigated

    39. The question of human creativity is: how creatively do you want to live? If you just want to use tools and allow expediency to rule your life: then you become lazy, dull, boring and non-creative

    40. Multiply that consumer and those products trillions of times, and you have the exact state of the modern world as we see it today: a global consumer economy based upon the shallowest, most superficial, media-advertised motives of temporary fads, gizmos, expediency, technology, and instant gratification

    41. The idea of replacing comfort addiction, convenience, expediency, mindless self-gratification and mindless tool-use with something more demanding, with hardship that is truly rewarding, is not a regression into the past

    42. In the corrupt papal system we have the very cruelty, the craft, and the ambition of the Republic; its cruelty in its unsparing sacrifice of the happiness and virtue of individuals to a phantom of public expediency, in its forced celibacy within, and its persecutions without; its craft in its falsehoods, its deceitful deeds, and lying words; and its grasping ambition in the very structure of its policy, in its assumption of universal dominion; old Rome is still alive; nowhere have its eagles lighted, but it still claims the sovereignty under another pretence

    43. It's merely a matter of expediency, you see, my girls will naturally take the lead, and this table is considered their proper place

    44. But instead of admitting the expediency of the suggestion, this witness at once raised an objection as to the possibility of closing tightly the door of a bunker on account of the slope of coal

    45. After that, I suppose, I was wrong in remaining so much in Sussex, and the arguments with which I reconciled myself to the expediency of it, were no better than these:-

    46. Even modern writers would acknowledge that the right of private property is based on expediency, and may be interfered with in a variety of ways for the public good

    47. Expediency always seemed to be acceptable when it affected one’s own child

    48. Why? Because our present statesmen deal only with sordid and petty issues - questions of dollars and cents, of expediency and party success, of material prosperity without regard to ethical right

    49. So far, the terrible scene that had just occurred proved favorable to his views, and he required no other prompter than his own feelings to convince him of the expediency of profiting by so unexpected an advantage

    50. engaged, and intimated, though with sufficient delicacy and circumlocution, the expediency of bestowing on their relative a portion of that wisdom for which they were so renowned

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    expedience expediency usefulness convenience efficiency fitness suitability propriety desirability