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    Usar "farm hand" en una oración

    farm hand oraciones de ejemplo

    farm hand

    1. The public bar was crowded with farm hands, all smoking and

    2. How hilarious for the farm hands! But the

    3. farm hands that you have taken to ranch life

    4. He spent the time reviewing the conversation he’d had with the charming Nicaraguan woman he’d met while nursing his first drink at Cabañas Arrecifes, and whom he’d invited to join him for dinner – at least she had every right to claim she was Nicaraguan: as the child of a migrant farm hand working abroad when she was born in Costa Rica, she was definitely entitled to citizenship

    5. Hermann came in a few minutes later and asked why he had not had one of the farm hands see to the horse and cart

    6. “Two new farm hands to help with the harvest

    7. Many farm hands are brutal when it comes to handling large pigs

    8. Genevieve had been sent to the convent by her father, basically as punishment, for falling in love with a young farm hand of absolutely no social standing

    9. Then a farm hand approached

    10. My head farm hand served in the rectory three years

    11. A surprise! My farm hand Rasmus tells me that Morten Bruus came a- wooing to the rectory at Veilbye some years back, but was sent away with a refusal

    12. We others followed with the rector's farm hands, whom he himself had ordered to join us with spades

    13. Then came statements by the rector's two farm hands and the dairy maid

    14. With the help of two farm hands, Betty was put into this gear in a way which made it impossible for her to move enough to hurt the broken leg

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