Usar "hurriedly" en una oración
hurriedly oraciones de ejemplo
1. "Wait stop!" He banged urgently on the partition, Mirielle hurriedly raised her head as the partition slid down
2. up hurriedly and peeked out of the large window
3. Fortunately the kaht arrives at our destination before Berndt can reply and the next few minutes are spent hurriedly getting the baggage and ourselves out of the kaht before it disappears again
4. ’ Wiesse said hurriedly
5. The young man slammed the door shut and wrapped the young woman and her dripping designer clothes in a towelling bathrobe that his mother hurriedly threw at him
6. I can feel the tears starting in my eyes, and he hurriedly takes the picture from me, laying it carefully on the table, before turning to me and taking my hands
7. recognising the symptoms, I hurriedly leave my trolley near the check out and, quickly mentioning to the girl that I will be back in a moment, I charge off to the ladies, just arriving in time
8. clothes in a towelling bathrobe that his mother hurriedly threw at
9. ‘Yes …’ Andy said, hurriedly shutting his mouth on the gabbled explanation which was hanging on the end of his tongue
10. She dresses hurriedly
11. She was expecting a hurriedly arranged visit from a most special someone, and hoped to have all well prepared against that occasion before the appointed time
12. his soul, and he hurriedly tried to change the subject
13. ” I hurriedly grabbed her hands to soothe her
14. every child in the room was hurriedly bubbling in the
15. Penelope hurriedly searched for any sign of the outpost, quickly scanning the structures
16. Kallias hitched, she hurriedly made her way to the city gates
17. ” She hurriedly continued when she saw the blond man shoot her an especially quizzical look
18. She hobbled hurriedly over to Mercer, helping him to his still shaky feet and urging him to use whatever trickery he had employed against her earlier, to render himself invisible again and more freely make his way to the cave
19. ” He hurriedly swallowed the last bit of mead
20. It was a name his own soldier father had mentioned a few times, only to be hurriedly hushed by his disapproving mother
21. She hurriedly continued, “Captain, this is a mystery
22. She hurriedly deposited the wood on the growing pile and brushed her hands together to remove dirt
23. Just as she hurriedly edged a bit further, hoping to win the hapless dance, she caught sight of the one who would be her latest savior
24. She simply sat there and waited for him to dress hurriedly
25. ” Sammy pulled his cock out when the flowing was definitely over and done with, dressed himself hurriedly, almost without realizing what he was doing, and left the house after promising he would be back the following day
26. When the hoofs clattered upon the stone bridge, hurriedly south, no man of Saparen was witness
27. They huddled inside as soon as the shelter was complete and hurriedly sealed the entrance flap
28. ‘You may go,’ said the King, and the Hatter hurriedly left the court, without even waiting to put his shoes on
29. He immediately reduced the power of the main thrusters and began to hurriedly press buttons to stop the warnings
30. There was a loud pop as the pressure seal was broken and the door was pulled hurriedly open from outside
31. Hurriedly, Russell shoved past him through the gates, barely catching the way Seth swallowed his words
32. Entering the shaded streets was a relief as we hurriedly looked through each street, each shop, each byway
33. of confusion when Rex came hurriedly up to the two of
34. Pamela tried to explain hurriedly, but had to stop
35. She hurriedly hugged Rex and kissed him on the
36. “I hurriedly pulled up my pants as
37. hurriedly around the horizon
38. They moved at the same time, him jumping from his seat and running to the stairs to descend to her level, her moving hurriedly across the stage, dress trailing behind her, to reach the steps and meet him on the descent
39. " Hurriedly explained the officer
40. “Do the Dutch know that?” enquired Nathan hurriedly, he was really worried about the impending police statements now
41. Hurriedly, she scanned the sideboard, found the items and rushed across the room to the mistress before her mood could change
42. As they hurriedly entrenched, the enemy poured from the woods, and finding cover behind rocks and along hedges, fired steady volleys that would have proved terribly effectual when the troopers were beyond the hill, and probably have driven the American lines back demoralised
43. Several shells burst nearby, and an explosion of the dangerous ammunition was imminent, before Basil Ricketts of the Rough Riders and two troopers hurriedly dug a trench for the boxes
44. Close behind the trenches the Spanish dead had been hurriedly covered with earth, and the road to the city was strewn with dead horses, marking the cavalry retreat of the First
45. hurriedly in upon the empty floor
46. little girl's hands, but she did not heed that; she ran hurriedly back
47. It sounded a lot closer now and she hurriedly searched for somewhere to hide
48. I wondered if my makeup was running down my face and hurriedly turned to Evelyn and whispered for her to take a quick look
49. I got up and hurriedly went to the kitchen to put the kettle on
50. ‘Excuse me,’ I said hurriedly, and abruptly got off the couch and made my way outside the room into the courtyard, instantly feeling the chill nip at my bones