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    Usar "fallout" en una oración

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    1. Oh Wiesse … I do hope Agna’s home is all right! She seemed to think it would be and the fallout from the eruption seemed to be going the other way, but all the same … she said she would sent my bag back if she could

    2. ‘From what I can gather, the eruption was of a similar magnitude to the Pompeii one – the fallout going in the same direction

    3. The back garden is a mess of churned lawn, clearly the fallout of the builders who built the single storey extension on the back of the house covering what used to be a patio

    4. But when he woke up for Nightday of week Zawmathii there was plenty of fallout in his eyes and the giant machine phase was back

    5. To cut to the quick; there is bound to be some fallout

    6. That it what a top mage spends his time controlling – the fallout

    7. But when Armageddon came, their suffering would be unimaginable, if they didn’t die in the initial blast-wave radiation, the darkening fallout ensured a prolonged death

    8. And on the flip side: the consequences of an imminent world war; the horrific effects of nuclear fallout, how life would be if someone chose to live through a nuclear winter

    9. She didn’t know how many more of these tanks there were, but it was a reasonable assumption that the vast majority of sea mammals and fish were left to die in the fallout? Possibly there were areas of ocean unaffected, with radiation penetrating only so far

    10. assumption? Will higher corporate profits and salaries concentrated in fewer hands create a pyramiding effect? What would be the economic and socio/political fallout for world governments that would otherwise lose their middle/center?

    11. transgressions oftentimes involved adolescent boys (girls, with few exceptions, are seldom mentioned) between the ages of nine and fourteen when most were likely to serve as altar boys? I wouldn‘t expect accurate reporting from the media and other members of the liberal community unlikely to risk a political fallout over the question of ―gay‖ (that sacred cow) priests although most people on the other hand would generally agree that Pedophilia is abominable and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law

    12. On a more thoughtful note, I once had a major fallout with the Chaplains

    13. A friend and I were recently engaged in an after dinner conversation concerning the potential economic fallout that the war in Iraq would likely impose on France

    14. Still, the immediate death toll would be far lower than the Communist side, allowing a “win” even if at least one quarter of the territory of the small Korean nation suffers from fallout and radiation-related deaths for the next half century

    15. could feel the faint droplets of grey fallout on his bare arms and

    16. with grey and yellow; stained with the Mako fallout that had been

    17. In fact they knew that the fallout could rise into the

    18. direct path of the fallout

    19. evacuated to an area twenty-eight kilometers away, again in the direct path of the fallout;

    20. He knew the fallout would have

    21. United States are linked to the radioactive fallout from the disaster at the Fukushima

    22. March 11, scientists detected the plume of toxic fallout had arrived over American

    23. we were getting fallout coming down in rain in the United States — not in insignificant

    24. the fallout of this split whenever she saw anyone around


    26. By default, games with the extra content included within the Blu-Ray disc (such as the Fallout 3 GotY) are more valuable than a GotY edition that comes with a special voucher for downloads (such as the Borderlands GotY edition)

    27. Fallout 3 comes with a specially designed tin lunch box, a bobble head and a digital clock made to look like the Pip Boy gadget

    28. The destruction of the tower and the fallout

    29. "Wow!" was her best words to describe the fallout that took place only recently

    30. I have every confidence in our police force, but they are under extreme pressure at the moment, what with all the looting and other fallout from the floods, and it"s not inconceivable that MacFife"s money and position may influence them more than your sincerity

    31. Bob was sheltering her from any embarrassing fallout from his nefarious activities

    32. Chris, who was worried about the fallout from being caught travelling so fast, studied her as she stared at the unfolding events

    33. “What is the political fallout in this?

    34. His eighth, FALLOUT, was published in 2009

    35. I inherited from the fallout of your life

    36. Are still capable of tremendous fallout

    37. A change in your thinking about this future event now will prepare you to deal with the fallout that will occur afterward

    38. and indeed we saw a fallout with mortgage companies, banks and brokers causing a severe

    39. During the Y2K fallout,

    40. Tell me, Mister Graschev: has there been any fallout from your killing of those two American agents that came snooping on you?’’

    41. Aunt Patricia was supposed to stay here in New York another two months when she and I had that physical altercation and fallout

    42. But since she and I had that physical altercation and fallout, my grandfather Mike cut her visit short and made her leave sooner

    43. A potentially significant fallout from this is the fact that General Omar Bradley, the American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was reportedly quietly reprimanded by Eisenhower for having shown so-called ‘unsatisfactory leadership’ in this crisis by bowing to Navy pressure and naming a deputy commander that had the same rank as General Dows

    44. contain the bioweapon’s fallout when it detonated

    45. The fallout of the ash cloud was limited to a fifty mile by one hundred and fifty mile swath that drifted to the northwest, covering parts of southern Montana and southeast Idaho

    46. Gabriel then turned his attention to Mark and asked, “Do you have everything in place at your office for the fallout that is sure to start coming?”

    47. Worried about the fallout, the Shah–Modi duo acted swiftly

    48. Kejriwal’s rise, like that of Modi, had been the direct fallout of the wave of public anger against the Congress-led UPA government

    49. The adverse fallout of the interview meant that Rahul went back into his shell, as did his entire team

    50. Maybe this is an inevitable fallout of a media ecosystem where noise replaces news and sensation takes over from sense

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