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get hold of oraciones de ejemplo
get hold of
1. · There is no need to get hold of a stamp paper
2. It sometimes happens that people ring here trying to get hold of him and it helps if I can point them in the right direction
3. ‘It’s Inspector Ditton here, is there any chance I can get hold of him somewhere?’
4. But how did he get hold of the gun? Henry keeps all the props locked up … Dan would have had to ask for it, borrowed the key or something
5. Dear God, let me get hold of Barrie, just for five minutes……! Not for what he has said about me, but for what he has done to Alastair
6. How on earth can I find out about that side of things? Maybe Philip will have some idea … if I can get hold of him
7. He determined to get hold of the lamp, and again make Aladdin poor again
8. ‘What trickery is this? How did you get hold of
9. Why didn’t she want to believe him? That tart of a Nuska! If he could get hold of her right now he would wring her little neck with his one hand! He clenched his teeth as he thought of all the cruel things he’d do to her
10. A lot of the science community on Earth would kill to get hold of it, to learn everything they can about it
11. The rest of us were dressed near enough the same including the Captain the only difference was that I had been lucky and had managed to get hold of an Australian bush hat that kept the sun off me but which was now battered and worn
12. It was all bombs now the Turks had a lot as well as grenades which were still like rocking horse shit for us to get hold of
13. ” I pricked my ears up at this knowing that the other bastard with him could only be Smith and I was itching to get hold of the pair of them
14. A short while later she drove back home on her bike as carefully as possible but dying to get hold of Nathan and tell him about her day and her news
15. Not every cadet possessed golf clubs, but many could get hold of bicycles from their younger brothers or sisters, so hundreds decided on cycling as their sport
16. The last thing you need is to have someone get hold of that picture
17. Bear wrote about the stupidity of some politicians, stating what he would do if he could get hold of the buggers that gave the Communist Government in Vietnam one hundred and sixty million dollars to build another bridge across the Mekong River
18. “I mean, how do they get hold of that kind of exchange
19. And finally she told me I wouldn’t be able to call her for awhile, but she would get hold of me
20. get hold of him, I don’t know what he is playing at but it had better be good!”
21. to capture His attention and get hold of what He has
22. He was in luck it seemed, there were eight messages displayed; she could have been frantically trying to get hold of him
23. I was resolute to get hold of that life I was
24. to get hold of what we have been apprehended for
25. Harry was incredulous, what were they saying?, “Bloody hell man, someone has set me up, can’t you see that? How would I get hold of those items in the first place?” It was incredible; Harry was being labeled a potential murderer as well as a stalker
26. Get hold of the main thing that the world and the self are one
27. climbing a tree in the dark — you can get hold of the next
28. “If I can just get hold of the reins before he moves!” he pleaded as his fingers reached for the strap
29. “If I can just get hold of the reins before he moves!” he pleaded as his fingers
30. The sniper (who went by the name of Harry Fischer) considered it a stroke of luck that he had been able to get hold of the woman
31. “Where did you get hold of the journal?” she managed to say
32. He managed to get hold of the bricked edge, and then tried to scramble through the opening into the dungeon
33. You will find that, not only can you get hold of
34. This is your chance to get hold of a brand new tutorial that shows you exactly how to create wonderful floral arrangements – complete with step-by-step photographs of what to do
35. get hold of my emotions
36. She knew she had to get hold of herself
37. email ids they will get hold of?
38. At that stage my friend was also not home as she had to do a country trip as part of her job, and she could not get hold of her husband
39. If you do not want to spend much time reading books get hold of the executive summaries
40. One of the things that Bridget did get hold of was a second hand radio, which they all enjoyed
41. But they cannot get hold of us, they cannot touch us, as long as
42. He vowed to ask his parents everything he could about Irish history and to get hold of every book he could on the subject
43. “If I ever get hold of that miserable bastard I won’t be responsible…” he said cursing his old adversary
45. Not the easiest thing to get hold of but some of her
46. How on earth did he get hold of the phone number for his private line? He had been caught on the hop
48. Roger flew into a fury and raised his voice, “Where did you get hold of a copy of my bank statements?” In a moment he had regained his composure and continued with a veiled threat, “Isn’t that against the law?”
49. "But how did he get hold of you? Have they taken the ship?"
50. “Not if you can get hold of it on the first of the month when it arrives in your sorting office!” Carmen said