Usar "huntsman" en una oración
huntsman oraciones de ejemplo
1. I was beginning to think that Alexander could trap Henrietta like a master huntsman could trap a rabbit
2. The Horn of the Huntsman has ever sent fear into the hearts of all things black; it is the sound of righteousness at war
3. I, the Poet, have heard the call of the Huntsman
4. No, he has not yet returned—not for many long years of the moon will the Huntsman return to sound his call
5. Maggie thought of the Huntsman
6. Around the splintered handle was twisted the silver thread of the Huntsman
7. Theo had found in himself a new motive in life other than his love of the chase; the born huntsman had grown into an agent provocateur
8. The mood was somber indeed around the conference table of the Situation Room in the White House, as Admiral Huntsman, the commander of the United States Pacific Command, gave his part of the briefing via a video satellite link
9. ‘’No!’’ Replied at once Hillary, both surprising and shocking Huntsman
10. Realizing that the President was ready to have him relieved if he kept balking, Huntsman shook his head
11. If Admiral Huntsman ignores or undermines in any way the guidelines approved by me, then I want him relieved of command at once
12. Dewer the Black Huntsman, strides across the moors, ever
13. had from a friend: Aragorn, the greatest traveller and huntsman of this age
14. A huntsman passing by overheard him, and said, "How loudly that old woman snores! I must see if anything is the matter
15. He caused his court to be assembled, and sentence was given to the effect that the Prince should be secretly shot; and once as he rode out hunting, unsuspicious of any evil, the Huntsman was sent with him to perform the deed
16. By and by, when they were alone in the wood, the Huntsman seemed so sad that the Prince asked him what ailed him
17. The Huntsman replied, "I cannot and yet must tell you
18. " "Ah, it is no other than that I must shoot you, for so has the King ordered me," said the Huntsman, with a deep sigh
19. The Prince was frightened, and said, "Let me live, dear Huntsman, let me live! I will give you my royal coat and you shall give me yours in exchange
20. " To this the Huntsman readily assented, for he felt unable to shoot the Prince, and after they had exchanged their clothing the Huntsman returned home, and the Prince went deeper into the wood
21. But the Huntsman cried out, "He lives yet! for I could not find it in my heart to fulfil your commands"; and he told the King how it had happened
22. The thieves took flight, and ran as if the Wild Huntsman were behind them, but as the maid could not see anything, she went to strike a light
23. ‘O-hoy!’ came at that moment, that inimitable huntsman’s call which unites the deepest bass with the shrillest tenor, and round the corner came Daniel the head huntsman and head kennelman, a gray, wrinkled old man with hair cut straight over his forehead, Ukrainian fashion, a long bent whip in his hand, and that look of independence and scorn of everything that is only seen in huntsmen
24. Nicholas knew that this Daniel, disdainful of everybody and who considered himself above them, was all the same his serf and huntsman
25. ‘Daniel!’ Nicholas said timidly, conscious at the sight of the weather, the hounds, and the huntsman that he was being carried away by that irresistible passion for sport which makes a man forget all his previous resolutions, as a lover forgets in the presence of his mistress
26. ‘What orders, your excellency?’ said the huntsman in his deep bass, deep as a protodeacon’s and hoarse with hallooing- and two flashing black eyes gazed from under his brows at his master, who was silent
27. Occasionally the whistle of a huntsman, the snort of a horse, the crack of a whip, or the whine of a straggling hound could be heard
28. But, coming toward him, he saw hounds and a huntsman galloping almost straight at the wolf
29. ‘Where’s that huntsman from? He is not ‘Uncle’s’ man
30. Out of the bushes came the huntsman who had been fighting and rode toward his young master, with the fox tied to his crupper
31. ’ said the huntsman, pointing to his dagger and probably imagining himself still speaking to his foe
32. The victorious huntsman rode off to join the field, and there, surrounded by inquiring
33. The huntsman stood halfway up the knoll holding up his whip and the gentlefolk rode up to him at a footpace; the hounds that were far off on the horizon turned away from the hare, and the whips, but not the gentlefolk, also moved away
34. The two borzois of the huntsman who had sighted him, having been the nearest, were the first to see and pursue him, but they had not gone far before Ilagin’s red-spotted Erza passed them, got within a length, flew at the hare with terrible swiftness aiming at his scut, and, thinking she had seized him, rolled over like a ball
35. Pretty bad, eh? Pretty bad?" "Huntsman!" shouted Tom
36. The huntsman blew his horn
37. "The piece was hissed," the comedian who says: "I've made a hit," the philosopher who says: "Phenomenal triplicity," the huntsman who says: "Voileci allais, Voileci fuyant," the phrenologist who says: "Amativeness, combativeness, secretiveness," the infantry soldier who says: "My shootingiron," the cavalry-man who says: "My turkey-cock," the fencingmaster who says: "Tierce, quarte, break," the printer who says: "My shooting-stick and galley,"—all, printer, fencing-master, cavalry dragoon, infantry-man, phrenologist, huntsman, philosopher, comedian, playwright, sheriff, gambler, stockbroker, and merchant, speak slang
38. At the foot of this tree a fire was burning, over which three hares were roasting a huntsman on a spit, and behind him, on another fire, hung a steaming pot, whence emerged the head of a dog
39. An early huntsman who was passing in the distance along a path, whistling the air of Guillery, suggested to him the idea of climbing a tree
40. The Old Huntsman and Other Poems (1917); Counter-Attack and Other Poems (1918); War Poems (1919); Satirical Poems (1926); Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man (1928)
41. But the King (not tarrying for huntsman or for hound but straight away) spurred his horse to Tintagel; and as he sprang up the stairs the Queen heard the jangle of his spurs upon the stones
42. He was a grand gentleman, a great general, and he used to keep a pack of hounds, and I lived many years with him as huntsman; so he, too, set up this microscope ; he brought it with him, and he told all the servants to come up one after another, male and female, and look through ; he showed them a flea and a louse and the end of a needle, and a hair and a drop of water
43. A third Vogul, with a bow, represents a huntsman on snow-shoes, and a fourth imitates with his voice a bird that warns the reindeer of their danger
44. The play is that the huntsman follows the track that the doe with its young one has traveled
45. ) The huntsman gains more and more on the pursued
46. “O-hoy!” came at that moment, that inimitable huntsman’s call which unites the deepest bass with the shrillest tenor, and round the corner came Daniel the head huntsman and head kennelman, a gray, wrinkled old man with hair cut straight over his forehead, Ukrainian fashion, a long bent whip in his hand, and that look of independence and scorn of everything that is only seen in huntsmen
47. “Daniel!” Nicholas said timidly, conscious at the sight of the weather, the hounds, and the huntsman that he was being carried away by that irresistible passion for sport which makes a man forget all his previous resolutions, as a lover forgets in the presence of his mistress
48. “What orders, your excellency?” said the huntsman in his deep bass, deep as a proto-deacon’s and hoarse with hallooing—and two flashing black eyes gazed from under his brows at his master, who was silent
49. “Uncle’s” huntsman was galloping from the other side across the wolf’s path and his borzois once more stopped the animal’s advance
50. “Where’s that huntsman from? He is not ‘Uncle’s’ man