Usar "generality" en una oración
generality oraciones de ejemplo
1. A cup of tea was one thing, but when it came to domestic chores, cooking and the generality of tasks that comprise sound household management, Cyberia was a complete novice
2. The generality of mentioning everybody is the myth
3. chores, cooking and the generality of tasks that comprise sound
4. A French author of great knowledge and ingenuity, Mr Messance, receiver of the taillies in the election of St Etienne, endeavours to shew that the poor do more work in cheap than in dear years, by comparing the quantity and value of the goods made upon those different occasions in three different manufactures; one of coarse woollens, carried on at Elbeuf; one of linen, and another of silk, both which extend through the whole generality of Rouen
5. But, by the present practice, both the labour of the country people, and whatever other fund the king may choose to assign for the reparation of the high-roads in any particular province or generality, are entirely under the management of the intendant ; an officer who is appointed and removed by the king's council who receives his orders from it, and is in constant correspondence with it
6. In 1666, the generality of Montauban was assessed to the real or predial taille, according, it is said, to a very exact survey and valuation
7. In order to remedy this inconveniency, government has found no better expedient, than to impose upon the whole generality an additional tax of a hundred and twenty thousand livres
8. The application is pretty much regulated according to the discretion of the intendant of the generality, and must, therefore, be in a great measure arbitrary
9. The land tax established by the late king of Sardinia, and the taille in the provinces of Languedoc, Provence, Dauphine, and Britanny ; in the generality of Montauban, and in the elections of Agen and Condom, as well as in some other districts of France; are taxes upon lands held in property by an ignoble tenure
10. Each generality is divided into a certain number of elections; and the proportion in which the sum imposed upon the whole generatlity is divided among those different elections, varies likewise from year to year, according to the reports made to the council concerning their respective abilities
11. The more severe government of France assesses upon each generality a certain sum, which the intendant must find as he can
12. The intendant, in order to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, was empowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure or inability of some of the contributors might be compensated by the overcharge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fixation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his discretion
13. higher generality, that it may find rest there; and
14. used as a basis to reassemble the entire construct, but in a way that brings new order, generality,
15. After his analysis of all of the various similarities, the Judge decided that although there were similarities between the two works, they were mostly at a high level of generality and did not support a finding of subconscious copying
16. interests of the generality of humankind
17. 16) 'suffered all nations to walk in their own ways;’ and not only that, but He withheld direct revelation from the majority, abandoning them to 'feel after Him’ in the thick darkness, 'if so be they might find Him,’—a result not attained by the generality
18. On the ground of nature, apart from revelation, it is exceedingly difficult, as Socrates found it, to make out any evidence of a better state for the generality of souls departed, in case of survival
19. ‡ There has been a recent conversion of scores of thousands of the 'Babs’ of Persia, quite unknown to the generality of English Christians
20. Paul, in the second letter to the Thessalonians, that the personal advent of Christ will occur for the purpose of destroying 'the Man of Sin’;—the doctrine of the prophet Daniel, that the 'Son of Man will come in the clouds of heaven’ for the destruction of the 'fourth kingdom,’ and of that 'horn that has eyes, and a mouth speaking marvelous things;’—the doctrine that Christ Himself will come to punish 'with flaming fire’ an antichristian clergy that has perverted Revelation until men can no longer believe in it, and to judge nations that persist in Idolatry after due summons to repentance;—this doctrine of Christ’s ever-impending Advent, under the influence of which the gospel was spread in the first century, is denied by the missionary societies and the generality of their agents
21. By this I don't mean to say they were more complex than the generality of mankind
22. As to the time, it will not require very much more than the generality of wills
23. While my lord was speaking, the captain preserved a steady and unmoved countenance: no one could have imagined that he was listening to any thing but some grave generality of discourse; but when the earl offered to mediate, his breast swelled, and his face grew like his coat, and I saw his eyes fill with water as he turned round, to hide the grief that could not be stifled
24. But, while they were busy at the table, I took a canny opportunity of saying, under the rose to one of the gentlemen, “that I saw through the joke, and could relish it just as well as the plotters; but as the thing was so plainly felt as an insult by the generality of the company, the less that was said about it the better; and that if the whole bill, including the cost of Bailie Kilsyth’s wine and spirits, was defrayed, I would make no enquiries, and the authors might never be known
25. After some generality of discourse concerning the inventions, whereon Bailie Pirlet, who was naturally a gabby prick-me-dainty body, enlarged at great length, with all his well dockit words, as if they were on chandler’s pins, pointing out here the utility of the legs to persons maimed in the wars of their country, and showing forth there in what manner the punch-bowls were specimens of a new art that might in time supplant both China and Staffordshire ware, and deducing therefrom the benefits that would come out of it to the country at large, and especially to the landed interest, in so much as the increased demand which it would cause for leather, would raise
26. "I wish I could fix my mind on what I hear there more firmly than I do," she remarked as a safe generality
27. If you prefer a different set of indicators, you will find that these same concepts can be adapted to a wide range of tools without loss of generality
28. This discussion could apply without any loss of generality to daily/weekly/monthly or to any other set of time frames, but the most important point is to avoid that naive assumption that higher time frames are always more important
29. “Just for ducks, let’s try a little of what my boys would call this generality jazz
30. And I thought how every safe generality I gathered in my travels was canceled by another
31. And here a generality concerning the growth of American cities, seemingly true of all of them I know
32. If I were to prepare one immaculately inspected generality it would be this: For all of our enormous geographic range, for all of our sectionalism, for all of our interwoven breeds drawn from every part of the ethnic world, we are a nation, a new breed
33. I can only state my conviction that it is a rule of high generality
34. It is impossible to study the several memoirs and works of those two conscientious and admirable observers, Kolreuter and Gartner, who almost devoted their lives to this subject, without being deeply impressed with the high generality of some degree of sterility
35. This fact alone, from its generality, seems to have shaken Professor Pictet in his belief in the immutability of species
36. It is a law of the widest generality, and every continent offers innumerable instances
37. It is a rule of high generality that the inhabitants of each area are related to the inhabitants of the nearest source whence immigrants might have been derived
38. We meet here under a constitution expressly framed and devised for legislating on select subjects, which, on account of the generality of their nature, could not be confided to the several States
39. The plan would present itself to us, recommended, at least, by the generality of its operation; by the impartiality of its character