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    Usar "for the reason that" en una oración

    for the reason that oraciones de ejemplo

    for the reason that

    1. “I have not been caught by the Amis for the reason that I am always cautious

    2. Procrastination can be difficult to manage for the reason that you

    3. This is for the reason that you have previously determined they are not as high precedence

    4. “That will not happen, Your Highness, for the reason that The One told her that her present incarnation will be her last life on Earth

    5. Perhaps this is for the reason that if you just ignore exfoliation, dead skin cells will start to build up on the skin, causing itchiness and rashes, especially on the unpredictable or dry weather

    6. education for the reason that I wanted to be a generalist, and not live

    7. Proceeding under a special plan, MFP availed Imran’s services for the reason that he was well conversant with Zulimistan civil society and its culture

    8. message from someone else about the myth, so in that sense she ‘ IS LOG’, but she is not the author—if only for the reason that the myth doesn’t have any of the

    9. “Folklore exists only for the reason that this phenomenon of thought really exists but doesn’t yet have sufficient, steadfast, scientific acknowledgement

    10. the offer for the reason that she did not see any use in keeping the

    11. At that time after they had abandoned the criminal life at his hands, how could they ensure the food of their families and keep their children barely alive after they ate the one sack of flour? People were talked about them for the reason that they were known for their bad reputations and no-one wanted to employ them as workers or let them hold a lease on any property

    12. At that time after they had abandoned the criminal life at his hands, how could they ensure the food of their families and keep their children barely alive after they ate the one sack of flour? They were talked about for the reason that they were known for their bad reputations and no-one wanted to employ them as workers or let them hold a lease on any property

    13. System for the reason that they are not in the

    14. "I tell you Andre, it is stupidity on the part of the slave owners for the reason that out of a slave population of approximately three million, only about seven hundred ran away each year

    15. "You are risking your life for me," she responded, "and the most terrible thing that I could imagine is that someone might lose their life for the reason that they were helping me

    16. Tramell smiled at the boy's words for the reason that none of them had been spoken in jest

    17. In comparing the twoplays he should bear in mind that, for the reason that they are bothartistic

    18. when no longer permitted to love each other inthis life for the reason that Isabel, believing her lover to

    19. In the first 148 lines of Act IV, allof the even lines have eight syllables each, for the reason that

    20. #seña# sign, proof; #por -s que# as proof that; for the reason that,seeing that

    21. However, thinking about what we want is not hard for the reason that it is

    22. If only for the reason that living people are meant to live in the present, and not waste their time in the past: except to understand it, accept it, make peace with it and ultimately free themselves of it

    23. Because—means "for the reason that":

    24. Campbell admits that himself, thought, in another place, as later pointed out, he said a “spirit cannot die,” that it is absurd to talk it, just for the reason that they are spirits

    25. But the instant we declare it to be a real circumstance, it becomes significant, and because of its unusual peculiarity it grows in significance, for the reason that anything out of the ordinary in a real circumstance, always receives the more attention, and comment

    26. Perhaps the ring we call "Do not transgress" for the reason that the Ether within the sphere of each particle – is its own "property

    27. The Universe is like a man, exactly – a man like it, for the reason that in the Universe and in the human the Souls of different quality and different Plans unite together

    28. "For the reason that my hand had this effect (I assume), I had sat by the side of the bed for half an hour, with the two brothers looking on, before the elder said:

    29. But you must observe this, my dear Rodion Romanovitch, the general case, the case for which all legal forms and rules are intended, for which they are calculated and laid down in books, does not exist at all, for the reason that every case, every crime, for instance, so soon as it actually occurs, at once becomes a thoroughly special case and sometimes a case unlike any that's gone before

    30. I should have replied that Love was commonly reputed blind, but for the reason that I always was restrained—and this was not the least of my miseries—by a feeling that it was ungenerous to press myself upon her, when she knew that she could not choose but obey Miss Havisham

    31. That address will not be given in extenso in these columns, for the reason that a full account of the whole adventures of the expedition is being published as a supplement from the pen of our own special correspondent

    32. The analyst, on his side, is usually unable to apply his technique effectively to correcting or taking advantage of these popular errors, for the reason that surrounding conditions change so rapidly that his own conclusions may become inapplicable before he can profit by them

    33. Kress and Company can truly be called its “indicated earning power,” for the reason that the figures of each separate year show only moderate variations from this norm

    34. When a stock is recommended for the reason that next year’s earnings are expected to show improvement, a twofold hazard is involved

    35. The neighbors did not gossip about him, for the reason that there were no neighbors

    36. Who would recognize him now? And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself, and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys

    37. A revolt was, in its eyes, no pretext for allowing malefactors to take the bit in their own mouths, and for neglecting society for the reason that the government was in peril

    38. It is for the reason that every member of the Air Force must take a great deal of responsibility

    39. MY DEAREST MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH,—I have not written to you these three days past for the reason that I have been so worried and alarmed

    40. Blanche had refused to marry him, for the reason that the Grandmother had turned up in place of a telegram, and it was therefore clear that he had no inheritance to look for

    41. Of course, you have of yourself remarked that hitherto I have always refrained from having any final explanation with you, for the reason that I could not well state the whole circumstances; and now to my difficulties the advent of the aged Grandmother, coupled with her subsequent proceedings, has put the final touch

    42. Yet upon the black also—the antithesis of the red—no experienced gambler would stake anything, for the reason that every practised player knows the meaning of "capricious fortune

    43. "I have purposely refrained from making you responsible for my bills or borrowings," she said, "for the reason that I am sorry for you

    44. More than two thousand francs, however, I am not going to give you, for the reason that, if I did so, you would gamble them all away

    45. At first I acted as his secretary, at a salary of thirty gulden a month, but afterwards I became his lacquey, for the reason that he could not afford to keep a secretary—only an unpaid servant

    46. "She DID love you; and I may tell you this now for the reason that now you are utterly lost

    47. But in addition to the good results which were always obtained without fail from the application of my method by myself and by everybody else (more than twenty teachers), who taught according to my method ("without fail" I say for the reason that not once did we have a pupil who did not learn the rudiments), besides these results, the application of the principles of which I have spoken had the effect that during these fifteen years all the various modifications, to which my method was subjected, not only did not remove it from the needs of the masses, but, on the contrary, brought it nearer and nearer to them

    48. The son of Vladimir Vasilievitch, a good-natured, bearded boy of fifteen, who at that age had already commenced to drink and lead a depraved life which lasted till he was twenty years old, was driven from the house for the reason that he did not pass examinations in any school, and keeping bad company, and, running into debt, he had compromised his father

    49. And his vote was thrown against a reversal, principally for the reason that Nekhludoff's determination to marry the girl on moral grounds was extremely repugnant to him

    50. 15) One has to serve others, not oneself, if only for the reason that in the serving of others there is a limit and therefore it is possible here to act rationally, build a house for him who is without, buy cattle, clothes; but in the serving of oneself there is no limit: the more you serve, the worse it is

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