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    explosives oraciones de ejemplo


    1. She had various types of explosives strapped to her, and while Big Petey wasn’t watching, she came up behind him and slapped some ball-shaped goo onto his back

    2. It was what had led her to study the field of explosives with such passion and tireless commitment

    3. We just know that with chemical explosives and sun sails the centuries involved are not practical

    4. The crystal and the explosives are not a great challenge

    5. Steve had suggested a ring of explosives be placed around the camp in case the Insane Ones tried to use the mutant bears against the camp

    6. The silence below was suddenly broken as several rounds of explosives went off and six of the ugly monsters burst into the camp snarling and growling

    7. “They have explosives!” the Guardian shouted as he picked

    8. “I see you have noticed my exotic colour it comes from the Liddite in the explosives it has sulphur in it that turns your skin yellow so they call us canaries

    9. Each one said he was an ex-conscript and knows the sound of mortars and explosives from his time in the Army

    10. those dogs could smell explosives and run faster than any terrorist yet born

    11. As said usually the route into the Dog Unit was to become a patrol dog handler first and then only an explosives (detection) dog but the need for explosives dogs was so great that a separate Unit came into being with explosives dogs working at the airports

    12. There was a practical problem to re-train a patrol dog to be an explosives dog, and that was called “aport” or something

    13. Point being your dog needed to comprehend that picking up explosives is not recommended in any way

    14. Thus it happened that the dog would pick up explosives, and bring it to his handler expecting a pat on the head like always

    15. The handler, not being stupid, and acknowledging the danger of explosives, would start running! At that point the dog, thinking this is a great game, chases after him still holding the explosives but now biting it firmly to ensure it does not fall out of his mouth during the chase

    16. It is a sight to see the handler running flat out and yelling over his shoulder “foei los” which is decent Afrikaans for “please desist and please leave the explosives alone and please stop chasing me right now

    17. When the Army explosives dogs lay down next to it, they called us who duly arrived at our usual speed

    18. This caused a problem for our dogs did not find any explosives and a short squabble broke out between the parties

    19. 4 Baby Food – This has happened a bunch of times – once after a jar of food tested positive for explosives! (The officers explained they get lots of false positives, but dumped it just the same

    20. Along the way he became an explosives expert (only Special Forces and the Security Branch had these skills) and took command of a unit known as "Vlakplaas" in folklore

    21. The planting of bombs were not the IED type aimed at military convoys but simply high explosives inside a restaurant or other civilian targets of opportunity

    22. Thus he knew about weapons and explosives but in no way could he be seen as an engineer able to create sophisticated dirty weapons or other weapons of mass destruction

    23. "Have you seen the amount of explosives hanging from that guy's belt?"

    24. "Learnt all about explosives in the war, didn't I? In the demolition squad, weren't I? Best there were

    25. Finally, Kerry sealed his fate before those doubts and many others, when one week before the elections, without proof and in complicity with the UN, the New York Times and CBS, he accused the troops that were heroically fighting in Iraq of not protecting 380 pounds of explosives, overlooking the more than 480,000 pounds of those explosives that they had already destroyed or were in the process of doing so

    26. As his 2IC hurried off with the rope, King stuffed a large selection of explosives into a backpack

    27. Jumping down, he tugged on the rope and waited for King to lower the explosives

    28. How long had it been? How long did he have left before the explosives blew?

    29. When he came back round a mere thirty minutes of family pressure and blackmail had him agree to go to the offices of the BNP on Corporation Street in Birmingham with explosives strapped around his waist

    30. Enough explosives to throw five thousand pounds six feet in the air

    31. Coming up on the left side of the plane is some of the destruction caused by the Purity War, before the rebels resorted to biological warfare instead of explosives,” Zoe says

    32. “You want me to get in with the guy who set off the explosives that put Uriah in a coma?” Christina says

    33. Caleb runs his hands over the clean suit, the explosives, the backpack they go in

    34. Between us are the clean suit, the explosives, and the backpack, arranged in a line on the brushed steel

    35. Clutching the explosives and detonator to my chest with my free hand, I shoot one guard in the leg and the other in the chest

    36. I slam the explosives against the metal bar where the two doors join, and clamp down the claws around the edge of the bar so it will stay

    37. Do we have any explosives?”

    38. “Well, sir, the Magi are using explosives to create these tunnels, and we recently found out where they are storing them,” he answered

    39. With your telekinetic skill you can place the explosives easily with a level of safety far beyond that of the average person

    40. As soon as everyone was over Andreya and Kellyn approached the gate, and Major Jerran began stringing out the explosives

    41. They use a gate to travel through, and once we learned how to operate it we laced it with explosives and used it to escape

    42. “I didn’t either,” he said, “but the DA says it’s so and that was enough to get an indictment when linked to the fact that she bought the headphones and had opportunity to rig them with the explosives

    43. There are rooms in which fire weapons are created, rooms in which steel weapons are forged, and even rooms in which explosives are compounded

    44. trunk full of explosives

    45. He had explosives taped to his waist

    46. of the explosives and moved on

    47. Xen to work a little of her magic with directed explosives to try and

    48. My driver’s airbag had exploded, protecting my chest from being impaled on the steering column, but the bag’s force and explosives had bent my wire frame John Lennon hippie glasses and burned my face

    49. Even the Islamic terrorists, who hate the United States and have an otherwise medieval religious ideology, are keen to adopt our most recent gains in organic chemistry (the chemistry of explosives and toxic substances)

    50. When they were sent to infiltrate our camps, hidden by the best detection-prevention spells the human mages had, planting explosives, and despoiling our food and water with magic poisons, we still did not routinely kill human children

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