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    Usar "horsehair" en una oración

    horsehair oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Five year old Veronica sat cross legged on the sunny tiles arranging her doll’s horsehair tresses with a pretty little comb made out of ivory

    2. With a small hand desperately clawing horsehair, Moshe only now

    3. My helmet, like all the helmets on Athena’s side, had a blue horsehair plume on top

    4. The treasure was there, heaped in staggering profusion—piles of diamonds, sapphires, rubies, turquoises, opals, emeralds; zikkurats of jade, jet and lapis lazuli; pyramids of gold wedges; toecallis of silver ingots; jewel-hilted swords in cloth-of-gold sheaths; golden helmets with colored horsehair crests, or black and scarlet plumes; silver scaled corselets; gem-crusted harness worn by warrior-kings three thousand years in their tombs; goblets carven of single jewels; skulls plated with gold, with moonstones for eyes; necklaces of human teeth set with jewels

    5. Conan the Cimmerian, restless in his plate-armor, stared at the bedecked camel with no great approval, and spoke to Amalric, who rode beside him, resplendent in chain-mail threaded with gold, golden breastplate and helmet with flowing horsehair crest

    6. She had a small lantern her hand and a flail made of coarse horsehair

    7. The hair of which it was woven was not horsehair

    8. Two bright new silver chains were bolted into the plaster and horsehair wall

    9. Then she went into the parlour and dropped into a horsehair armchair, and leaning her head against its prickliness she sighed a doleful sigh

    10. Nothing could exceed her astonishment when about four o'clock, as she was sitting deep in thought and bored on the arm of a horsehair chair, Mrs

    11. she has horsehair braid sewed inside the hem of a long gown and

    12. The three of us awake early, we heated water to wash and Arthur showed me how Arial had showed him the best way to brush teeth; a tiny bone and horsehair brush he used

    13. I truly felt it when I saw him waiting at the Northgate, mounted on his white horse, fully battle-dressed, the Roman bear-shield on his back, the polished helmet on his head with a black horsehair tail and chain-mail neck guard

    14. The stiff, presumably horsehair padding didn't give an inch

    15. Among the many pillows that adorned the venerable couch was one, hard, round, covered with prickly horsehair, and furnished with a knobby button at each end

    16. Jaggers's own high-backed chair was of deadly black horsehair, with rows of brass nails round it, like a coffin; and I fancied I could see how he leaned back in it, and bit his forefinger at the clients

    17. Snip off with horsehair under the denned neck

    18. “Pry up the floorboards,” orders Volkheimer, but after Neumann Two pries up several and peers down, it’s clear that the only thing under the boards is decades-old horsehair for insulation

    19. the horsehair chair, she burst into tears

    20. which ran from wall to wall, red velvet portieres and the newest of highly varnished Within, the house was furnished as Scarlett had desired, with thick red carpeting black-walnut furniture, carved wherever there was an inch for carving and upholstered in such slick horsehair that ladies had to deposit themselves thereon with great care for fear of sliding off

    21. She’d left the big horsehair mattress in the master bedroom, perhaps not believing that he hadn’t fucked his mistress on it, but too sentimental to throw it out

    22. And he’d never imagined horsehair could be so comfortable, the way it conformed to you whether you slept the sleep of the guiltless, like Keith, or like Regan tossed restlessly

    23. And when the kids came over following their real Christmas with Regan for his paltry imitation and their inaugural custody overnight, Cate ignored the canopy bed he’d bought her and headed for the horsehair

    24. While he moved the cushions from the long couch, which creaked quietly with horsehair, she cut some cake and held out a plate

    25. It rained out his arms to loosen his hard-mouthed hands on the shuddering wheel and sit him with grace and ease in his horsehair saddle as he gentled through the fogs that kept us and Dublin apart

    26. Since he had also worn glasses for myopia from the age of five, and had his mother’s Indian hair, as bristly and coarse as horsehair, his appearance clarified nothing

    27. 5cm (½-1 in) in diameter, close together along a stick or branch, use horsehair preferably but any strong material will suffice

    28. The oilcloth seats were frayed and split, so that the coil spring stuck through, and wads of horsehair hung from the holes

    29. On pegs were also pieces of harness, a split collar with the horsehair stuffing sticking out, a broken hame, and a trace chain with its leather covering split

    30. “Between these arms and mine,” she said, slowly, tapping the chair; “between horsehair and flesh and blood

    31. And you chose the horsehair

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