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    Usar "fatherly" en una oración

    fatherly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He glowered at the meek little man who had dared to interrupt him, before breaking into a fatherly smile and saying, "There speaks the voice of innocence…"

    2. The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

    3. ” He stopped and turned, “Your fatherly concern is quite understandable; you have raised her well since the Eloi placed her in your care

    4. and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of

    5. Allcock's expression could not be easily described, but was a sincere reflection of the extremes of fatherly pride he felt at Harry's triumph, and the eagerness which he tried to constrain in broadcasting this news to everyone he encountered

    6. " His fatherly tone always left her feeling somehow better, even when he couldn't make thing all right

    7. at me with fatherly eyes

    8. And we can thank him later for his fatherly concern

    9. One indeed attacked me without reason on the border, and I am afraid I distressed the Army medic by informing him I would most definitely shoot him if he didn’t quit fooling around and pull it out with pliers (which I had appropriated from the Army the week before) immediately and without leaving pieces of the spike in me either! After that I passed out because he had mixed the antibiotic injection with a knock-out drug after I had given him the evil eye, or so he said during a fatherly chat about the attempted murder a few days later

    10. In answer to my fatherly stare he explained that he had needed them in bed since his girlfriend had bought fancy satin sheets the day before

    11. Experienced guys were the first choice unless they were police women recruited to answer the 10111 (emergency like 911) phones, but have you ever heard of a woman who would do anything and keep quiet while doing it? Hell, even I could tell the generals that they were not going to stay on the phones, and that they would want to be in on the action! Gave me grey hair at 21 they did with their constant demands for squad cars and the right to become fatherly, (perhaps motherly) with wayward criminals and terrorists

    12. And I can thank him later for his fatherly interest

    13. Nonetheless, that was the last time any of us tried to exchange beds, hollow or otherwise, and all weak backs were soon cured by the PT Instructors who took a fatherly interest in it

    14. But he, Sergeant van der Merwe by the grace of General Coetzee blah blah blah will fix that in no time and we can thank him later for his fatherly concern over us

    15. And we can thank him later for his fatherly concern regarding our f boxes which, the State had issued to us ungrateful wankers free of charge

    16. One could simply not take liberties with the law when they were around, for they were very competent and more than willing to have a fatherly talk with you

    17. " Our unofficial Judges’ rules were somewhat different “Yes sir you have the right to remain silent but I will seriously advise you not to use that right for we will have a fatherly talk until you admit your guilt, you guilty bastard

    18. I still don’t know what that stuff was, and in those days you did not ask unless you wanted the sergeant to become fatherly concerned about your communist tendency to ask silly questions

    19. And they will thank him later for his fatherly concern for them

    20. He would ask only once before becoming fatherly

    21. I don't know if this actually happened, but I do know that no one was allowed to smoke near their air compressors, and they got very fatherly if not downright violent if that rule was broken

    22. SAP COIN training was always very realistic and physical, and I have seen men shrink dramatically under SAP COIN’s fatherly concern

    23. And obviously there were no unions preventing the commanding officer from becoming fatherly about it

    24. And we could thank him later for his fatherly concern regarding us

    25. Had he flinched again the instructors would become much more fatherly

    26. On or off duty it did not take him long to get fatherly with the public, and he usually ended his fatherly chats with a magnificent left hook, which I tried hard to emulate with varying degrees of success

    27. Unless we wanted a serious fatherly talking to, we never shot with one hand only and always used two hands for better control

    28. ” We gave them a lot of lip to help them understand that they were middle-aged and therefore ancient news…respectfully of course, for they were quite willing to become fatherly if needs be and outranked us

    29. It worked well enough but it was advised to ensure accuracy after hitting someone with the rifle (fatherly for his own good) by testing it again

    30. And forgetting to load a ballistic round and firing the rifle grenade with a full metal jacket was inviting disaster and a severe fatherly talk

    31. He had to sit down and he was reasonably charged up (excuse the pun) afterwards, and had to be restrained from fatherly kicking the owner for not warning him properly

    32. I am pleased to tell you they did not do anything fatherly to her

    33. The culprit could expect a fatherly talking to from his sergeant afterward for his horrible liberal ways

    34. The suspects were "his f criminals" and he would get fatherly upset if someone tried to steal them—another reason to get there as fast as possible! It was like a birth right almost

    35. They were so grateful to assist us since they rarely had need to sort out white people in a fatherly way, (besides the longhaired liberals who they doubted were humans to start with, never mind of the white race)

    36. Certainly in our time! It became the sole reason to begin to act like animals and thereby attract fatherly attention and international sympathy after we reacted the way they certainly knew we would

    37. He also told us that only “f communists and weak longhaired liberals f pass out while standing at attention, and he, personally, would deal with any such cadet who embarrasses himself in front of his f parents, and we could thank him later for his fatherly concern

    38. I do not know of any serious casualties from this technique except for a few fatherly talks between the drivers who felt insulted by the copycat methods of the other driver who "f obviously don't have f ears to hear his f engine running at f full revs and should have f braked first since he was f already in the f intersection

    39. That he was not fatherly sorted out is to be wondered at for everyone hated him with equal vigour and took bets of who will be able to give him a fatal heart attack as he worked himself up over nothing

    40. However I found university (college) students just could not leave it alone probably because of a bet and would return it only after a fatherly talk

    41. There was one case where I fatherly spoke to a long haired liberal teenager for his bad manners

    42. SAP COIN always wanted to become fatherly (it is the SAP way) but he avoided them quite wisely for the Rhodesians raided Zambia a few times during their Bush War and many of those men were by now in the South African Special Forces Regiment with immeasurable more fire power and spoiling to have another go

    43. So all in all, the suspect would be chased down and be given a fatherly talk for his long haired liberal ways of avoiding a police roadblock

    44. yeah by now you can guess that it turned into a cannonball run right across South Africa and the crews arrived a two days earlier than what they would have if they heeded to the Colonel's fatherly advice

    45. With a lot of curses and no doubt silent praying we got the beast down to ground level and into the local police truck where it laid quietly since it comprehended (I told it in plain Afrikaans) that execution and handbags for the Colonel's wife is his f future if he keeps on f resisting arrest! We are just trying f help him so stop this f silliness before we get fatherly and then he will f regret it before he dies

    46. Before I could be accused of being a long haired liberal and worse we handed the crocodile over to the local constable for his soon to be father in law and left the scene to explain to the much amused lieutenant that “(1) yes we did indeed arrested a f crocodile and no (2) our pants are not f wet front or rear but torn by the vicious claws (read feet) of the crocodile who (3) did not want to be f arrested and (4) resisted in fact until we (5) fatherly persuaded him f otherwise

    47. That driver was really reckless and certainly had a fatherly talk after we got him out of the car through the window or that’s what he said anyway in court

    48. We fatherly assailed the Police Band after the funeral for they made the severe mistake of questioning our drilling capabilities which we saw as a mortal insult

    49. You should have no doubt that we intended to shoot first and have a fatherly chat later

    50. In fact, even if we knew what he stood accused of we would not have killed him before having a fatherly talk which is so much better than a simple killing

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    fatherlike fatherly benign patriarchal benevolent paternal protecting protective tender