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    1. The smuggling of salt and tobacco sends every year several hundred people to the galleys, besides a very considerable number whom it sends to the gibbet

    2. Conan felt slow fury swell his heart as he looked silently down and saw the ruffians dragging her toward a tree whose low-spreading branches were obviously intended to act as a gibbet

    3. Meanwhile corpses lie in new-made graves, bloody corpses of young men, The rope of the gibbet hangs heavily, the bullets of princes are

    4. "What is to be done," said Sancho, "is this; you, the winner, be you good, bad, or indifferent, give this assailant of yours a hundred reals at once, and you must disburse thirty more for the poor prisoners; and you who have neither profession nor property, and hang about the island in idleness, take these hundred reals now, and some time of the day to-morrow quit the island under sentence of banishment for ten years, and under pain of completing it in another life if you violate the sentence, for I'll hang you on a gibbet, or at least the hangman will by my orders; not a word from either of you, or I'll make him feel my hand

    5. A flash of lightning struck the gibbet, and I wish they all lit there

    6. "THERE'S A GIBBET! That is why I call my wood the torture-chamber!

    7. The elbow of the gibbet was a square hall which was used as the servants' hall, and which the nuns called the buttery

    8. He said of the crucifix: "There is a gibbet which has been a success

    9. their tortures, performed in sinister wise, not on the formidable and flaming chariot of the Apocalypse, but, what was more mournful than that, on the gibbet cart

    10. That gibbet is always good to look

    11. The gibbet was erected on the shore for his hanging

    12. Pougatcheff’s troops were there, falling into rank, around the gibbet, to which still hung the victims of yesterday

    13. Out on the square, I stopped an instant before the gibbet

    14. If you wish to hang Alexis, hang on the same gibbet this young fellow, that they may be equal

    15. You have done all this—and then show him the gibbet and the wheel, as incentives to a sullen, repugnant obedience

    16. The one ends with wealth, honor, and an eligible matrimonial connection with the daughter of his master, with whom he had been admitted into partnership; the other is brought up by the gibbet

    1. Apparently, it was also home to many criminals, whom we found in various stages of decay hanging from gibbets or tied to wheels

    2. King Luke is tearing the gibbets down

    3. Those martyrs that hang from the gibbets, those hearts pierc'd by

    4. Is there, for example, anything stranger than that long and bloody protest of dealers in contraband salt, a legitimate chronic revolt, which, at the decisive moment, on the day of salvation, at the very hour of popular victory, espouses the throne, turns into chouannerie, and, from having been an insurrection against, becomes an uprising for, sombre masterpieces of ignorance! The contraband salt dealer escapes the royal gibbets, and with a rope's end round his neck, mounts the white cockade

    5. Blocks resembling headsman's blocks, dislocated chains, pieces of woodwork with brackets having the form of gibbets, horizontal wheels projecting from the rubbish, amalgamated with this edifice of anarchy the sombre figure of the old tortures endured by the people

    6. A race of pirates not amenable to the gibbets of the crowns? Why, they would be plundering everybody

    7. At present one would rather say on the contrary that the action of the state with its cruel methods of punishment, behind the general moral standard of the age, such as prisons, galleys, gibbets, and guillotines, tends rather to brutalize the people than to civilize them, and consequently rather to increase than diminish the number of malefactors

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