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    1. Several times during the three-hour service, huge baskets of hot and spicy communion bread were ferried in on the heads of the sturdier women

    2. But as he probed and poked I blacked out again so I missed being ferried out and hoisted onto the hospital ship in fact the next time I came round they had operated on me and I saw a beautiful face looking down at me

    3. We made the crossing to Egypt in three days and we were once again waiting to enter Alexandria harbour as we had done what now seemed a lifetime ago once in we would be ferried ashore and then to hospital

    4. ” After breakfast we were ferried back to the delousing centre and picked up new uniforms which we desperately needed then it was back to the farm for the fatigues and working parties

    5. The Chinese may simply ask to send their troops through Soviet territory, be ferried by Soviet ships, have Soviet aircraft fight UN forces, or some combination

    6. Few bridges remained intact, and twice their heavy truck had to be ferried across rivers by barge

    7. Amonas then moved in the air, his body still enclosed in the same strange aura as it had been before while being ferried to this place

    8. By the end of the midday, they had ferried twenty-two people back to his house

    9. He noticed here too, as he was ferried in, that no female within

    10. Food and wine were ferried into the rift for celebration

    11. The tiny water taxis which ferried the crew to the shore charged five cents to pick us up but demanded nothing when we sailors returned broke

    12. Argus, the many-eyed security chief, picked up Annabeth, Grover, and me at the Empire State Building and ferried us back to camp through a light snowstorm

    13. He warbled something that sounded like a Barry Manilow song as he ferried the empty barge back across the river

    14. The fisherman hardened his brow but said nothing as he ferried the boat forward through the dark

    15. passengers were ferried into when it was time for the crew to go down for the ―ice nap‖

    16. Within minutes, a shuttle from the enemy fleet had ferried them to the command ship

    17. Eventually the party ended and the Arabs were ferried back to the airport in a row of limousines

    18. The AGI Airbuses ferried paper and print back and forth across the width of

    19. Grailem assumes that the streets have been emptied so that he may be ferried to the government buildings as soon as possible

    20. routinely ferried Marine guards to and from the base at Myrtle Beach

    21. Only then could British sea power be contained long enough for German ground forces to be ferried across the Channel

    22. Troops had been moved into position, ferried across the Volga at night, observing total radio silence

    23. Wallace soon had to tell his second assistant to help load the boxes in Gooding’s old Ford station wagon, while his sales clerk got busy adding up the bill, with Sarah Ur paying cash as the boxes were ferried outside and into Gooding’s car

    24. Sailing on a ship that navigated northwest, a two day journey that weekly ferried folks to and from Neapolis, a town just south of Philippi, I was again feeling at home in my element

    25. Once a wide enough secure perimeter will have been seized, more divisions will then be ferried from England to help engage decisively the German forces that will rush in to counter-attack

    26. I realized I had been visited by Charon, the boatman on the river Styx (wooden staves = sticks = styx) who ferried the souls of the dead to Hades

    27. Andre and I ferried beers

    28. Now, I saw this with the utmost respect, but consider what might-have-been if your recent ceremonial delegation to Graisav had been ferried in one of our self-repairing ships, which was also capable of returning to its home port by itself?

    29. Ships everywhere were being ferried through the perilous rocks by the great beasts of the sea

    30. The city was adrift and moving quickly as it was ferried along by some unknown source

    31. for the various snacks ferried by waiters

    32. Instead of fishing, though, he ferried supplies to the Hinckley

    33. Like most of the people they ferried, the elevators were old and slow to respond

    34. Then, at one time, monks came by on a pilgrimage, followers of Gotama, the Buddha, who were asking to be ferried across the river, and by them the ferrymen were told that they were most hurriedly walking back to their great teacher, for the news had spread the exalted one was deadly sick and would soon die his last human death, in order to become one with the salvation

    35. And one day, when the wound burned violently, Siddhartha ferried across the river, driven by a yearning, got off the boat and was willing to go to the city and to look for his son

    36. But Siddhartha want back into the boat and ferried back to the hut, thinking of his father, thinking of his son, laughed at by the river, at odds with himself, tending towards despair, and not less tending towards laughing along at (?? über) himself and the entire world

    37. He came to the river and asked the old man to ferry him over, and when they got off the boat on the other side, he said to the old man: "You're very good to us monks and pilgrims, you have already ferried many of us across the river

    38. Clearly not many tonnes of rock had been ferried about

    1. He had to fight some urban traffic along the back side of the city, but he kept to the middle and kept the petcock as wide as he dared, slicing between barges and canal ferries, running under tow ropes and making sharp turns in front of terrified stares

    2. “No, there are still ferries across the channel

    3. persist in getting to Circular Quay, get on one of the numerous excursion ferries that frequently sail to navigate its inlets

    4. For the next six months or so we stayed in these campgrounds except for the occasional motel when we felt the need for a bit more luxury and for the times we were on ferries

    5. Today, hundreds of thousands of visitors descend on the place every year, so there's good accommodation, caravan and camping sites, a craft village, shops, ferries to the Orkneys, wild-life tours, exhibitions and museums

    6. I was intending to return to the mainland on Sunday – except when I arrived at the wharf: no ferries! God forbid

    7. Broad rivers, some nearly a mile across and signs warning of Quicksand, Use Only Sanctioned Ferries, Fords or Risk Drowning

    8. Sadly, the horses used for these ferries were usually worked

    9. The Panzer-Grenadier Regiment Deutschland will start loading up in two days on two heavy ferries who are due to arrive in the port here tomorrow

    10. One tended to forget to use a clock, but instead told the time by the passing of the Manly ferries

    11. He remembered the magic times watching the ferries with Nancy, from her deck

    12. Years ago I used to sit on that deck with my best friend at the time, a girl called Nancy, and we used to watch the ferries cruise in and out of Rose Bay, and I can still remember us saying, like it happened yesterday, how the job you got driving one of these ferries was the last job you got before you went to heaven

    13. Measuring one hundred metres by ten metres LST’s could be described as the world’s first mass produced “roll on roll off” ferries

    14. Destroying this bridge would in fact cut in two the USSR at a point where there were no other crossing modes for trains, except for ferries

    15. While her friend was going over the events which had occurred, Kathy snuggled up in Joel’s arms on the glider and gazed out at the twinkling lights on the ferries and ships crossing the Puget Sound

    16. A few ships and ferries were out on the Black Sea beyond, seeming to float in the vast darkness

    17. Ferries scurry to and from the quays

    18. Fishing junks and sampans and ferries and hydrofoils plied the channel and deeper waters, and in the distance the shapes of huge container ships could also be seen

    19. The harbour was alive with ferries and assorted other floating traffic

    20. They were currently passing by a long stretch of cedar trees on the east shoreline, and he wondered how many other archers had hidden there to take shots at ferries as they moved back and forth along the river

    21. Ferries leaving for Athens on the other hand, left at checkpoints were passports, and passengers were scrutinised lest they be illegal immigrants

    22. There was a good chance that Mikhail was still on the island, and since all ferries left Crete at 6am every day, this was a very sensible precaution to take

    23. things to come in years ahead, ferries sinking, aircraft

    24. The procession reached the port and turned left, walked along the Tourkikos Yialos, the so-called Turkish beachfront, passed another portion of the harbor where the massive trucks were usually unloaded from the Ro-Ro ferries and slowly started on the snaking uphill road to the church

    25. The ferries were still coming and going from the passenger port as they walked south through the old town square

    26. There were ferries leaving for St Petersburg, Stockholm and Helsinki and, according to the timetable, the next ferry to Helsinki would leave at three

    27. what they were – ferries!

    28. were those who had come over with us on the ferries

    29. enormous ferries that took us from Iraklion to

    30. The men and the work of the men on ferries, railroads, coasters,

    31. , which I have just read, "run by a sort of hotel syndicate composed of the Chief Engineer, the Purser, and the Captain," as these monstrous Atlantic ferries are

    32. White electric ferries made their way back and forth, shuttling fans over to the west side, where an observation train awaited them, its thirteen white-skirted flat cars outfitted with bleachers

    33. Gradually, dark masses of people huddled under umbrellas made their way down the steep descent from Main Street to the water, where they took up positions along the shore or waited in line to cross the river on ferries

    34. None of them had ever been on a boat any larger than the ferries back in Seattle, and the SS Manhattan—668 feet long, weighing in at 24,289 tons, with eight passenger decks, and able to accommodate 1,239 passengers—was no ferry

    35. With the far-off rumbling of cannon in their ears, the state militia, “Joe Brown’s Pets,” and the Home Guard marched out of Atlanta, to defend the bridges and ferries of the marched through Five Points and out the Marietta road, a fine rain began to fall

    36. Some were strengthening the ferries and boat-bridges that the enemy had made and in part destroyed when they fled; some gathered stores and booty; and others on the eastern side across the River were throwing up hasty works of defence

    37. It was the principle on which the helmsman steers his ship, and the seaman manages his sails; the principle on which boats are made to pass ferries by the oblique action of the current

    38. He worked so hard and so long, his daily trips on unhealthy ferries and hot cars sapped his vitality to such an extent, that all his life had been spent and lived by the time he crossed at night the threshold of his home

    39. ” The sentimental period—which had come into his unimaginative life with the imperiousness of that passion which at least once during a man’s life changes his existence for a time, short or long—had for Warrener left behind it a memory which the cares of the world, the moth and rust of vulgar routine, trains and ferries, quick lunches and elevators, common surroundings and abasing ideals, overlaid but never destroyed

    1. heading home on the dawn ferry,

    2. Kids tormented animals, naughty and short-tempered in the gathering heat, waiting for the next ferry that would take them to the southern sister island of Kissafari or on to the largest island of Crete

    3. But at least I was in Greece and I'd read somewhere that 'Greece always gives more than it takes', so with two weeks of immeasurable contrasts stretching out before me on my very own quest with nothing to guide me but sweet ignorance and a ferry, I drained my glass and moved out under a parasol

    4. How was your journey? Isn't the ferry lovely?'

    5. I began to tell her about Yiannis the taxi driver, Kostas at the hotel, my swim and my singing on the ferry and although she nodded and shook her head at all the appropriate moments, I could tell her mind was elsewhere

    6. Nikos would drop us off at the bay of Palatia then go back and organise the other two fishing boats to ferry up the volunteers in the morning

    7. The light from its eye focused on the ferry as though it knew what we had done, calculating its next move, and for a while nothing happened, nothing, not even a wave

    8. Then slowly quickening, it began to grow in stature and threw aside the sea, coming after the ferry with sinister intent

    9. “So; are you still renting that needleboat to ferry me to Chardovia?” she asked, “and how much sex do I have to give you for that favor?”

    10. As we drove into Lymington, I suddenly remembered something I’d heard once about a car ferry over to the Isle of Wight going from Lymington

    11. They took the train to Calais, and the ferry to Dover's white cliffs

    12. in New York on the Ferry? Well, the boat had a leak, hit a rock maybe I don’t

    13. The Bessamers met their guests at the ferry station and took the long way home, offering the ladies a brief tour of the City by the Bay and its admirable points of interest

    14. Fond farewells were made all around and the party was once again on the ferry then train headed home, satisfied that their friends were well-contented and settled in their new life

    15. Annalisa met us at the Vallaresso ferry stop about an

    16. at the ferry crossing on the River Adour near the town of

    17. passengers waiting on the ferry started to become

    18. They crossed it by way of a small ferry

    19. as he and Jean pulled on the guide rope securing the ferry

    20. to drag the emergency ferry from its mooring on the

    21. ‘If he boards that ferry, we’re lost,’ said Jacques

    22. just managed to board the ferry with the horse and Pippi,

    23. As the ferry got closer to the shore,

    24. initial aim had been, but when he got to the ferry Genet

    25. busy ferry, where they were forced to wait their turn in

    26. So it was true -- there was an ancient void that each dead soul must traverse before reaching Charon’s ferry

    27. “Right you’re for the hospital ship so if you have all your stuff we will carry you down to the boat that will ferry you out to it

    28. Alliance, a troop ferry

    29. Every broadcast media centre gave out a repeated warning to head for the nearest temporary shelter – which at least would protect from radiation, if not intense heat – until transport arrived to ferry the panic-stricken, the terrified, and the angry to their assigned subterranean compound

    30. Ferry services sail to the mainland via Topolobampo and also to Mazatlán, which is better known to most

    31. The manager told him that would be okay and that he could get a lift back to Portsmouth on the next ferry

    32. All captain’s on the ferry line attended yearly first-aid classes and Noble knew the beginnings of a seizure when he saw one

    33. The Prime Minister was due to give an announcement later in the day, in the meantime all ferry traffic to and from the Isle of Wight had been suspended and a no-fly zone had been introduced

    34. He drove to San Ubaldo and took the ferry to the Solentiname archipelago in the south of Lake Nicaragua, a relaxation stop that was a regular part of his routine

    35. Large numbers of the congregation have meanwhile left Larbert Old and Dundee: Logie and St John’s Cross (to form a Grace Church in both cases) and also St James Broughty Ferry (to form Brought Ferry Presbyterian Church)

    36. 18 And there went over a ferry boat to carry over the king's household, and to do what he thought good; And Shimei the son of Gera

    37. Our plan was to make for one of the channel ports, turn the car in and go by ferry back to the UK and then by train to London, although it meant that we wouldn’t be home until probably late tonight

    38. Perhaps only those who are claustrophobic go by ferry

    39. We arrived in Calais at about six o’clock having driven without stopping, and had parked the van in a nondescript commercial area somewhere near the ferry terminal

    40. I had read somewhere that this 22 mile stretch of water separating England and France was the busiest shipping lane in the world, and as if to prove the point, another ferry was slowly easing its way towards the harbor, just as we were leaving

    41. “How did you know we were on this ferry?” I asked, although I could guess

    42. When the ferry returned to my side, I approached and paid the fare

    43. race drivers and they mostly ferry their family on these highways

    44. I explained that I would need the whole fleet to ferry six Ordu about eleven hundred li south

    45. Then I would need one or two of the ships to remain behind to ferry supplies

    46. I told him that they were being used to ferry some tumen back north rather than have them march all the way back

    47. Finally, well into winter we arrived at a spot where a ferry would take us across the Rhine near the mouth of the Oos River, which would lead us to Baden

    48. We gathered our horses and led them to the ferry

    49. The ferry was little more than a large raft, which was pulled back and forth across the river by a heavy rope towed by the large horses

    50. The news reporter can see two surface to air missiles coming from the Staten Island Ferry

    1. It appeared that the fleet of vehicles was in daily use, ferrying

    2. He was a tower of strength both for us, taking time off work, taking over the running of the house and ferrying everyone to and from the hospital

    3. this week?” He was bouncy this morning as he was busy ferrying

    4. missions, ferrying supplies to the tsunami victims and that they will send the first

    5. His job initially was to drive backwards and forwards from the airport ferrying company executives to the offices in the central business district

    6. Ceder grabbed her oar and fended off the craggy rocks as they approached, ferrying the boat left or right with no time to think, acting on impulse

    7. They assisted the teams marshaling the arriving ships and ferrying the crews to the surface to rest and relax before making the jump to Homestead which was their final destination

    8. You may start ferrying in supplies, starting with ammunition reserves for our robots, followed by medical and food supplies for the Jewish population

    9. My initial goal is to enroll enough women at first to fill the ranks of one overseas air combat unit of at least group size, plus six or more squadrons in the United States charged with ferrying newly-built aircraft to their assigned bases

    10. The next day, she met with Colonel Robert Maxwell, who was slated to be the initial commander of the so-called Women’s Division of the Army Air Corps, and with Jacqueline Cochran, who had also enlisted as a major and would become responsible for the running and administration of the female units engaged in training or aircraft ferrying in the United States

    11. You will then be registered as conscientious objectors and will be offered positions in the United States connected to training, administrative support or ferrying of new planes

    12. I thus now have a relative surplus of well trained, experienced female flyers in the United States presently being wasted away on simple airplane ferrying

    13. � Once that was done, she called up Mona Zirel again to tell her to send away the crate destined for Berlin and to start ferrying the Germans remaining in Gaoler�s House up to the ship

    14. This page is a tribute to a few of the hundreds of courageous American women who volunteered to serve as auxiliairy ferrying pilots with the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) from its formation in 1942 to its disbandment in 1944, and who were featured in my novels

    15. Killed in 1944 in the crash of a P-38 fighter she was ferrying

    16. T’Pau’s pilot had adopted the cat while ferrying T’Pau’s personal envoy to Earth, or, as the pilot spoke of it, the cat had adopted them

    17. All the prisoners were catching, ferrying and

    18. The drum was like a spirit-boat, ferrying from the visible to the invisible world

    19. The larger warships seemed to spend more time escorting cargo vessels and ferrying dignitaries than they did patrolling at sea

    20. charged with the duty of ferrying home the los-

    21. On the Election Day, I noticed the presence of many buses ferrying hefty young men in and out of our premises, all looking battle-ready and unsmiling

    22. I sometimes think our atoms are so glad to see each other that they send little messengers back and forth, ferrying desire, strength, and love between the islands we are

    23. He’s really more of a phantom,” she’d pointed out, because she never would have gone to work for Daddy full-time if she’d thought Amory was going to be around, would she? But it was true that shortly after she’d taken over Public Relations, Amory had been promoted from his nebulous consigliere position to Executive Vice President of Global Operations, and was suddenly everywhere, ferrying his tubes of blueprints all over the Hamilton-Sweeney Building

    24. are very poor, and there are four main rivers to be crossed which necessitate ferrying the jeep over in a boat, apart from a large number of fords

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    ferry ferrying ferryboat take across in a boat carry carry over ship shuttle convey deliver boat barge packet