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    Usar "get tired of" en una oración

    get tired of oraciones de ejemplo

    get tired of

    1. I will never get tired of it

    2. Could he ever get tired of

    3. But I was sure I would never get tired of this, not in a thousand life times; the

    4. Sometimes I get tired of lying down, I do some shares of his things and tidy up his flat and he does appreciate it very much

    5. After a couple of years, they’ll get tired of looking at it, and it’ll end up on the trash heap of fucking history, where it fucking belongs

    6. You will get tired of despairing and begin to question

    7. “I never get tired of watching this,” she says, studying my skin as it renews to heal the scars

    8. obviously get tired of reading all the revisions sent by the copy editor,

    9. I guess that’s one of the pitfalls of being a loner – every now and then you get tired of fending for yourself and long for someone to ‘take care’ of you

    10. But Ño Josefina does not understand this immense love I feel for the "army of objects" as she called my dear trousseau; which for me are loving friends that as a flowered garden never get tired of proclaiming to the four winds the beauty of my ways, my elegance and my composure

    11. But one feature that highlights in Leonardo was, without a doubt, his eyes; I would never get tired of repeating it, those two indigo constellations sipped the whole blood from the veins of everyone who dared to look at them

    12. ‘Yeah, but he’ll soon get tired of that

    13. Several minutes afterwards, when he finished reading the first chapter to Allen, not only was Paul’s throat getting dry, he was starting to get tired of reading aloud

    14. The better part of me was hoping he would get tired of me, and then the

    15. said so) I could never get tired of him

    16. they would get tired of it and quit watching

    17. “I never get tired of this view,” Therese said

    18. It is true you would have some difficulty in altering a person like myself, long ago petrified into her present horrid condition, but even the petrified can and do get tired of hearing the unceasing knocking of the reforming mallet on their skulls

    19. woman constantly keeps crying he would get tired of it

    20. You look for someone who's hiding then hide somewhere else until you're the next to last person out and about so you don't have other kids invading your personal space, or you hide until everyone finds you or until you get tired of hiding and come out to discover that you had hidden so well that the other kids had given up looking for you and moved on to tag

    21. "I never get tired of that, Mr

    22. If consumers ever get tired of all this useless crap

    23. When we get tired of digital entertainment we have other options to get “quick high” in the form of shopping, eating something (called “boredom eating”), or buying the latest cell phone model

    24. Majorities quickly get tired of listening to any minority griping and whining about what happened to them in them in the past

    25. I get tired of waiting for the phone to ring once a year to help solve some case for little money or recognition

    26. “Does Greg ever get tired of it?”

    27. "Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault," said Mrs

    28. ‘Do you remember when I said that one day he would get tired of me, and on that day, you would agree with him? It’s today

    29. Only the night before, he and his wife had been sitting on the front porch when the evening paper was delivered, and, not even daring to open the headlines out, he had said, ‘I wonder when He will get tired of us and just rub us all out?’

    30. Who can get tired of watching Gladiator?

    31. I'm beginning to get tired of this place

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