The movie was a detective thriller where the intrepid and busty blond heroine tracks down the missing drawings for next year’s releases for a major fashion house
the heroine, she confirmed the facts, but the peasants
movies celebrating with fanfare the arrival of the heroine
She was flesh and blood like anyone else but the way Rosemary spoke about her, Jack was certain Shelagh was Rosemary's heroine - her saviour; the counter balance to her parents strict Roman Catholic upbringing
“What about Abigail, will she be a heroine or will her day be ruined?”
In romance novels, the heroine always takes the opportunity to describe herself while standing naked in front of the mirror
The extensive response told of events, all too close to what he had long suspected, to be doubted: the American CIA, he said, had employed him, Gordon Edward, and others as cocaine smugglers to finance their incursion into Nicaragua the same as had been done in Vietnam to finance certain ‘secret war’ activities only, in that case, the drug had been heroine
The year after that, my high school was preparing the musical Oklahoma and I was cast as the heroine, singing the lead soprano role
I wish I had my priorities more in line of a modern heroine
became strung out on heroine on the streets of Chicago
[In Not That I… our hero and heroine stray afield in search of romance, not yet having sufficiently learned that love is a trap for fools
Her cheekbones and jaw line are those of a comic book heroine
The selection of a name for a child is very important because the child will emulate the characteristics of the mythological hero or heroine he/she is named after
The hero or heroine becomes an inspiration for the rest of his/her life
So I lifted my arms as a heroine in search of salvation and placed them around the Magician’s neck
with the Hero or Heroine, the Objective, the Conflict, and be setting up the Final Battle or Outcome and the coming Aftermath in Act III
Impressed with her voluptuousness, he developed visions of his becoming a movie mogul with her as the banner heroine
Promising to make a series of movies with her as the heroine, the imposter tempted the willing with an open offer
Unmindful of her reservations, he tried to brainwash her about the glories of heroine
I decided on where my heroine would be from based on family
He bought heroine and cocaine in huge amounts and supplied the roaring trade around Brazil
We know how harmful they can be and we also know how bad heroine is
melodramatic heroine, frantically trying to save the ship and dying in the process
The heroine, Ellie Hightower, is thinking…
Her body was found in a derelict factory there, along with the heroine kit
Like most of us, our heroine wasn’t thrilled about public speaking
The princess is also obviously infatuated with her as a sort of heroine
“I could not in good conscience award anything less to a national heroine
Nancy Laplante, who should have justly been considered a local heroine for her role in putting an end to World War Two in 1942 ‘B’, was being increasingly bad-mouthed by the Catholic Church and by many Quebec politicians, who were afraid of her quasi-messianic status in Jerusalem as the ‘Hand of God’ and of her supposedly communist-like social views
When I view myself as the heroine of my own story, I no longer
vent my legend with me as the heroine instead of the victim
� She was a heroine to me and to the British people
They also made the mysterious girl who stole the cars as some sort of heroine, risking capture by saving the owner’s life
under the influence of heroine
All the anxious heroine could do was wait as time dragged on
“How is our fair heroine, by the way?” Bill asked
“But no problem” Murat laughed as he rescued the bulging-eyed kid, “I am heroine seller and have van
“National heroine posted to Washington
A heroine from one of the stories he had heard or told or retold
heroine adored throughout history – pours forth the peace of incarnation once and again
Hell there are heroes and for the empowered women heroine – hell hath no furies
At that time, I lived in a rented portion of a house owned by an eminent family that fell afoul of fate; while the girl was reduced as a makeup woman of a B - grade film heroine; her brothers were compelled to run odd errands to sustain the joint family
that at the age of ten, the heroine decides
The pavement slides together over the poor victim and our heroine slips her set of wheels into the involuntarily vacated space
“Is Pandora a heroine then?” This was Reho's principle prerequisite for interest and respect
“So, do you think Pandora was a heroine, a martyr, or a fool?” Faithful stared at him as he continued to dream with eyes open
“The gaming culture has evolved the heroine quest for the extreme adrenalin rush of the fight/flight emergency situation
As she stroked and caressed she pushed the guilt of her straying imagination aside, picturing herself the confused heroine in an epic romance
combination of bluntness and nobilitywhich they have represented in their heroine is their own
(Madrid, 1663), tells thesame story, and is the first to name hero and heroine, Lisardoand
She searched her memory for anything that might fit the description: lazy, giant steps that would wake the dead; heroine and idiot friends in danger; enormous height that might give the impression of dark clouds, but was probably some strange physical occurrence caused by the thing’s shadow
She was his Aazuria, his mythical heroine
Homage to Tara, the Swift One, the Heroine,
I also found myself wishing I didn’t have Adam there, glaring at me like a chaperone in one of those Victorian novels where the heroine can’t even step out on the veranda without having her actions questioned
They can make you as pale as a sickly heroine or they can make you as yellow as a bathing girl
That was Eve's technique—to be the villain and play the heroine
Each of these has posed a challenge to our heroine, and as such each has been impacted by the various ways of human senses
It is with the utmost intent that within the Twisted Spire and the Final Frontier of Wraethworld that our heroine, little Mary Matthews, discovered the most crucial gift of all—faith
“You are not even telling me the whole story, just a more creative one where she is the selfless heroine
Rajan sat on a chair behind the camera near Kapoor’s chair and began to observe the shot but heroine was not ready with her steps so all had to wait
They started interviewing hero, heroine, director and producer at once
thebrilliant, protagonistic rôle of the heroine, represents on a
The heroine, Isabel, is married to Gonzalo,
Tell her she is my heroine and that I am so proud of her
Where the heroine falls in love only with the most handsome, the most wealthy, and the most powerful man available
Fictitious, but vivid enough to make his heart beat from a chase he is inventing, to make him fall in love with the heroine that never existed
Despite her reluctance to play the heroine Simla was now sent on a morale-boosting tour round the weapons
thick moustaches and the heroine next to them is a ravishing beauty
girlfriend for a super heroine will always have to face some sort of revenge, as the ex becomes a super vil ain)
I wanted an older heroine who’d had kids, experienced life in the “real” world first so that she could realistically handle an Alpha like Silas Knight
“What would my heroine need to do,” she proceeded, “to win over the man that she wants? Any ideas?”
Crystal, if your heroine can find out what that is for the hero, she could use it to her advantage
when a bad guy tortures an innocent pure heroine
How graciously Amy criticized the artistic parts of the story, and offered hints for a sequel, which unfortunately couldn't be carried out, as the hero and heroine were dead
It did not seem at all comical to Meg, who kissed and caressed the afflicted heroine in the tenderest manner
He wanted Jo for his heroine, and called upon his memory to supply him with tender recollections and romantic visions of his love
He did not give the complacent wraith any name, but he took her for his heroine and grew quite fond of her, as well he might, for he gifted her with every gift and grace under the sun, and escorted her, unscathed, through trials which would have annihilated any mortal woman
Now, if she had been the heroine of a moral storybook, she ought at this period of her life to have become quite saintly, renounced the world, and gone about doing good in a mortified bonnet, with tracts in her pocket
But, you see, Jo wasn't a heroine, she was only a struggling human girl like hundreds of others, and she just acted out her nature, being sad, cross, listless, or energetic, as the mood suggested
She was the mistress of all the novels, the heroine of all the dramas, the vague "she" of all the volumes of verse
The thought, too, came into my overwrought brain that our parts now were completely changed, that she was now the heroine, while I was just a crushed and humiliated creature as she had been before me that night--four days before
Everywhere was a Walter Scott heroine being loved by men with helmets or with plumes in their caps
Yes: I remember her hero had run off, and never been heard of for three years; and the heroine was married
my cries, and bore him with the passive fortitude of an heroine; soon his
who received him as he pushed at once dead at mark, like a heroine,
The heroine of the bouquet kept her word; she gave Albert no sign of her existence the morrow or the day after
Two, in romance novels the heroine is always in danger
But giving us no time to consider the dimensions, he threw himself instantly over his charming antagonist who received him as he pushed at once dead at mark, like a heroine, without flinching; for surely never was girl constitutionally truer to the taste of joy, or sincerer in the expressions of its sensations, than she was: we could observe pleasure lighten in her eyes, as he introduced his plenipotentiary instrument into her; till, at length, having indulged her to its utmost reach, its irritations grew so violent, and gave her the spurs so furiously, that collected within herself, and lost to every thing but the enjoyment of her favourite feelings, she retarded his thrusts with a just concert of spring heaves, keeping time so exactly with the most pathetic sighs, that one might have numbered the strokes in agitation by their distinct murmurs, whilst her active limbs kept wreathing and intertwisting with his, in convulsive folds: then the turtle-billing kisses, and the poignant painless lovebites, which they both exchanged, in a rage of delight, all conspiring towards the melting period
If she read that the heroine of the novel was nursing a sick man, she longed to move with noiseless steps about the room of a sick man; if she read of a member of Parliament
“Oh yes, truly a heroine
She says you’re a real heroine of romance,
This was the creature, neither child nor woman, that drove me through the dusk that summer evening, untroubled by love, taken aback by the power of her own beauty, hesitating on the cool edge of life one who had suddenly found herself armed, unawares; the heroine of a fairy story turning over in her hands the magic ring; she had only to stroke it with her fingertips and whisper the charmed word, for the earth to open
Our heroine, who had hitherto held her peace, at this wild moment could not help joining in with the rest
Thereupon our heroine resumed her walk
As a secretary brought tea and cookies, he heard himself venture a Freudian reading of Countess Olenska, arguably the heroine of the book Runcible had enclosed with the letter
If the veil of melancholy over those adorable features had not still appeared to the young man as the last trace of the weird drama in whose toils that mysterious child was struggling, he could have believed that Christine was not its heroine at all
At the moment when the heroine was to act the stabbing of her lover, and he was to fall gracefully, the wife veritably stabbed her husband, who fell as death willed
Lydgate leaped and climbed, he hardly knew how, on to the stage, and was active in help, making the acquaintance of his heroine by finding a contusion on her head and lifting her gently in his arms