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    Usar "hydrophobia" en una oración

    hydrophobia oraciones de ejemplo


    1. As Winston Churchill reminds us: „Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but Islam"s fanatical frenzy is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia is in a dog

    2. `Like who you love, who you hate, what you would give the world to have and more so the simplest of fears such as hydrophobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia and the rest

    3. The hut was smashed to fragments as the monster charged through it, although Terton survived by clinging to the Circumfence; some weeks later he was picked up by a returning salvage fleet, subsequently escaped from Krull on a hijacked lens (having developed hydrophobia to an astonishing degree) and after a number of adventures eventually found his way to the Great Nef, an area of the Disc so dry that it actually has negative rainfall, which he nevertheless considered uncomfortably damp

    4. More facts courtesy of Ozzie Boone: The victim of rabies suffers intense thirst, but any attempt to drink induces violent, agonizing spasms of the throat, hence the word hydrophobia, fear of water

    5. Rabies, the most serious, is almost always fatal if it has developed sufficiently to produce the symptoms of increasing irritability, dislike of light, hydrophobia (violent aversion to water) and paralysis

    6. "Water!" cried the captain; "he never drinks it; it's a sort of fits to him; fresh water throws him into the hydrophobia; but go on—go on with the arm story

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