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    Usar "frilly" en una oración

    frilly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Prince Ahmed, wearing furry slippers, a pair of boxer shorts with Snoopy on them, and a frilly bathrobe, sits miserably on the silk sheets of his huge canopy waterbed, while his portly, graying American lover, RICCI BAOLONI, cardigan sweater and cotton briefs, plays softly at the white baby grand piano nearby

    2. Carlton would not enjoy Jalloo because she was a flowery romantic in her private life with everything frilly and decorated

    3. Over the next three or four days a succession of busy city types, who had invested in this run down part of the city in an attempt to make a killing on property prices in a rising market, brought around baskets full of striped shirts, frilly blouses and flimsy briefs to be ironed

    4. baskets full of striped shirts, frilly blouses and flimsy briefs to be

    5. To match, she had on the cutest white frilly socks with white sandals

    6. Suzy was staring fixated at the solid oak dresser with its frilly cover and twee pots of all shapes and sizes

    7. The living room door opened and Alison appeared, dressed in a short and frilly pale green nightgown that he had never seen before, one of the day’s purchases, to judge by the price tag hanging from the back

    8. seemed to have some sort of standard uniform of frilly

    9. I imagined Marion to sleep under a lacy baldachin in her brass-railed bed with hundreds of frilly little pillows everywhere

    10. Nearby, a handful of Canadians in loud plaid jackets and ill-fitting trousers were trying not to sound like their south pacific neighbours, while a small group of Nigerians in pillbox hats and colourful robes ogled mini skirted girls boasting bouffant hair, pancake makeup, frilly petticoats and spike heels

    11. Whatever the cause, by five o'clock twenty relaxed and increasingly frisky strangers of both sexes between the ages of thirty and fifty in a bizarre assortment of “twenties” style beaded, fringed, low waisted skimpy frocks, dinner suits and tails were sipping cocktails in the drawing room, served, like Katherine Mansfield’s somewhat more literary crowd, by a nude butler and, unlike Mansfield, two maids in nothing but frilly aprons

    12. Sitting at the edge was S’us, wearing a pink and white head-wrap and dressed in an old black frock with frilly orange straps

    13. They walked down a street full of houses with sumptuous frilly curtains and discreetly dim red lanterns in the upper windows, until they came to a building that looked like it had been constructed solely of driftwood

    14. Yeltsa wore a light pink, frilly blouse with leathering stitching around the forearms and sides, along with dark jeans and her usual boots

    15. David propped some of the frilly throw pillows under his arms and flipped on his laptop computer

    16. No male would wear this hairstyle and frilly shirt for a picture in such wide circulation

    17. White frilly lace curtains covering the

    18. ” The frilly white

    19. Spreading them out on the frilly tablecloth of a nearby tearoom, he couldn’t find a column inch that mentioned the band, or its manager

    20. yellow with short frilly white fabric around the edges and cuffs

    21. had a decorative frilly fabric around the top

    22. It did bring about visions of Bethanie in all her frilly femininity

    23. I was tired of remaining in my bedclothes and walked to the closet, staring at hangers filled with the kind of dresses that only Bethanie would wear; pale washed-out colors with frilly cuffs and collars

    24. And as Ingeborg only stared, the young lady gradually plumbing her ignorance produced a small mattress in a white and frilly linen bag, and diving down beneath the counter, brought up a dusty doll which she deftly rolled up to the armpits in the squares, inserted it into the bag with its head out, and tied it firmly with tapes

    25. Skye asked as she smothered herself with a pink, frilly pillow

    26. But from what Massie could tell, the outfit consisted of a white denim jacket, a turquoise cami and a white, frilly mini skirt

    27. inordinate amount of frilly scarves and traveling pants

    28. It’s frilly knickers or nothing for my boys! Anyway, any advice you could offer on

    29. 'Pooftah!' hissed the jay, 'Great frilly party frock of a big girl's blouse!'

    30. Women in pretty dresses and pantsuits gave her eye arching looks of disapproval, as they tried to pull their interested husband’s gazes away from her, even as they tried to shield their daughters dressed up in frilly princess outfits of lace from what they considered an objectionable sight

    31. Santos’s frilly red shirt and black skin-tight pants weren’t exactly my style

    32. He had you in frilly dresses, yelling at the staff, he even tried

    33. Martha and Mary will be a little chilly at first in such delicate thighcasing but the frilly flimsiness of lace round your bare knees will remind you

    34. Joe, sun bronzed and barefoot in his jersey and shorts, took Joyce, slight and slender in a frilly white summer dress, and twirled her once under his long, outstretched arm

    35. She was dressed in a pink pantsuit with a frilly white blouse

    36. He was decorously clad in She rustled down the stairs toward the two who still stood in the hall, for Pittypat had black, his linen frilly and starched, and his manner was all that custom demanded from an old friend paying a call of sympathy on one bereaved

    37. Do you remember when Insley and her dancing-monkey husband made us come over to admire their baby, and we did the obligatory visit to their strangely perfect, overflowered, overmuffined house for brunch and baby-meeting and they were so self-righteous and patronizing of our childless state, and meanwhile there was their hideous boy, covered in streaks of slobber and stewed carrots and maybe some feces—naked except for a frilly bib and a pair of knitted booties—and as I sipped my orange juice, you leaned over and whispered, “That’s what I’ll be wearing later

    38. The bartender seems thrown, probably unused to girls in frilly dresses asking for a shot of whisky

    39. She’s wearing the same clothes as before—a cashmere sweater and a frilly blue hat to hide her baldness

    40. Nearby stood a solid silver beachtable with a frilly mauve parasol and silver tassles

    41. Gilbert had a sudden vision of Anne, arrayed in a frilly green gown, with the virginal curves of arms and throat slipping out of it, and white stars shining against the coils of her ruddy hair

    42. Lovely frilly feminine garments, dainty slippers all buckle and heel, dear little everyday frocks and lingerie blouses, and gowns for occasions in the big trays beneath

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    Sinónimos para "frilly"

    frilled frilly ruffled