Usar "genius" en una oración
genius oraciones de ejemplo
1. The genius of Obagi is that it deals more with skin health rather than skin beautification –
2. This database is the realm of genius; because to be
3. by virtue of his birth has access to genius
4. He then had stared at it into seeing genius
5. It doesn’t take a genius to work out what went wrong
6. “Stupidity is often confused with genius,” Roman said wiping the last of
7. Now where are those lists? They should be in that filing tray … What a heap of papers! Ah, bingo! Good old Caroline, in one of her moments of sheer genius, went and marked up all the class lists so that younger siblings are crossed out
8. He’s a genius Heather
9. A score of one fifty or higher is considered genius
10. “When these genius types run out of work they start screwing with each
11. “Find work in a factory? Are you hearing me mother? He’s a genius and
12. Heather tells us that you’re a genius, Roman
13. he was for a genius
14. The man is a genius when it comes to carpentry
15. I’m sure it was too farfetched for that genius mind of his to grab hold of,
16. Naturally my sister was a genius and she always would get about the highest grades in her class and always get first honors and I had to suffer because of that
17. genius think at a time like this, in a situation there is no way out of, in a problem
18. The difference between the genius of the British constitution, which protects and governs North America, and that of the mercantile company which oppresses and domineers in
19. One didn’t have to be a genius to work out that, in the long term, the fair folk’s position was untenable
20. Drau’d was a genius builder, his talents easily adapting to defensive construction of the battlefield
21. I was most impressed with what Stephen Hawking (described by some as "the most prominent genius of this world") had to say, at the time, about ‘wormholes’
22. how I had made fun of this genius of a man, and his ingenious
23. So who’s the true genius? Who came up with the idea first!
24. Jista is a genius, with unequaled insight and intuition, in my experience
25. Such a waste of genius! But the balance is
26. ’ Monty knew the agency prized his cleverness but think too far outside the box and they might decide your genius wasn’t worth the risk
27. He remembered one student saying that the guy who designed that courthouse was considered an American genius, but Martin laughed as he paused and looked at its heavy, ugly walls, before entering the Plaza Cafeteria
28. The genius of exclusive companies, besides, is unfavourable, it has already been observed, to the growth of new colonies, and has probably been the principal cause of the little progress which they have made in the East Indies
29. “Well, yeh, they were depressing times no doubt, but that guy was a genius, for his time
30. Such advantageous situations have enabled those two colonies to surmount all the obstacles which the oppressive genius of an exclusive company may have occasionally opposed to their growth
31. But in the manner in which they both govern their new subjects, the natural genius of an exclusive company has shewn itself most distinctly
32. But if the genius of such a government, even as to what concerns its direction in Earope, is in this manner essentially, and perhaps incurably faulty, that of its administration in India is still more so
33. The genius of the administration, therefore, so far as concerns the trade of the company, is the same as that of the direction
34. As he walked in the darkness on his way there, he thought how the whole concept of Fallingwater represented the genius of the American experiment
35. A genius who would struggle to live as a scientist amongst those who were surpassing
36. Wright, a fellow Welshman, was no doubt a genius
37. Not that he was the aloof genius the media had made him out to be
38. When they have been allowed to act according to their natural genius, they have always, in order to confine the competition to as small a number of persons as possible, endeavoured to subject the trade to many burdensome regulations
39. We raised a sceptical eyebrow at this information thinking which genius on the staff had thought this one up
40. Upon the first dawning of his genius, it was represented to him, that by going into the church he could easily find a much more quiet and comfortable subsistence, as well as a better situation for pursuing his studies; and he immediately followed the advice
41. He is supposedly some sort of genius
42. Sheer liberal genius (read: imbecility
43. The man with the blue eyes was deep in conversation about higher consciousness and how all the prophets, artists, poets and many of the Nobel Peace Prize winners had embraced natural highs to reach their true genius and potential and helped to make the world a better place
44. He walked up to the archways that stood around the base of the building, marvelling at the genius of its architecture
45. I think it was Aristotle who said, “There was never a genius without a touch of madness
46. That afternoon, Tony Reilly took over the offense and made me look like a genius
47. It didn’t take a genius to realize that Coal was fond of him and that he, in fact, now had a lady in his life
48. You are as clever as a tree full of owls in your own eyes, even if the professors don’t recognise your genius yet! By your fifth year it takes a few hours of thinking to reach a decision and after twenty years in private practise it takes at least a week
49. Although it is unlikely that aging societies will……or could, for that matter, be restored to their former rank, (age has a manner of setting limits on its own resiliencies or ability to heal itself), each retains a remarkable capacity (or genius) for transforming itself into something new, that is vibrant and wholesome although not altogether new however retaining, in some manner, its former character; allowing a society to maintain its relevancy in a changing environment in search of a ―new‖ identity
50. This measure, while upsetting the bi-cameral symmetry that remains the underlining genius behind our form of government, would likely invest (disproportionate) political influence in the hands of citizens residing in relatively fewer, however more densely populated states