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    Usar "fluently" en una oración

    fluently oraciones de ejemplo


    1. ” As she said that she realized that even if this person spoke Kassidorian fluently, she would have a hard time understanding any of that if she was really immersed in this ancient society

    2. He had succeeded in his mission as the Hebrews were all able to speak the Babylonian tongue fluently

    3. She spoke fluently this time, told Jimmy not to be nervous or alarmed as that might affect the immersion process

    4. o The writer may not write English fluently,

    5. The old fellow was having a conversation with the beasts in bear-speak, rather fluently in fact

    6. We had several interpreters who could speak that language (Yunga) fluently, so communication was easier than usual

    7. Cat fluently, but could tell jokes in Cat

    8. Titus suddenly called out towards the tree line in the Nordheim tongue, speaking fluently and with perfect pronunciation

    9. He came from the Tyrolean part of Italy and spoke German fluently

    10. He speaks fluently in the provincial language of Panjabi

    11. He cursed long and fluently shaking his fist at the heavens

    12. Lucifer cursed fluently for a while

    13. I avoided the center of the room with one hand on the wall, which steadied me and allowed me to move more fluently

    14. Donot expect to speak fluently on a subject that you know little or nothing about

    15. 1 The first afternoon that Jesus taught in the temple, a considerable company sat listening to his words depicting the liberty of the new gospel and the joy of those who believe the good news, when a curious listener interrupted him to ask: "Teacher, how is it you can quote the Scriptures and teach the people so fluently when I am told that you are untaught in the learning of the rabbis?" Jesus replied: "No man has taught me the truths which I declare to you

    16. ‘Yes, I can speak Welsh,’ he replied without hesitation, but giving her a puzzled look, ‘not fluently but I can get by

    17. A person who’s mother tongue was English was not acceptable, however fluently he spoke French

    18. You are not mistaken," she said fluently in Ishan’s native Sanskrit

    19. I speak fluently both Pashto and Dari, am a 5th Dan black belt in karate and am a World-class combat pistol shooter

    20. ����������� �It�s one of the eight languages that I speak fluently

    21. � Know that, apart from being an experienced parachutist and being an expert in pistol shooting and unarmed combat, I also speak German fluently

    22. � As a woman, that subterfuge was a non-starter for her, but she had the advantage of speaking German fluently

    23. “I have however one last piece of information for you about that Ingrid Dows: she speaks fluently both Vietnamese and Chinese, on top of French and, of course, English

    24. Yes, we can hear God speaking to us from within, but He could hear and see Him fluently; all that the Father did, and all that the Father said, He was one with Him

    25. If you could fluently read and write Hebrew,

    26. Again I say, Chances are pretty good that you don't fluently read

    27. Abu’l-Qasim Ubaydallah ibn Abdallah ibn Khordadbeh, better known to his friends and family as simply ‘Ibn Khordadbeh’, was thoughtful for a moment before answering the question from his friend Omar al-Khindi, an old Arab merchant who had been living in Guangzhou for over twenty years and who could speak fluently the local language

    28. begun to understand French quite fluently by this time,

    29. The French mistress was astonished to find that he spoke her language fluently, although he had no recollection of ever having been to France, or having lessons before

    30. So it is with children who learn to read fluently and well: They begin to

    31. In this way the men could not understand the guide and the guide could not understand them; Mohammad Amin, however, understood both languages fluently

    32. including the ability to speak, read and write fluently

    33. Isn't it a nice jingle? The man's name is Hebbel, and he lived round about the forties, and perhaps you know more of him than I do, and I have been arrogant again; but it is a jingle that has often cheered me when I was afraid I ought to be teaching somebody something, or making clothes for somebody, or paying somebody domiciliary visits and talking fluently of the _lieber Gott_

    34. She was actually excited to see the traditional dance and music, as even though she is a Jothar national and speak the language fluently, but she had only known the country and its culture for a few months

    35. He thought for a few minutes and wrote quickly and fluently

    36. Aside from the fact that I’d help her because she’s my best friend, I owe her for getting me through two semesters of French (which she speaks nearly fluently thanks to her grandmother) last year with my grade point average still intact

    37. and ski fluently in any context

    38. the native language and I do not speak it fluently

    39. The language they spoke other than a few changes was the same as I had grown up with and I conversed fluently with the headman, who turned out to be the chief of the whole island

    40. Khaled then asked him fluently, "What? Shocked? Surprised?

    41. with even my obvious youthfulness I could have executed as fluently

    42. they travel to a new country, they learn the language fluently, and they speak with no

    43. I taught positional play in slow motion and then introduced body movements which enabled the students to move fluently up and down the playing surface

    44. Of course they were the most remarkable children ever born, as will be shown when I mention that they walked at eight months, talked fluently at twelve months, and at two years they took their places at table, and behaved with a propriety which charmed all beholders

    45. But I only knew it, as I did the German language, well enough to read it fluently, not well enough to speak it correctly

    46. It was the highest-level book for kindergarten children, and as usual Amabella read it fluently, with impeccable expression

    47. Though he was more poetic in Pashto, he could speak our national language, Urdu, and English fluently, which meant he was an effective communicator outside Swat as well as inside

    48. Then, turning towards Albert,—"It is a pity you do not understand either ancient or modern Greek, both of which Haidee speaks so fluently; the poor child will be obliged to talk to you in Italian, which will give you but a very false idea of her powers of conversation

    49. All the octuplets are handsome, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in various arts and sciences

    50. Mercedes was much changed within the last few days; not that even in her days of fortune she had ever dressed with the magnificent display which makes us no longer able to recognize a woman when she appears in a plain and simple attire; nor indeed, had she fallen into that state of depression where it is impossible to conceal the garb of misery; no, the change in Mercedes was that her eye no longer sparkled, her lips no longer smiled, and there was now a hesitation in uttering the words which formerly sprang so fluently from her ready wit

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