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    Usar "gavel" en una oración

    gavel oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Alderfolk Pottypears sat down, and with his gavel struck the desk

    2. The Alderfolk was quickly with his gavel

    3. banging his gavel on the desk

    4. He banged his gavel: Brian’s request for bail was denied and he was remanded to San Sebastián Prison to await trial

    5. There was a pandemonious roar in the room for a while and Krill banged his gavel to no avail for a couple of minutes

    6. The judge banged his gavel

    7. As it stands now, the only majority the Civil War insurgents need to legitimize their work, however ghastly it comes to be, is a majority of five, and the snap of a gavel

    8. The gavel fell again and the bishop rose to his feet and spoke

    9. Vice pounded his gavel, a hammer, on the table and said that Captain Bannister was fined one glass of wine in that he had not asked permission of the President of the Mess to be seated

    10. patiently and on a nod from the young scientist, he banged his gavel

    11. The hall fell silent and stared at the Chairman, his face white, his trembling hands still holding the gavel

    12. smartly with the gavel

    13. Alvin picked up the gavel to call the meeting to order, but before he

    14. With a bang of the gavel onto the

    15. heard him clack the gavel three times onto its wooden

    16. He handed the gavel directly to Hap who had stood up

    17. The newly re-elected President hit the gavel on the podium

    18. the back of the stage after Hap Dunnavant hit the gavel on

    19. Bosley pounded the gavel on the podium in an attempt to

    20. podium, banged the gavel, and said again , “Order, order

    21. Hap stepped to the podium to pound the gavel hard on

    22. nature of the election process, I now turn the gavel over to

    23. He pounded the gavel on the podium and the heavy

    24. I will now turn the gavel over to

    25. When Hap arrived on stage, he picked up the gavel with a

    26. “It is so ordered!” Hap said as he banged the gavel on the

    27. Hap pounded the gavel for recess and a loud discussion

    28. Hap pounded the gavel on the podium to indicate there

    29. He tapped lightly a few times with the gavel on

    30. He tapped the gavel harder the second time and said,

    31. will hand the gavel over to Vice-President Bosley and let

    32. The judge pointed his gavel at him and warned him

    33. The discussion quickly degenerated into an animated, excited exchange of comments and suggestions, prompting a smiling Boran Kern to call the Council to order with his gavel

    34. Nancy banged her gavel twice to quiet down the men sitting around the big conference table and then looked in turn at each of them

    35. � Boran Kern then banged three times his gavel on the table

    36. � Boran Kern finally banged his gavel on the table

    37. He banged his gavel as he seated

    38. Vandenberg then concluded his address with a resounding bang of his wooden gavel on his table, starting a mad rush out by senators who wanted to return to their offices to use their telephones

    39. meeting, then banged his gavel

    40. Barnett banged his gavel

    41. Li banged his ceremonial gavel on the table as soon as he was sitting

    42. My goal was to convince him to quit so I didn’t have to be the bad guy and lower the gavel on a fired verdict

    43. Joseph Martin, Speaker of the House and past interim president for a few months in 1948, finally banged his gavel on his table, having had enough

    44. Joseph Martin nodded his head and banged his gavel again

    45. The Finnish minister of foreign affairs, who presided over the armistice talks, finally opened the meeting with three bangs of his gavel on the table, speaking first in English and then in Russian

    46. We must have order,” Daniel shouted, pounding a small gavel unto the top of the wooden podium in front of him

    47. ” She then banged her gavel

    48. “Prosecutor!” Judge Marshall banged his gavel and summoned the bailiff

    49. Judge Marshall banged his gavel to adjourn for lunch

    50. After banging the gavel he looked to Lindsey

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