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    Usar "free-range" en una oración

    free-range oraciones de ejemplo


    1. In fact, in initial creatine studies, the “non-responders” were consumers of beef! With all of the free-range beef we will be eating, our creatine stores wil be

    2. ”What on earth did you think they put in them? Prime cuts of delicious free-range, organic, rare breed, heritage beef, grass-fed, Eton-educated, humanely slaughtered, dry-aged and hand-ground by fairies…? At a pound for 12?”

    3. I didn't see the logic of it being preferable to have 1000 gallons of rotten milk as opposed to having 10 gallons of good milk, so instead I acquired milk from one of the surrogate producers, an organically fed, free-range, non-genetically tampered quadruple-legged beast of the Capra-Hircus genus, otherwise known as a farm goat

    4. “It is a free-range pig, much higher quality than you would get in the the grocery store

    5. • The fat in organically raised, free-range animals: This is one area where most people have been misinformed by the mass media

    6. The solution is to choose organically raised, free-range meats, eggs, and dairy

    7. The paperwork for the original ten had been stamped in bold blue and red with the words “guaranteed free-range

    8. One is the free-range style and the other is the traditional poultry-house style

    9. If the flocks are not penned up, but allowed to run freely, then they are free-range

    10. The free-range style can be used because the chickens do not have the ability to fly away

    11. One limitation of the free-range method is that dung is scattered and left all over the yard

    12. Do you love the taste of freshly grilled chicken, dripping with juicy goodness? Are you considering raising chickens at home for meat? Its' a great idea because nothing comes close to the taste of farm fresh, free-range chickens

    13. I removed the paperclip from the packet and put it in my paperclip cup in the kitchen (no one should ever buy paperclips, pens— any of those free-range office supplies)

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