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    foul play

    1. Anyway, I suspect her success was just a foul play, so as to show this special telepathy experiment was not just a flop

    2. The dredge probe returned with it unharmed and no evidence of foul play

    3. If Luray and Klarrain had also disappeared that had to indicate some kind of foul play didn't it?

    4. Accordingly when he ordered his men and us into the farmers we jumped at the chance to have a fatherly talk and the farmers ran away after a short punch-up crying foul play

    5. While foul play cannot be ruled out, police speculate that the professor wandered off the beaten path, perhaps suffering a stroke or heart attack

    6. Police would neither confirm nor deny that a murder investigation is underway, and say Hilier’s disappearance may be explained, ‘by other means, and not necessarily by foul play

    7. It was assumed that foul play had occurred, because the tenants all swore that the Countess had not been seen since before Christmas, and that this man, Breitmann, and his wife had continued to occupy the Countess’ house along with this Krazinsky and the blonde woman called ‘Elzbieta,” who came from out of nowhere

    8. No "body” to be exhumed to verify foul play

    9. He asked Inemeku to not mention having seen him, since he had no business in Anahuac and suspected foul play

    10. I’d feel a lot less concerned about foul play if he went along

    11. “Her body was already in the early stages of decomposition that autopsy report could not verify a foul play

    12. “I suspected foul play

    13. Police would not say whether son Percy is a suspect in his mother’s disappearance, but they have not ruled out foul play

    14. hesitate to come up and check on her if they suspected foul play

    15. At least one journalist had suggested foul play

    16. Though foul play was long suspected, it was many years before her remains, clothing and a few personal affects were discovered lying in a creek bed in a neighbouring state

    17. He was more convinced of foul play than before

    18. The whole fuss just now was foul play and she has probably hypnotized him to get him into her bed

    19. reason to suspect any kind of foul play

    20. Of course foul play was suspected and there was a massive search, but nothing came of the searches

    21. We understood that she suspected foul play, but didn't

    22. In 2004, one clear indication of foul play was the result from the exit polls, which showed Kerry to clearly be the winner

    23. When Jenny left us this morning, we attached a spy probe to her, suspecting some possible foul play concerning her

    24. “Sikorski’s death has been the subject of much debate and, in the absence of strong evidence to the contrary, foul play will continue to be a possibility which is given consideration

    25. Though there was nothing at the moment to suggest murder or foul play that would warrant the participation of homicide in any investigation, Higgins had felt it wise to have his most seasoned, most professional, and most astute detective take charge of the situation

    26. We do have reason to believe that there may have been foul play involved in his death

    27. “How was there foul play involved?”

    28. Viktor still had no explanation for that loss of radio contact, but he certainly suspected that foul play had been involved there

    29. shoulder then a step back to search for signs of foul play

    30. Was the owner killed? Foul play of some sort? A mafia-esque hit made to look like a collision? I need to find out more about this car later

    31. has led many historians ‘… to suspect foul play in the demise of

    32. 120 Some suspect foul play and the

    33. Foul play shows no sign of easing played under services

    34. They said there was no sign of a struggle or foul play

    35. I don't know why--whether he thinks it was due to foul play or not, for he won't say anything about that and evidently doesn't know--but it seems to have changed him

    36. I recalled now the peculiar look on his face which I had interpreted as indicating that he thought Murtha had been the victim of foul play

    37. She wanted to ask more about his death—was it an accident, did anyone suspect foul play—because she did

    38. Maybe she knew the deceased girl? Who knows, she may think there was foul play involved

    39. Police officials do not suspect foul play in either case

    40. “But there’s foul play involved,” I said

    41. One could conjecture that if indeed there has been foul play, then this has affected the

    42. “Is there anything to suggest foul play?” Brandor asked, maintaining his own view that

    43. KGVO that there was no indication of foul play

    44. Don Quixote, however, seeing such a swarm of Moors and hearing such a din, thought it would be right to aid the fugitives, and standing up he exclaimed in a loud voice, "Never, while I live, will I permit foul play to be practised in my presence on such a famous knight and fearless lover as Don Gaiferos

    45. He made off with his winnings, and when I made sure he was going to give me a crown or so at least by way of a present, as it is usual and customary to give men of quality of my sort who stand by to see fair or foul play, and back up swindles, and prevent quarrels, he pocketed his money and left the house

    46. A few suspected foul play

    47. something if there was foul play…it's just so strange that we start digging up information on

    48. “But, as you know, no foul play

    49. ) It was when the authorities found the car that they officially determined…drumroll, please…that “foul play” was involved

    50. “Still, why put out a false story about his death if not to cover up foul play?”

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