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    Usar "far and away" en una oración

    far and away oraciones de ejemplo

    far and away

    1. evening was far and away the best meal of the whole trip

    2. " If these works are accurate, Clinton"s administration was, excluding the present administration, far and away the most corrupt in American history

    3. The appendix “Become an oral sex god” in the "Weeks 5-8" eBook looks at how you can stimulate your partner orally – which is by far and away the best way to stimulate her

    4. Baseball was far and away coach Bearpaw‘s favorite sport, as it was with the student body and most of the locals and with rumors of the new super-athlete spreading through the reservation like wildfire, the interest in baseball was at fever pitch

    5. They were by far and away the most dangerous predators that ever existed and Sebastian knew that some of them would be landing on his planet

    6. “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing-Theodore Roosevelt

    7. in this status group were Saxon Nephilum, by far and away

    8. By far and away, for just as long as the relationship can

    9. America has far and away historically been the largest consumer of natural resources like oil

    10. It has far and away the largest amount of merchandise and the most action

    11. 'Who's got far and away the best bedroom in Strorley? And who's got a sitting-room all for herself, just as jolly? And who spoils his little woman?'

    12. something of that sort which he described in his lengthy dissertation as the richest country bar none on the face of God's earth, far and away superior to England, with coal in large quantities, six million pounds worth of pork exported every year, ten millions between butter and eggs and all the riches drained out of it by England levying taxes on the poor people that paid through the nose always and gobbling up the best meat in the market and a lot more surplus steam in the same vein

    13. The vicinity of the young man he certainly relished, educated, distingué and impulsive into the bargain, far and away the pick of the bunch though you wouldn't think he had it in him yet you would

    14. On the other hand it was altogether far and away too late for the Sandymount or Sandycove

    15. She was not only far and away the most beautiful woman Evan had ever dated, but she was well versed in the ways of using her appearance to her advantage

    16. They take the opposite side of public order flow, and public order flow overwhelmingly sells calls, as buy-writing far and away represents the most common options play out there

    17. • What accounts for the importance of whose hands the long side of the open interest resides? The fact that market makers serve as far and away the most aggressive delta hedgers in the pond

    18. All these expressions refer to the same strategy, and it’s far and away the most popular strategy that involves use of an option

    19. financial markets, albeit they appear to be far and away the best that have ever existed

    20. By looking at only Twitter and Facebook, I have only touched on social networking apps—although they are far and away the most popular ones, especially for seniors

    21. The second son, Ignatius, my classmate, was not my favorite, I discover now, because he was far and away the best student

    22. Jewelry is far and away the biggest demand driver for gold

    23. coal is, far and away, the electric power industry, which consumed 93 percent of domestic coal production in 2007

    24. coal is, far and away, the electric power industry, which consumed 93 percent of the domestic coal production in 2007

    25. Of all the three young duchesses, I think her youthful Grace of Marlborough is far and away the most distinctly popular and influential

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