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    farther than oraciones de ejemplo

    farther than

    1. His hands were the best she had ever experienced, and he could spend two days going no farther than that

    2. She could see more than a mile up the canal, but they had come farther than that on the way here

    3. "I only know one Brazilian who's gone much farther than that into the chaparral

    4. step much farther than your local hospital, into the territory of God’s

    5. The oldest surviving ones are from the end of the 41st century, but I've copied over some that go back four centuries farther than that

    6. He knew this imaging did not illuminate the dust motes that were much more than twenty light minutes from the ship, all dots farther than that were in their own light

    7. It was soon apparent that the upper floors overhung the lower by a bent or two because the hallways went much farther than the lobby’s size

    8. The reality of the message from this dream is that the next generation should go farther than we do and we should encourage them to do so, yet the intercessor was struggling for years to hold the same ground and was offended when someone finally broke through

    9. She thought of how far she had come, farther than an outland farm girl ever dreamed or hoped

    10. ” Elisha did go farther than Elijah, but it was

    11. "Yeah, it's farther than the Yakhan," Chatuum said

    12. then there’s a girl, farther than most neighbouring nations, about

    13. This second limitation of the freedom of trade, according to some people, should, upon most occasions, be extended much farther than to the precise foreign commodities which could come into competition with those which had been taxed at home

    14. “We bleed off speed in a turn, so we really haven’t gotten much farther than that,” I explained

    15. But he remembered that it had seemed to go on so much farther than he could see now

    16. Another strike, again a near miss catapulted the round thing out farther than he could throw his stick

    17. He scratched his head in amazement, farther than he could throw his stick, if he had wanted to throw it

    18. These depressions were formed by the extreme weight of the ice cap itself forcing any weakness in the land that they had overridden to sink farther than the surrounding terrain

    19. When I walk forward, I notice that it continues farther than I can see, perpendicular to the horizon

    20. They rise and fall with my bones, which stick out farther than I’d like

    21. Only visitors confirmed to be expected, or parents, were allowed to wait inside, no farther than the entrance hall, for the girl to meet them downstairs

    22. It was long and spearlike, and it could be breathed straight into the depths of the lungs the way a three-pound spear can be thrown farther than a three-pound toolbox

    23. There farther than planets

    24. This went farther than she’d ever imagined

    25. The force of the impact sent the three flying out of the mouth of the cave, with Leora and Damalis going farther than Morgan

    26. “I know,” Sari began anew, with eyes downcast, broaching the subject that had isolated her socially from the other women of the hamlet, “that I, am unclean, and custom would have removed me farther than our circumstances have allowed

    27. We found out how far we can push it, and I’m certain it’s a lot farther than you think, in many instances

    28. removed me farther than our circumstances have allowed

    29. wanted to take the relationship a little farther than I wanted

    30. Rather than bloodily fight his band, the winners offered exile, but transported the Americans much farther than expected

    31. them farther than about 195 million kilometers from the Sun

    32. It was modern inside, and I was glad to see the farce wasn’t carried any farther than the exterior

    33. We were heading toward the Golden Gate Bridge, but it was a lot farther than I'd realized

    34. You can see the bat’s lower lip sticks out farther than its upper lip in this photo at right

    35. Branches with glimmering silicon leaves shoot out the top of your head and travel farther than the stars themselves

    36. Pressures or forces me into having sex or going farther than I want to

    37. 'I've roamed far; farther than any other man of my race ever wandered

    38. The city looked very far away across the plain, farther than it had looked from the crag

    39. All you actually have to do is to place your feet not farther than 6 feet apart when you stand up, and see that your toes are pointed inwards

    40. The doors appeared in linear fashion farther than

    41. "You have come farther than you think, Josef," and turning to the

    42. "look out, Wil Robinson!" At long last, I have come to look farther than the hood of my car while driving on that "yel ow brick road

    43. I am the beginnings of a man, with a reach much farther than the one that had walked these many miles; for more of the blinders were removed, the air clearer, and my focus was much more on the journey yet to come, and not on me

    44. Believe in yourself and that will take you farther than

    45. He hadn’t gotten any farther than the outer office before the mayor’s secretary had called the police

    46. It seemed that every few minutes she would slip into a reverie of some kind but never get farther than she just had

    47. issues farther than chemical intrusion endures

    48. I wanted to come back to it in the spring, but I never got any farther than that

    49. Andrei and I followed, but no farther than the anteroom

    50. “Much farther than you can imagine

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