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    Usar "hall porter" en una oración

    hall porter oraciones de ejemplo

    hall porter

    1. He was the son of a hall porter in an office in the city and, as a boy, he had sung prolonged bass notes in the resounding hall

    2. The hall porter stood holding open the great door of the house

    3. The door opened, and the hall porter with a rug on his arm called the carriage

    4. The minute the chief secretary came out, I announced him,’ said the hall porter with a good- humored wink

    5. He stood keeping hold of the hall porter’s belt, and gazing into his face

    6. The hall porter nodded his head affirmatively

    7. The clerk with his face tied up, who had already been seven times to ask some favor of Alexey Alexandrovitch, interested both Seryozha and the hall porter

    8. beg the hall porter to announce him, saying that he and his children had death staring them in the face

    9. Seryozha understood at once that what the hall porter was speaking of was a present from Countess Lidia Ivanovna for his birthday

    10. She would have money in her hand to give the hall porter and the footman, so that they should let her in, and not raising her veil, she would say that she had come from Seryozha’s godfather to congratulate him, and that she had been charged to leave the toys at his bedside

    11. But as soon as, driving into the wide semicircular court and getting out of the sledge, he mounted the steps, and the hall porter, adorned with a crossway scarf, noiselessly opened the door to him with a bow; as soon as he saw in the porter’s room the cloaks and galoshes of members who thought it less trouble to take them off downstairs; as soon as he heard the mysterious ringing bell that preceded him as he ascended the easy, carpeted staircase, and saw the statue on the landing, and the third porter at the top doors, a familiar figure grown older, in the club livery, opening the door without haste or delay, and scanning the visitors as they passed in—Levin felt the old impression of the club come back in a rush, an impression of repose, comfort, and propriety

    12. ‘Who else is with the countess?—a Frenchman?’ Stepan Arkadyevitch asked the hall porter, as he glanced at the familiar overcoat of Alexey Alexandrovitch and a queer, rather artless-looking overcoat with clasps

    13. Although the hall porter saw someone’s carriage standing at the entrance, after scrutinizing the mother and son (who without asking to be announced had passed straight

    14. The hall porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs, and turned away

    15. Bagration appeared in the doorway of the anteroom without hat or sword, which, in accord with the Club custom, he had given up to the hall porter

    16. The hall porter was standing at the front door

    17. A courier who galloped to the castle in advance, in a troyka with three foam-flecked horses, shouted ‘Coming!’ and Konovnitsyn rushed into the vestibule to inform Kutuzov, who was waiting in the hall porter’s little lodge

    18. But just then the hall porter ran over to look at the floor

    19. "That won't be necessary," said the manager, handing the keys to the hall porter

    20. Although the hall porter saw someone’s carriage standing at the entrance, after scrutinizing the mother and son (who without asking to be announced had passed straight through the glass porch between the rows of statues in niches) and looking significantly at the lady’s old cloak, he asked whether they wanted the count or the princesses, and, hearing that they wished to see the count, said his excellency was worse today, and that his excellency was not receiving anyone

    21. Bagratión appeared in the doorway of the anteroom without hat or sword, which, in accord with the club custom, he had given up to the hall porter

    22. A courier who galloped to the castle in advance, in a troyka with three foam-flecked horses, shouted “Coming!” and Konovnítsyn rushed into the vestibule to inform Kutúzov, who was waiting in the hall porter’s little lodge

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