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    happen to be oraciones de ejemplo

    happen to be

    1. That's wrong: Human beings are evil by nature and they like causing pain to those who happen to be weaker

    2. And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat

    3. happening whether we happen to be there or not

    4. Tobacco might be cultivated with advantage through the greater part of Europe ; but, in almost every part of Europe, it has become a principal subject of taxation ; and to collect a tax from every different farm in the country where this plant might happen to be cultivated, would be more difficult, it has been supposed, than to levy one upon its importation at the custom-house

    5. It regulates the price of bread according as the prices of wheat may happen to be, from one shilling to twenty shillings the quarter of the money of those times

    6. This institution rendered it sufficiently safe for the tenant, and much more convenient for the landlord, to convert, as they call it, the corn rent, rather at what should happen to be the price of the fiars of each year, than at any certain fixed price

    7. If those two or three distinct foreign trades should happen to be carried on by two or three distinct merchants, of whom the second buys the goods imported by the first, and the third buys those imported by the second, in order to export them again, each merchant, indeed, will, in this case, receive the returns of his own capital more quickly ; but the final returns of the whole capital employed in the trade will be just as slow as ever

    8. When the profits of trade happen to be greater than ordinary over-trading becomes a general error, both among great and small dealers

    9. He can know better the character and situation of the persons whom he trusts; and if he should happen to be deceived, he knows better the laws of the country from which he must seek redress

    10. This double encouragement must they imagine, in a long period of years, occasion such an increase in the production of corn, as may lower its price in the home market, much more than the bounty can raise it in the actual state which tillage may, at the end of that period, happen to be in

    11. ” She grinned slyly, “Should the two happen to become mingled

    12. It has been established in Pennsylvania, where, though the quakers happen to be the most numerous, the law, in reality, favours no one sect more than another ; and it is there said to have been productive of this philosophical good temper and moderation,

    13. More or less can be got for it, according as the competitors happen to be richer or poorer, or can afford to gratify their fancy for a particular spot of ground at a greater or smaller expense

    14. The British merchants who trade to Virginia and Maryland, happen to be a particular set of correspondents, to whom it is more convenient to receive payment for the goods which they sell to those colonies in tobacco, than in gold and silver

    15. appeared to be less loyal to their country than to the ship they happen to be on at the time

    16. And for another thing, I happen to be a retired U

    17. First, there happen to be men who know the price of everything, and the value of nothing

    18. not happen to be acquainted and that he was taking a little fir-tree up

    19. In it the writer confesses he controls a large amount of money which he is willing to share with you! A total stranger who just happen to be that lucky to inherit or be chosen by this important man! But unfortunately he needs your account and a few thousand dollars (or less) to access the money he professed to control

    20. I am forced to be very cruel about such things and tell you that it is not normal for a pretty girl to like a fat old guy unless you happen to be rich and have a foreign passport

    21. “You’d have me think you’re doing all this to find your brother? And you’re telling me you just happen to be a Captain in the Royal Marines, serving as a military advisor in Lagos for the past two years? Posing as a journalist, running off in the jungle setting off mines and getting shot at, with no other purpose other than to find your brother?”

    22. “See to end the war between the Ruems and the Warlins you need not only an angelic child but also a shape shifter, a vampire, a witch, and a merchild, and you my darling, would happen to be said witch child

    23. "But how did you happen to be here when she fell?"

    24. You happen to be a

    25. that my mom and siblings happen to be some of those mean and

    26. That’s when I heard, from the back of the elevator, the distinctive voice of Chairman Strouse say, “Hi, Roy, those wouldn’t happen to be the prints of our Institute commercials, would they?” A hot-flash went through me when I told him they were, immediately alarmed that the next thing he might say was to get them to the screening room so we could look at them

    27. “Except for you of course, Tithian, unless you should happen to be here again tomorrow

    28. The other night you just happen to be witness for”

    29. I have read that its other justification is the doctrine of apostolic succession: Christ gave divine authority to his Disciples, who passed it to the Apostles, who gave it to the first Priests, who passed it on to Bishops; and you happen to be a Bishop

    30. hot dog cart in the way and they happen to be hungry

    31. “What on earth are you doing in Des Moines? And how did you just happen to be in

    32. I tend to browse the Web for research whatever I happen to be working on,

    33. Throughout most of the known universe all enlightened species have passed a law making this gesture punishable by amputation of the fingers or tentacles or whatever the extremities just so happen to be

    34. No matter, his followers will put his prophetic visions in high esteem whenever they happen to be correct, and dismiss them when they are not

    35. This spell should be cast weekly, or whenever you happen to be in the bath

    36. that we are in a passive condition; and therefore if there happen to be disease-

    37. Unless, of course, you are supremely rich and powerful and happen to be able to import a rare flower called the iciaus, the leaves of which are poisonous to humans, with one exception: if you’ve been bitten by a Sadiaius, chewing the leaves of an iciaus will render both poisons harmless

    38. happen to be vampires

    39. 12 "Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You would shut the doors of the kingdom of heaven against sincere men because they happen to be unlearned in the ways of your teaching

    40. If you just happen to be in a store because you have free time, and you found items that are on sale, then you might be tempted in acquiring them immediately

    41. “Would this happen to be a member of the latest generation of the House of Rothschild?”

    42. You see, I happen to believe in miracles

    43. happen to be Westmount Security Officers who’ll be coming out of

    44. “Conners? You wouldn’t happen to be Shane’s wife, would you?” He asked with a charming smile

    45. ‘All their footwear? Not just the ones they happen to be wearing today?’

    46. “Cynthia, I’m Alexa’s step brother and I happen to be a

    47. We shall hurt those three monsters that happen to be the

    48. space that maybe happen to be around

    49. “Home is where I happen to be

    50. “You didn’t just happen to be at your father’s ranch - did you?”

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