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    1. Shit!’ He’s spotted that a saucepan on the hob is about to boil over

    2. "Here, let me", said the lady and she filled the kettle full of water, set it down on the hob and lit the burner

    3. His upper body and head fell across the hob, where Ruby was waiting with the frying pan

    4. Boiling and bubbling away on the hob was Granny's huge old

    5. water, set it down on the hob and lit the burner

    6. Open plan living, a two ring electric hob and a microwave

    7. Swallowing hard, she stared blankly at the frying pan sizzling on the hob

    8. "How late the children are," she said at last, lifting the boiling pot on the hob

    9. Helen Booker was cooking their breakfast on a smaller hob at a central unit and smiled at them when they entered, asking Dawn whether she wanted one egg or two

    10. stirred it round and round, and put it on the hob to simmer, Master

    11. nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that all was not well, or maybe it was a hankering for Hob Nobs, he couldn’t tell

    12. Eventually, she appeared with a plate full of Hob Nobs and

    13. Then he heated up some sesame oil in the wok that always hung to the left of the hob and added his ingredients

    14. not they are HOB

    15. HOB equipment eliminates the need for running your own plumbing

    16. And if they had had eyes to see they would not have walked into their new home with such sighs of satisfaction and such a comfortable feeling that now at last the era of systematic serenity and self-realization, beautifully combined with the daily exercise of charity, had begun; for waiting for them in Priscilla's parlour, established indeed in her easy-chair by the fire and warming her miserable toes on the very hob, sat grey Ill Luck horribly squinting

    17. "Have I called at a bad time?" Richard asked noticing the pans bubbling on the hob

    18. The stuffy air which had played hob with her sleep did not diminish at the door

    19. ornamental canopy above the hob

    20. Ceramic hob – a flat glass topped electric hob that’s easier to wipe clean and heats up quicker than conventional electric ‘rings’

    21. Induction hob - An advance over the standard ceramic hob, the Induction Hob uses magnetic field technology to efficiently heat only the pan and not the hob itself

    22. A kettle steamed upon the hob, and in the midst of the wreck of papers a table shone, with plenty of wine upon it, and brandy, and rum, and sugar, and lemons

    23. "Yes," said Captain Barfoot, knocking out his pipe on Betty Flanders's hob, and buttoning his coat

    24. On the hob the big black saucepan was simmering, the stew-jar was in the oven, ready for Morel's dinner

    25. Oh! it's killing! a breath of night air! And he must have a fire in the middle of summer; and Joseph's bacca pipe is poison; and he must always have sweets and dainties, and always milk, milk for ever---heeding naught how the rest of us are pinched in winter; and there he'll sit, wrapped in his furred cloak in his chair by the fire, with some toast and water or other slop on the hob to sip at; and if Hareton, for pity, comes to amuse him---Hareton is not bad-natured, though he's rough---they're sure to part, one swearing and the other crying

    26. Crofton sat down on a box and looked fixedly at the other bottle on the hob

    27. They were all displayed in that chamber of the Castle into which I had been first inducted, and which served, not only as the general sitting-room but as the kitchen too, if I might judge from a saucepan on the hob, and a brazen bijou over the fireplace designed for the suspension of a roasting-jack

    28. Mary had prepared the table for his tea in the kitchen, where there was a bright fire with the kettle singing on the hob

    29. He removed the saucepan to the left hob, rose and carried the iron kettle to the

    30. Perhaps Sam detected something of this internal struggle because he waited until I took my first sip, then said, while stirring something on the hob, ‘Was that the boss you were talking about? That man today?’

    31. "There was a terrible storm; the stone-giants were out hurling rocks, and at the head of the pass we took refuge in a cave, the hob bit and I and several of our companions…"

    32. fighting!' said old Hob

    33. Merry,' said Hob, 'but it isn't allowed

    34. 'There isn't no pipe-weed now,' said Hob; 'at least only for the

    35. 'Now you shut up, Hob Hayward!' cried several of the others

    36. Then Tom sprang up on to the hob, and peeped into all the dishes, but over one he leant so far, that he was carried up by the steam through the chimney, and then for some distance he floated on the smoke, but after a while he fell upon the ground once more

    37. Oh! it’s killing, a breath of night air! And he must have a fire in the middle of summer; and Joseph’s bacca-pipe is poison; and he must always have sweets and dainties, and always milk, milk for ever—heeding naught how the rest of us are pinched in winter; and there he’ll sit, wrapped in his furred cloak in his chair by the fire, with some toast and water or other slop on the hob to sip at; and if Hareton, for pity, comes to amuse him—Hareton is not bad-natured, though he’s rough—they’re sure to part, one swearing and the other crying

    38. “We’re tolerable, sir, I thank you,” replied Grace, lifting the boiling mess carefully on to the hob: “rather snappish, but not ‘rageous

    39. In the grate there was a glowing, blazing fire; on the hob was a little brass kettle hissing and boiling; spread upon the floor was a thick, warm crimson rug; before the fire a folding-chair, unfolded, and with cushions on it; by the chair a small folding-table, unfolded, covered with a white cloth, and upon it spread small covered dishes, a cup, a saucer, a teapot; on the bed were new warm coverings and a satin-covered down quilt; at the foot a curious wadded silk robe, a pair of quilted slippers, and some books

    1. hobble from her lair deep in the bowels of the house, but not a breath of air moved

    2. leaned on the physio as he tried to hobble

    3. called to discuss the court case, he had to wait for her to hobble up from the stable

    4. She was too sore to move at any speed greater than a hobble

    5. By concentrating on them and trying to hobble along on the gravel shoulder, I was barely aware of the trucks going by

    6. My heart leaps and then plummets when I see Molly hobble across the dormitory, her nose purple between strips of medical tape

    7. As Ralph starts to run, or rather hobble, something hard lands on his face

    8. I started to look away, but then saw my grandfather quickly hobble

    9. dropped just below the ridgeline, where I began again to hobble

    10. Choosing to hobble through the

    11. hobble toward the one shard of hope I had – or that I’d been

    12. When Zoe still appeared to ignore him and tried to hobble past, Leftheri quickly grabbed her around the waist and carried the struggling woman into the alley

    13. Zoe watched Henry hobble away on his crutches

    14. The base in chaos, everyone scrambling, or being eaten, no one noticed him hobble into the hangar

    15. ” He exited the bed to hobble over to the table where the King had laid out the scrolls and Marcus’ wizards’ bits and pieces

    16. Spirituality was fine for those who needed a crutch to help them hobble their way

    17. " He was also threatening to hobble the very

    18. Still have to hobble all the way to the

    19. I think they may be trying to hobble their women

    20. Watched them hobble Rudolph with strings

    21. hobble in on crutches with arms and collar bones in splints and plaster in a

    22. Despite the presence of the armed police, I continued to hobble towards her, determined to save her from them and from herself

    23. could hobble painfully off the

    24. Whatever the Agents did to his knee would cause Hamilton to hobble for a while, maybe indefinitely, not that Hamilton had long to live anyway

    25. I can hobble

    26. I shook my head and tried to hobble out of the room

    27. At then end of those two weeks, Kathy would then be able to hobble around, in slow and easy stages, without crutches - if that is - (he qualified) there were no complications and he saw no further injury had been made to her broken ankle when he re-examined it

    28. instead of hobble back to my house with one leg

    29. Trembling, I hobble toward Anthony

    30. After all, she had had to walk on it, or hobble at least, for some considerable distance over ground that was hard going at the best of times

    31. As I watched Tanner's murderer hobble away, I debated whether or not to finish her off or to let her suffer

    32. “That was the fate my brother, we must have been brought together to save each other” said fisherman Ca as they continued on their painful hobble

    33. Nicks whinging stopped and he started to hobble and pulled pathetic pained expressions

    34. His right thigh, impaled through and through during his fall, seemed to trouble him, but with great effort he was able to hobble about the room

    35. Quickly stripping the tack from the animal, he placed a sling hobble on one foreleg of the beast and freed it

    36. The bullet hole in his leg was giving him a lot of pain, but he was able to hobble back to the passenger door

    37. My adrenaline crashed on my way back from Emily's, and by the time I got home, I had to pry my hands off the handlebars to hobble inside

    38. hobble off of the packmount and turned it in the right

    39. She glanced over and saw me approaching and tried to hobble around to face me, but I waved her to stop

    40. The door opened and I watched Asia hobble out

    41. poor wretch could half hobble, although its movement was something like a cross between

    42. Sancho had not thought it worth while to hobble Rocinante, feeling sure, from what he knew of his staidness and freedom from incontinence, that all the mares in the Cordova pastures would not lead him into an

    43. Sancho stood aside and let her go, very well pleased to have got so well out of the hobble he was in

    44. All those who could walk or hobble left as soon as they could, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the English, hoping to avoid tomorrow’ s inevitable bloodthirsty mopping-up operation

    45. Marie-Laure can hear the man pacing out there, one-pause-two one-pause-two, a lurching hobble

    46. The amount of food the rabbits produced was not very large, but once inside the wood the bird clearly felt safer and was able to hobble about and do some foraging for itself

    47. This hobble of being alive is rather

    48. out here, until it pleases Thjoden to hobble out himself to speak with me

    49. Old men and women, especial doctors as all the aged are, clashed by each other in bristles of canes, in phalanxes of crutches and hobble sticks

    50. She only just remembered to hobble on her cane as she began to pick her way down the winding steps

    1. He hobbled and crawled to it and found the knife was still there, the clothing bundle and the water skins

    2. hobbled and rolled towards the safety of the crowds in the nearest

    3. The men hobbled and left the room

    4. hobbled towards the door to leave

    5. he hobbled to suitable perch at the side of the road

    6. There was a timetable on the wall by the door and he hobbled over to peer at it as he sipped his drink, trying to make some sort of sense out of all the place names which meant nothing to him

    7. who hobbled around the square every day without fail and

    8. He hobbled over to the

    9. " Was Jacobs’s response, as she hobbled towards the car?

    10. walked briskly toward the door, hobbled by the staircase, and disappeared toward

    11. resecured the bandages on his feet and hobbled out

    12. He might be suffering from a severe hangover, but she still was hobbled by all the

    13. Though he’d be too hobbled to chase her, Tragus would spread word through

    14. She hobbled hurriedly over to Mercer, helping him to his still shaky feet and urging him to use whatever trickery he had employed against her earlier, to render himself invisible again and more freely make his way to the cave

    15. She hobbled outside, crossed the farm yard, and used the privy

    16. Not taking the time to get her staff, Nerissa hobbled after him

    17. Painfully I hobbled after them

    18. People hobbled up on blistered feet and worn out legs tantalised by the smell of the cooking even though the march yesterday had taken everything out of them

    19. She staggered to her feet again and hobbled to a large rock

    20. Carmen managed to get Tessa into a stall, and then hobbled to the dairy for some warm water

    21. I shook my head and hobbled to the door

    22. The old woman hobbled over and thrust her hand into the hole, bringing

    23. “Well they’ve certainly done strange things to yours,” Karla mumbled to herself as the old man hobbled his way out of her café

    24. She hobbled from the park

    25. Three times, she hobbled through the crowded open square, which was simply a block in the pueblo’s center without buildings, trees, or pavement: just a hot, lumpy, dusty, place where buses arrived, departed and throngs of people milled about

    26. After we all hobbled and limped to a great shower that adjoined the cafeteria

    27. He hobbled a few steps, limping on his left foot

    28. He hobbled by a pawn shop with large selections of blades and

    29. He hobbled over to the antique radio

    30. He hobbled through the kitchen with water now up to his ankles

    31. He hobbled out of the park

    32. “There’s nothing to worry about,” she said under her breath as she hobbled into the city

    33. towels with her clean hand, hobbled back to the toilet

    34. pee cup on top of the paper towels, and hobbled yet

    35. He hobbled back to the house on his crutches

    36. The men had been told to leave everything except their swords and shields with the horses hobbled at the base of the hill

    37. hobbled at the base of the hill

    38. treated Sari, it seemed so long ago, now hobbled ever more slowly over to where the two lay

    39. He instead hobbled from

    40. brief standoff, before Hendricks hobbled out of the skybox

    41. My opinion on the release was shared by those I passed as I hobbled out of the

    42. I hobbled, bent over and taking shuffling steps, holding my lady-bits to keep the tube in place,

    43. I hobbled, walking aided with a stick, while my leg wound healed

    44. As the men and Logan gathered wood for a fire, I hobbled and kneeled at the roots of the sacred rowans to pray

    45. The final nail in the coffin was that Digg became hobbled by technology problems as the site tried to move to a new database system on the fly around the same time as the summer 2010 re-launch

    46. Mr Boglehob nodded again, and then hobbled off with a squawking Edwin in his grip

    47. The scarecrow turned and hobbled away

    48. Boglehob slipped the Key back into his waistcoat, and then hobbled out of the shed

    49. Zoe turned around to see Henry had hobbled over on crutches

    50. With the toes of my right foot, which Scumble had only hobbled, I scratched away at the sand underneath

    1. The zombie hobbles toward us, preaching a constant moan

    2. ‘Possibly, that’s why I have fitted hobbles

    3. With that, he turns on his heel and hobbles out into the drizzle and damp of the day

    4. He hoists himself up onto his crutch and hobbles toward the outer edge of the village

    5. He carries his throwing spears and pike with him as he slowly, awkwardly, hobbles up to the practice mound

    6. On and on he painfully and clumsily hobbles down the faintly moonlit path, keeping his ears pricked for the slightest rustle of leaves

    7. She turns and hobbles off down the hallway, shuffling in her decrepit

    8. A dog with his leg wrapped in bandages hobbles

    9. that hobbles our souls

    10. Cass hobbles his way into view alongside the slowly clapping captain

    11. Ankles would be hobbled and the soldiers would then be linked together by a rope looped around the hobbles and threaded in a long single file

    12. It seems as if the poor had gone raiding the town, and now trapesed back to their own quarters, like beetles scurrying to their holes, for that old woman fairly hobbles towards Waterloo, grasping a shiny bag, as if she had been out into the light and now made off with some scraped chicken bones to her hovel underground

    13. He heaves his booty, tugs askew his peaked cap and hobbles off mutely

    14. The German shuts the wardrobe doors and hobbles away, and Marie-Laure stays on the bottom rung of the ladder for a count of forty

    15. And as the multitude hisses in a million tongues around him, as if a pan had been placed under cold water, Mercer Goodman hobbles off north, in the direction of what is now, or once was, his home

    16. It no longer walks, it hobbles; it limps on the crutch of the Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre, its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile

    1. By the time I catch up with Sefir, Berndt has settled her in a makeshift stall, hobbling her more from the point of view of preventing her doing herself any damage than anything else, as he assures me quickly

    2. Once again, he saw the figure, hobbling along in the shallows of the river

    3. With his leg in plaster, he found it a bit trying hobbling about

    4. me,’ Reynard explained, hobbling over to the corner and

    5. ’ Jean was led hobbling across the

    6. up the hallways, hobbling and shrieking

    7. Scott backtracked towards Josh who’d now got to his feet, heading in his direction, hobbling along the ridge at a desperate pace

    8. But what would be the point? Where would he go? He limped slowly along with them, hobbling on the bruised leg that Khan had almost snapped in two

    9. Still hobbling, I got myself a glass of orange juice from the fridge and went back to my room

    10. After a long rest and a few mouthfuls of grass, Darkburst decided his only choice was to press on back to Brockenhurst Sett, so gathering his strength he struggled to his feet and resumed his journey, hobbling along on three legs as best he could

    11. After this little episode I thought it would be a bit unfair of me to question him any further so I exited quickly, leaving him hobbling around the room still cursing under his breath

    12. She sat down on a fallen log and strapped the sword on while the men finished their own preparations, then stood and practiced hobbling around on her crutch

    13. He knew he must be close, and as exciting as that felt, he had to continue hobbling at a slow pace

    14. At the same moment, he heard the sound of hobbling footsteps and Ralph’s voice

    15. them, hobbling over the thorns and sharp rocks as they fanned

    16. Bryony turned to see a lopsided figure hobbling towards her

    17. ” She pointed the pitchfork again, and Bryony and Edwin saw more scarecrows hobbling towards them

    18. Edwin heard creaking, and turned to see a line of scarecrows hobbling into the yard

    19. “He’s come back!” Bryony tensed, expecting the lopsided scarecrow to come hobbling into the tool shed

    20. Despite the Captain’s order, Bryony couldn’t resist peeking over the crates to watch the line of sack-faced figures hobbling into the farmyard

    21. Two old guys in loincloths were hobbling around, throwing firebal s into

    22. As the travelers neared the gateway to the cairn they saw the hobbling shapes of goblins

    23. As he went down the corridor, a figure came hobbling up it, a bent, surly old man, stooping under the weight of his pike and a lantern he bore in one hand

    24. A bent figure came hobbling swiftly along, lantern held high, and its light shone full on Conan and the girl

    25. Hobbling back to the patrol car he radioed in and tried to explain what had just happened to him

    26. “Then what happened to him, Mama?” Clarene chimed in, pointing in the general direction of the hobbling soldier

    27. As Adam drove into Zeke’s yard, Zeke was already hobbling out of his house carrying two mugs of coffee

    28. Tears of joy welled up in her blue eyes when she saw the shabby, blood stained figure hobbling towards her

    29. Carolyn watched as a collection of hobbling, physically

    30. If a person's got a broken leg and they're hobbling along, you don't mock them, ridicule them, or push them, because they're hobbling along, they're just hobbling along

    31. So if you, in that sense, have got a broken leg in your soul, your emotions or somewhere, and you're hobbling along, that's just where you happen to be right now - but it doesn't mean you have to stay there

    32. This would then change and bring freedom and you're no longer hobbling along, you're a lot freer on the inside

    33. hobbling author an eviction notice with only five days to leave the premises which he

    34. but was somewhat disappointed to find that her companion was a hobbling, old

    35. My protests fell on deaf ears as I ran to catch up with him, hobbling as grit dug into my foot

    36. Leaning on the crutch handles, with the ugly cushion tucked under her armpit, Kathy thanked them and began hobbling towards the boarding ramp

    37. and started hobbling away from Mark towards the officers on her way

    38. because of a bad knee, and I was hobbling on a sore arch

    39. Some distance away yet – with Caesar fast approaching – the hobbling train of three convicts hobbled toward the Aboriginal camp

    40. The young man said, “He’s injured a little all right, hobbling on one leg, heading in that direction

    41. The Jeep had, as usual, stopped with a jerk, and the four toads were hobbling out of their high seats, rubbing their bums and twisting their thick, short necks as they came out into the sun-light

    42. Hobbling to the basin, he washed his face and armpits with the cold water, thinking still of the two hung and dismembered men

    43. The dog—Sarge—was still somewhere living and breathing, hobbling along on his last legs

    44. The priest was indeed hobbling towards them with his

    45. Lennia let go of my hand, which I had forgotten that I was still holding and started hobbling as fast as she could for the stairs

    46. He was being wrapped up by several caregivers, when he saw Lennia hobbling toward him

    47. He then started hobbling onward toward the sanctuary mumbling as he went

    48. to proceed and you see him hobbling around for a

    49. heed not, some to the rear are hobbling,)

    50. What would have happened next I cannot say, if Aunt March had not come hobbling in at this interesting minute

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