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    Usar "finnish" en una oración

    finnish oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Finnish crews came with the houses and

    2. the Finnish guys went to a tee with a black ball and a club, hit

    3. He’d only been in town a couple of months since the sale and purchase of the company by a Finnish consortium

    4. in his book Modern Fascism reports the view of nature held by Finnish Green Party activist Pentti Linkola

    5. Disappointingly, he answered that they were some kind of Finnish pastries popular with the locals

    6. tackle a Finnish winter? It would be an experience, if nothing else

    7. The restaurant meal was good in a plain Finnish style

    8. I only have half a dozen words in Finnish, and I’m sure I mispronounce those

    9. The thought pleased him, thinking that he might see something of the Finnish landscape as he travelled

    10. Captain Rikk and his flight crew simply held hands and he said a prayer in his native Finnish

    11. It was fortunate that I had remembered ‘one, two three,’ the only words I knew in Finnish, but next time I would have to cover my tracks and be a lot smarter

    12. According to a long-term Finnish study, smoking not only shortens your life by around 10 years, but it also lowers your quality of life in old age, as smokers are more likely to suffer from debilitating illnesses

    13. It’s a Finnish thing

    14. but then there wasn’t the familiar Finnish accent punctuated with

    15. Her flawless English had just a hint of the Finnish

    16. called to him, with her Finnish accent dragging

    17. enough pot to shed his Finnish inhibitions and everything he was

    18. ” Beth’s mom didn’t have a Finnish

    19. The Karelian Bear Dog (KBD) is a Finnish hunting dog that

    20. thousand years ago along with the first Finnish settlers

    21. Both Russian and Finnish peasants used the KBD

    22. He couldn’t imagine I’d never heard of this Finnish bread

    23. Should I escort the Finnish ambassador to the White House, Mister President?’’

    24. ‘’Mister Secretary, the Finnish ambassador is here

    25. ‘’They have a traditional Finnish recipe made with reindeer meat

    26. The press reporters and photographers also took note of the medals and followed her with their cameras at her arrival at the Finnish State Council Palace, where the armistice negociations were to be held

    27. Over 700 press, radio and television representatives had come from all over the World, invading Helsinki and turning the normally placid Finnish capital into the center of attention of Europe and North America

    28. The Finnish minister of foreign affairs, who presided over the armistice talks, finally opened the meeting with three bangs of his gavel on the table, speaking first in English and then in Russian

    29. Professional translators immediately translated his speech in English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Lithuanian and Polish, via a system of headsets distributed around the table

    30. strategies by the end of 1999 and work on this has continued under the German and Finnish Presidencies

    31. What had this man done or left undone that he should have been shut out from the company of those who are buried in churchyards? Why should he, because he was nameless, be outcast as well? Why should his body be held unworthy of a place by the side of persons who, though they were as dead as himself, still went on being respectable? I took off my hat and leaned against the Finnish warrior's grave and stared up along the smooth beech trunks to the point where the leaves, getting out of the shade, flashed in the sun at the top, and marvelled greatly at the ways of men, who pursue each other with conventions and disapproval even when their object, ceasing to be a man, is nothing but a poor, unresentful, indifferent corpse

    32. He remembered the time he had spent in Talinn and how one of the people he had met, a flight attendant called Stepan had told him how the Estonian language was closer to Finnish than Russian

    33. An announcement in Estonian was heard over the loudspeaker and was repeated in Finnish

    34. Katerina Ivanovna observed contemptuously that all knew what her family was and that on that very certificate of honour it was stated in print that her father was a colonel, while Amalia Ivanovna's father--if she really had one--was probably some Finnish milkman, but that probably she never had a father at all, since it was still uncertain whether her name was Amalia Ivanovna or Amalia Ludwigovna

    35. “I think her name was Violet, the woman who lived here,” I said to my brother when we mounted the porch, remembering the lore about the house I’d heard from the Finnish old-timers years before

    36. He had his own business in the security industry, and was both a Finnish and Russian citizen, and a resident of Helsinki; no doubt someone had doctored his government records

    37. / 50 Finnish teachers (e

    38. Katerina Ivanovna observed contemptuously that all knew what her family was and that on that very certificate of honour it was stated in print that her father was a colonel, while Amalia Ivanovna's father—if she really had one—was probably some Finnish milkman, but that probably she never had a father at all, since it was still uncertain whether her name was Amalia Ivanovna or

    39. A couple of days ago the un-spell-able Finnish miner Talvivaara announced a rights issue, effectively asking the shareholders to pony up the whole value of their current stake in the business and at the same time nuked the current value

    40. “Late that night, we were able to get hold of strong smuggled liquor through a friend’s Finnish mother to save the show

    41. sisu or “strength of will,” as the Finnish would call it

    42. In the Finnish war he also managed to distinguish killed an aide-de-camp standing near the commander in chief and had taken it to his commander

    43. Just as he had done after Austerlitz, he related this occurrence at such length and so insistently that everyone again believed it had been necessary to do this, and he received two decorations for the Finnish war also

    44. Bard of the Finnish maiden young

    45. Katerina Ivanovna observed contemptuously that all knew what her family was and that on that very certificate of honour it was stated in print that her father was a colonel, while Amalia Ivanovna’s father—if she really had one—was probably some Finnish milkman, but that probably she never had a father at all, since it was still uncertain whether her name was Amalia Ivanovna or Amalia Ludwigovna

    46. A hundred times over, in such a fog, I have been haunted by a strange but persistent fancy : " What if this fog should part and float away, would not all this rotten and slimy town go with it, rise up v^ith the fog, and vanish like smoke, and the old Finnish marsh be left as before, and in the midst of it, perhaps, to complete the picture, a bronze horseman on a panting, overdriven steed

    47. She was an ill-tampered, snub-nosed Finnish woman, and I believe hated her mistress Tatyana Pavlovna, while the latter, on the contrary, could not bring herself to part with her from a peculiar sort of infatuation, such as old maids sometimes show for damp-nosed pug dogs, or somnolent cats

    48. The Finnish woman was either spiteful and rude or, after a quarrel, would be silent for weeks together to punish her mistress

    49. So Tatyana Pavlovna, driven out of all patience by the obstinate Finnish woman, who had refused to answer a word for several days, had suddenly at last struck her, a thing she had never done before

    50. The Finnish cook opened the door: " Not at home ! " she said and would have shut it at once

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