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    Usar "full of" en una oración

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    full of

    1. are full of special effects created by computers

    2. Now, the front lawn is full of dead grass and trash

    3. Isa: 6:3: And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his

    4. behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire

    5. The city was full of life, animal and vegetable, but anything harmful was eaten by the orange-furred, stingless scorpions with five eyes and three fangs

    6. Now, I think he’s full of shit

    7. churches that are full of God’s glory

    8. Stumbling with two buckets full of putrescent refuse, the boy tossed the wet feces onto the head of the ballista

    9. “It’s full of loose ends!” Then she’d poke me in the shoulder with her needle

    10. ‘Yes … I know, the papers have been full of it

    11. But the bottles were full of tears and the hookers had drowned

    12. Functions, festivals parties are full of love and fun due to large number of participants

    13. Using a Liquid Seaweed: Seaweed is full of trace mineral and bacteria

    14. By forty-five I was nine years old, full of spitfires and heroes, no more so than when

    15. My head was full of it

    16. His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace

    17. My Mother? Hah! -- Full of Grace,

    18. ‘What is linked but not the same?’ Stephen asked, appearing breathlessly in the doorway laden with several bin bags full of wallpaper; as is apparent from the split in one of the bags

    19. As I’m filling the kettle, I hear the phone ringing and, seeing that Liz is still halfway to the house her hands full of boxes, I dash off to pick it up

    20. He strolls about, examining the room, which is full of art objects that suggest a quiet sophistication

    21. I had to climb over a heap of black bags full of clothing to get to the phone … Molly and I have been busy

    22. He exits the souk just as a Nissan truck pulls up with a bed full of young Arab men chattering happily and laughing in the back

    23. way through streets full of bars and girls Stu hoped that his chosen destination might

    24. Stu hoped that the place would be full of

    25. "The country is full of low-lives like these at the moment

    26. Her eyes were as full of fun as her body was sensuous

    27. The first field we come to is full of cows, most of them lying down chewing the cud in the warm sunshine

    28. ’ I commiserated, responding to her warm embrace with difficulty – my arms full of her son

    29. ’ Stephen agreed, his mouth full of sandwich

    30. With the departure going on I expected a whole screen full of urgents this morning

    31. The bone, full of air bubbles inherited from the creature’s flying ancestors to reduce

    32. to stay in this world full of injustice

    33. Wisdom - Joshua was full of the spirit of wisdom

    34. “And Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his

    35. Full of contempt - Even though this was initially directed toward God it led him to act contemptuously toward all others

    36. She leads us all to a spacious room, full of chairs

    37. Her face was still full of fear and a smile was all he could manage then before her face washed out in the glare from the alien reactor’s detonation

    38. She was impressed and she suggested my joining her party! I accepted at once, full of joy

    39. Then, full of arrogance, she claims it is very easy for a travelling salesman to earn as much as 600,000 drachmas per month, whereas the basic salary of an office employee is no more than 140,000 drachmas

    40. The central field is still full of nut-trees at the shadow of which we have set up our tents

    41. In the middle there is a picturesque pond full of goldfish; it is decorated with a wooden bridge, stone banks and a green islet with a palm-tree on top

    42. “I don't understand what's the meaning of this all! Frankly, I can't understand why this woman lives! She goes to one place; she goes to another place; so, what? All this is nothing but nonsense for people who have no reason to live!” she concluded, full of contempt for old-maid Ivy

    43. I feel someone removing the bandages from my face and the next thing I hear is Apollo speaking out as if he's speaking to a room full of people, "Okay ARIES, start the program

    44. It was a unique experience, that underground river which splits up into numerous passageways and underground cavities full of impressive stalagmites and stalactites that glitter in shading-off tints

    45. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    46. It seldom happens to me but some days are full of satisfactions

    47. He jumps up and finds the defeated, miserable girl full of dangerous secrets and lies, still crying on the floor

    48. My experience of life might seem deplorably meagre to many, but still had those moments to cherish, and I believed, sitting in the back of that van with Robbie, that I would have a life full of such joys

    49. Below us the road was full of trucks in low gear crawling to the West

    50. As the bus squeezed and wheezed its way through streets full of bars and girls Stu hoped that his chosen destination might have something at least a little different to offer tonight

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