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    Usar "favourably" en una oración

    favourably oraciones de ejemplo


    1. onerous and compared favourably, in Tom’s view, with the work he

    2. What they have, therefore, is applied to the cultivation only of what is most fertile and most favourably situated, the land near the sea-shore, and along the banks of navigable rivers

    3. To what degree such restraints upon the inland commerce of this commodity, joined to the general prohibition of exportation, must have discouraged the cultivation of countries less fertile, and less favourably circumstanced, it is not, perhaps, very easy to imagine

    4. The colony assemblies, if they were not very favourably disposed (and unless more skilfully managed than they ever have been hitherto, they are not very likely to be so), might still find many pretences for evading or rejecting the most reasonable requisitions of parliament

    5. In countries, besides, less extensive, and less favourably circumstanced for inferior commerce than China, they generally require the support of foreign trade

    6. As such they compared favourably with the very best in the world

    7. 16 For she goes about seeking such as are worthy of her, shows herself favourably to them in the ways, and meets them in every

    8. 27 For I am persuaded that he understanding my mind will favourably and graciously yield to your desires

    9. If you need financial favours from the government this is a good time to ask – they seem favourably disposed

    10. What about it, shall we go to the agency again, they did say that if we ever thought about adoption again, then we would be looked at favourably, as we already have a child

    11. He set them up by denying them intelligence reports and misled them into thinking that negotiations with Japan were progressing favourably

    12. Traffic/Activity: Sites that have a high level of traffic are also considered more favourably for ranking purposes

    13. ) Key Words: Sites that have a lot of pages and a lot of content on a specific topic or niche are ranked more favourably

    14. She shrugged, and stifled a little smile at being compared favourably to his ex-girlfriend

    15. He tugged off his socks without being asked, hoping it would make the men more favourably disposed

    16. and has been favourably reviewed by columnists in 'The Mercury', 'The Star' and

    17. compared favourably with two prescription drugs, donepezil and tacrine, commonly used to treat the condition

    18. effect compared favourably with the effects of electro-shock therapy and the

    19. It wouldn‘t be looked on favourably if he

    20. compared favourably with what Luke was getting for his

    21. not always so favourably inclined in other situations

    22. Lord, thou hast dealt favourably with our land; We have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us what work thou didst for us in their days, and in the times of old: And as we have heard, so have we seen; for we have thought of thy loving-kindness, O God, in the midst of thy temple

    23. As we have already mentioned you have to change the way you think about things and view things more objectively and probably more favourably than before

    24. But in case this should not occur, the knights of old took care to see that their squires were provided with money and other requisites, such as lint and ointments for healing purposes; and when it happened that knights had no squires (which was rarely and seldom the case) they themselves carried everything in cunning saddle-bags that were hardly seen on the horse's croup, as if it were something else of more importance, because, unless for some such reason, carrying saddle-bags was not very favourably regarded among knights-errant

    25. "That is true," said Don Quixote, "for it would not be right that the accessories of the drama should be real, instead of being mere fictions and semblances, like the drama itself; towards which, Sancho-and, as a necessary consequence, towards those who represent and produce it--I would that thou wert favourably disposed, for they are all instruments of great good to the State, placing before us at every step a mirror in which we may see vividly displayed what goes on in human life; nor is there any similitude that shows us more faithfully what we are and ought to be than the play and the players

    26. The pilgrims were about to give up the whole of their little hoard, but Roque bade them keep quiet, and turning to his men he said, "Of these crowns two fall to each man and twenty remain over; let ten be given to these pilgrims, and the other ten to this worthy squire that he may be able to speak favourably of this adventure;" and then having writing materials, with which he always went provided, brought to him, he gave them in writing a safe-conduct to the leaders of his bands; and bidding them farewell let them go free and filled with admiration at his magnanimity, his generous disposition, and his unusual conduct, and inclined to regard him as an Alexander the Great rather than a notorious robber

    27. under, placed me favourably for his wanton purpose of inspection

    28. hands and pillow, and thus stood passively and as favourably too as she

    29. Although perhaps they had not quite grasped the real significance of all that he had said, most of them had been favourably impressed by the young clergyman's appearance and manner in the morning: but that might have arisen from prepossession and force of habit, for they were accustomed, as a matter of course, to think well of any minister

    30. Buried the poor husband but progressing favourably on the premium

    31. rose water, he said: “I hope you will consider my request favourably

    32. His project meanwhile was very favourably entertained by his auditors and won hearty eulogies from all though Mr Dixon of Mary's excepted to it, asking with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to Newcastle

    33. The reflection that, apart from the letter in question, his magnetic face, form and address had been favourably received during the course of the preceding day by a wife (Mrs Josephine Breen, born Josie Powell), a nurse, Miss Callan (Christian name unknown), a maid, Gertrude (Gerty, family name unknown)

    34. As soon too as she felt him at home as he could reach, she lifted her head a little from the pillow, and turning her neck, without much straining, but her cheeks glowing with the deepest scarlet, and a smile of the tenderest satisfaction, met the kiss he pressed forward to give her as they were thus close joined together: when leaving him to pursue his delights, she hid again her face and blushes with her hands and pillow, and thus stood passively and as favourably too as she could, whilst he kept laying at her with repeated thrusts and making the meeting flesh on both sides resound again with the violence of them; then ever as he backened from her, we could see between them part of his long white staff foamingly in motion, till, as he went on again and closed with her, the interposing hillocks took it out of sight

    35. Stocks are taxed more favourably, but still taxed

    36. Another burst of tears; but in spite of that burst, and in spite of that great black word miserable, which served to introduce it, Sir Thomas began to think a little relenting, a little change of inclination, might have something to do with it; and to augur favourably from the personal entreaty of the young man himself

    37. I could see that Holmes was favourably impressed by the manner and speech of his new client

    38. She impressed me neither favourably nor the reverse

    39. For some days, according to all we heard, things went very favourably for them; no traces whatever of them could be found

    40. I may mention, too, that the great author was also favourably disposed to Pyotr Stepanovitch, and at once invited him to go and see him

    41. Nobody is favourably disposed to Mr

    42. They were lectures to the English workingmen on political economy, which struck Tolstoi favourably and which he included in the manuscript which was then being issued under the title of Archives of L

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