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    Usar "hoping" en una oración

    hoping oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I know, that example is pretty outrageous, but, I’m hoping that you see, that’s how some people are

    2. ' I said, hoping that she'd go into detail a little

    3. "Earth years?" she said, hoping

    4. One usually 'misses the bus' to sell at a profit or keeps hoping against hope in a falling market

    5. devastated … not only because she’d messed him about, but because he threw us out of the window because of her … y’see, I reckon he was hoping that we’d be reconciled … we were friends, him an’ me, best friends … he once said that any woman he married would have to accept that I came with the package, I reckon he thought that as Joanna was a friend of mine anyway, it would make the whole thing easier

    6. When doostEr looked at him like he was expecting more he said, "Hoping to hear there's something looking up somewhere," and that was all he would say

    7. continue hoping that they will

    8. Can I take a message at all?’ I asked, hoping she will chat a little

    9. ’ I said impulsively, then suddenly hoping she won’t think that Stephen is at all unprofessional in telling me things, I went on

    10. Half hoping it will be Stephen and half dreading that it might just be, I reach for the phone

    11. I was hoping to get over the bridge up here before breakfast was over

    12. ’ I said, visualising this encounter and rather hoping that the two of them never gang up on me in earnest

    13. Emma’s hoping to go back to work once he starts school – she’s a primary teacher and should be able to get a part time job … at least that is the intention

    14. ’ I assured him, hoping the wooziness I’m experiencing will pass off … I’m not in the habit of fainting and don’t want to start now

    15. "That's too bad, I was hoping to find a kindred soul

    16. Closing my eyes, I let loose of the ball in the general direction of the plate, hoping for the best

    17. ‘It must have been a few years ago perhaps at the theatre in Bridgwater?’ he went on, clearly hoping to impress

    18. She was restoring everything of his to how it had been in 2278, hoping that would soften the blow of waking up as a clone in the ruins of Biology Base

    19. She was hoping that Ruby's answer would give her an idea of some destination

    20. By far sighted me with a sweet look, hoping

    21. Anyway, I’m hoping they’ll let me up soon

    22. ’ I said, hoping he wasn’t disappointed

    23. Hoping to make him stop this, I made up a melodramatic love story about a boyfriend of mine who was killed in a car accident nine years ago; strangely enough, I felt quite emotional about it and when I said “I have lost someone” I meant it

    24. Yet, I keep on playing the role of the match-maker, hoping that Dimitri will eventually be disappointed from Mandy's frigidity and notice me

    25. At a moment he holds my hand – probably hoping for a night of wild sex

    26. So, from now on I will be Yvonne and I have taken refuge in the world of the living, hoping to avoid a dreadful danger which awaits me in the astral plains

    27. " Maybe he was hoping she would object and give him a reason to not face the issue

    28. He berthed the thunderboat and began the climb to Ava's latest home, hoping she could find those papers and wouldn't object to giving them over to him

    29. Some hunters from the village followed Son hoping that he would lead

    30. I’m hoping it will be the last and then I won’t have to bother you again

    31. She stood there panting, hoping she wasn't about to lose control of herself and run

    32. He was hoping she would be at least able to stutter something

    33. We are hoping it

    34. He was hoping

    35. Has Caesar been a good ruler? Has he brought you peace? Has Herod been all that you have hoped he would be? Have the rulers and the governments over you really brought you the peace that you were hoping for? Have they really supplied for your needs? Or are your needs deeper than stuff? Are your needs and your deepest longings for something bigger and greater than that which has been given you? Choose ye this day: Caesar or Christ? Herod or Jesus?

    36. I held my breath hoping it would not pick up my scent

    37. They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

    38. “So, that’s about it in a nutshell, any questions?” She was looking at him hoping that he wouldn’t have too many

    39. He didn’t look in her direction at all, hoping that she would think that he didn’t know she was there

    40. ‘Now that is far more what I was hoping you would say

    41. "To be honest I never knew it, I was just hoping to hit it in the eye with the flame

    42. She was hoping that she wouldn’t faint

    43. "I was hoping," she said

    44. 'En route to the islands,' I forced a smile, hoping that she didn't want a travelling companion

    45. Carefully, I eased into my space hoping not to disturb either of them

    46. I gave her a wide smile and touched my forehead hoping she would recognise this as an apology and said sorry, in the hope she might speak a little English

    47. I had thought that perhaps when this whole thing is over and done with I might take her place …’ I said tentatively, hoping it doesn’t sound too ludicrous – after all, I’ve little experience of running a household like that

    48. 'I was hoping you could offer me accommodation for the night

    49. Daniel had rigged a sort of cast on her wing hoping that the bones would knit

    50. Driving ahead they would speak to me hoping a word or phrase would sink in so I could grasp what was really going on

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