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    Usar "hot chocolate" en una oración

    hot chocolate oraciones de ejemplo

    hot chocolate

    1. returned with the hot chocolate, handing it out in silence as Alistair

    2. share a cup of coffee and hot chocolate – and found that

    3. availability of hot chocolate being the universal gauge for

    4. would have still been there slurping hot chocolate if we

    5. (2) It was cold so we _________________ some hot chocolate

    6. She was cradling a hot chocolate in her delicate small hands, ‘What’s up guys? Hey Danny, is he okay?’

    7. The dark eyes stood out like pockets of hot chocolate in his pale face

    8. mug of steaming hot chocolate

    9. She needed something to calm her down and I knew she always had hot chocolate in the cupboard, she always said it relaxed her

    10. While she went to the bathroom I made her hot chocolate and found some cookies, put them on a plate for her and went back to the room

    11. ‘There’s some hot chocolate and cookies for you,’ I pointed to them and she nodded

    12. She had just finished her second cup of hot chocolate when we heard the door open and slam shut not a few seconds later

    13. The other nurses joined her bringing me hot chocolate and cookies and towels to dry myself as much as possible

    14. Patty finally arrived at lunchtime and we sat around the coffee table with hot chocolate and biscuits, keeping warm by the heater

    15. Relaxed in my PJs, with a cup of hot chocolate and ready to go through the files and perhaps catch up with some work, I sat at my desk in the study so I could chat to Egan at the same time via a video call

    16. I stood in the lounge still holding my cup of hot chocolate not sure what to do

    17. Coming back to her empty house, she sat on the settee with a cup of hot chocolate, going back over the past couple of years, wondering where it had all gone wrong

    18. He made himself a cup of hot chocolate and supped it while sitting on the sofa still wearing his overcoat

    19. ‘We’ll soon be home and drinking hot chocolate

    20. After purchasing the hot chocolates, i decided to return to the

    21. wanted a hot chocolate

    22. verse so that you might have hot chocolate and candy every morn-

    23. hot chocolate, or the fancy sugar cereals

    24. But the hot chocolate is

    25. I’d never felt anyone so close to me before, mortal or not, and losing myself in Ishvara wasn’t exactly hard, his toned body, his rippling stomach, lean biceps, and aristocratic features were as seductive and enticing as a hot chocolate fudge cake

    26. Without waiting for an answer, Rick entered with two cups of hot chocolate

    27. The air smelled like hot chocolate

    28. I thought I'd go inside and warm up, maybe get a cup of hot chocolate or something

    29. I was wondering if the cup would turn invisible when I picked it up, or if I'd have to deal with a floating hot chocolate problem, when my whole plan was ruined by Zoe, Thalia, Bianca, and Grover all coming out of the store

    30. Chiron greeted us at the Big House with hot chocolate and toasted cheese sandwiches

    31. It smelled of hot chocolate and fresh-baked brownies, hamburgers on the grill and wildflowers, and a hundred other good things that shouldn’t have gone well together, but did

    32. She woke me up, took me in her house, gave me hot chocolate, asked me who I was, looked at my hand, and listened to me speak about Harriet

    33. Sip slowly your hot chocolate and think of the best

    34. The two of them talked about hockey for five minutes while Ben and I made some hot chocolate

    35. While sipping a hot chocolate-coffee mixture from ancient, fragile cups and saucers, amid elegant furniture and scores of silver and gold picture frames containing yellowing and fading photographs almost a century old, a young male secretary narrated from a hand-written book, the story of the gold

    36. Harry said "Hmmmmm," and sipped his hot chocolate

    37. They were setting up their gas barbeque grill to heat water for hot chocolate

    38. They finished off their mugs of hot chocolate, this just had to be the beginning of something truly wonderful

    39. No loitering in the cow shed after the milking, come inside and we will have hot chocolate before bed

    40. It’s Chee-Chee still wearing his shades, with slippers on and a glass of hot chocolate

    41. eating and drinking the hot chocolate and snacks Mrs

    42. the table where Jim was sipping a hot chocolate

    43. Hot tea or hot chocolate or

    44. They skied as fast as they could down to Vail Village, where a limousine filled with hot chocolate was waiting for them

    45. Annie decided to go for the hot chocolate, and she stood there sipping it while Mick served more customers

    46. They had a free hot chocolate stand at the annual Christmas tree lighting

    47. hastily threw his styrofoam cup of hot chocolate on the floor

    48. “Hot chocolate cake

    49. Andy offered to make hot chocolate then left the room

    50. She read from the news displayed on her PADD as she drank her Keta, more similar to hot chocolate than coffee, but a refined Vulcan drink

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