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    Usar "hideousness" en una oración

    hideousness oraciones de ejemplo


    1. But the more dimensionally complicated the universe becomes, the more brainpower is required to deal with the hideousness of having to navigate through 1085’s (or many, many more) of different directions of space-time-probability-improbability, all set at odd angles and geometrical relations to each other

    2. The hideousness of its face transcended mere bestiality

    3. Obviously, the hideousness of murdering millions of gypsies, homosexuals, Jews and other "undesirables" can't be compared to the acts of dubious propriety-cum-legality Clinton's made it clear he indulges in, “BUT”…

    4. He cringed at the thought of his sweet Therese seeing the hideousness of the Furies, the blood pouring from Tizzie’s eyes, the vicious snakes, the fierce falcon, the howling hounds; but, he supposed she would have to see these things eventually if she were to follow him to the Underworld and live there with him

    5. Given, her dress was powdered from hem to shoulders with dust, but that only lent weight to the radiating hideousness of its dark weave

    6. And if at that moment he had been capable of seeing and reasoning more correctly, if he had been able to realise all the difficulties of his position, the hopelessness, the hideousness and the absurdity of it, if he could have understood how many obstacles and, perhaps, crimes he had still to overcome or to commit, to get out of that place and to make his way home, it is very possible that he would have flung up everything, and would have gone to give himself up, and not from fear, but from simple horror and loathing of what he had done

    7. "And the hideousness, the filthiness of all your surroundings, doesn't that affect you? Have you lost the strength to stop yourself?"

    8. ‘These new institutions, these justices of the peace, rural councils, what hideousness it all is!’

    9. A grotesque-looking lady wearing a bustle (Anna mentally undressed the woman, and was appalled at her hideousness), and a little girl laughing affectedly ran down the platform

    10. He did not go as far as the Brahmin, but he seemed to have weighed this saying of Ecclesiastes: "Who knoweth whither the soul of the animal goeth?" Hideousness of aspect, deformity of instinct, troubled him not, and did not arouse his indignation

    11. The bayonets plunged into the bellies of these centaurs; hence a hideousness of wounds which has probably never been seen anywhere else

    12. *With reference to the Polar bear, it may possibly be urged by him who would fain go still deeper into this matter, that it is not the whiteness, separately regarded, which heightens the intolerable hideousness of that brute; for, analysed, that heightened hideousness, it might be said, only rises from the circumstance, that the irresponsible ferociousness of the creature stands invested in the fleece of celestial innocence and love; and hence, by bringing together two such opposite emotions in our minds, the Polar bear frightens us with so unnatural a contrast

    13. I had sagacity enough to discover that the unnatural hideousness of my person was the chief object of horror with those who had formerly beheld me

    14. Never did I behold a vision so horrible as his face, of such loathsome yet appalling hideousness

    15. ‘And the hideousness, the filthiness of all your surroundings, doesn’t that affect you? Have you lost the strength to stop yourself?’

    16. "These new institutions, these justices of the peace, rural councils, what hideousness it all is!"

    17. How fortunate it is for us that we live in so peculiar an age, when that mental activity which calls itself science, not only does not err, but finds itself, as we are assured, in a remarkably flourishing condition! Does not this peculiar good fortune arise from the fact that man can not and will not see his own hideousness? Why is there nothing left of those sciences, and sophists, and Cabalists, and Talmudists, but words, while we are so exceptionally happy? Surely the signs are identical

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