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    Usar "hyena" en una oración

    hyena oraciones de ejemplo


    1. And what about Herbert the Hyena? Has he threatened to eat your children? Or Rudolf the Rhino? He wants his money back too does he?"

    2. A hyena screamed and a jackal barked

    3. ” The Colonel laughed like a hyena and spoke to the two Majors then He said

    4. 18 What agreement is there between the hyena and a dog? And what peace is between the rich and the poor?

    5. Like a skulking hyena, Moshe thought, eyeing anything that moves

    6. “Well then, there’s a hyena with a breathing problem on the loose

    7. “It was the hyena! I saw it right over there,” Lorna sobbed

    8. The thought of the hyena waiting for her outside caused a renewed bout of shivering but Lorna decided to be brave and do what Rick suggested

    9. “Lorna, are you sure that it was a hyena that you saw - because since when do hyenas shout ‘Mammeee!’ when they’re frightened?”

    10. “Don’t be silly, Rick, of course it was the hyena! What else could it have been? I’m not going out there again and that is final!”

    11. Lorna, determined to get rid of the hyena once and for all, scrambled to her feet, grabbed the wall with both hands and looked over

    12. Her thoughts went back to the hyena hunting them in the desert and she wondered if there were any wolves left in Scotland

    13. And I laughed like the hyena did when he heard the joke about the

    14. being and turn them into a hyena, preying at the fringe of society? Was

    15. It looked like the spoor of an unbelievably large hyena

    16. 'The old hyena has better taste than I thought

    17. have laughed out loud, wide-mouthed and rowdy as a hyena, had there been fewer gnats near my mouth and had

    18. It was not a hyena, nor any member of the canine fraternity that I recognised

    19. Most of them assumed the hyena shifter was dead

    20. laugh like a hyena without any let-up

    21. One minute she would be gaunt and wasted, giving vent to that terrible hyena laugh that pierced Ambrosius to the core, the next minute she would suddenly become full-bodied and rosy-cheeked, unbearably attractive and full of innocent health

    22. hyena; with no mercy, and straight to the point

    23. The leading hyena jumped on him, only to skewer itself on Tar’s spear, which went all the way through the beast’s torso, killing it nearly instantly

    24. Tar was still trying to take out his spear when the following hyena jumped on him and snapped its jaws around his left forearm, making the man scream with pain

    25. Another hyena then bit him deeply in the right leg, making him fall on his back

    26. He managed to wound one hyena before he himself had his left leg partly ripped away by the powerful jaws of one of the hyenas

    27. With Tar now being eaten alive by two hyenas and Kem down, reduced to punching with his fists the wounded hyena intent on ripping open his throat, one hyena attacked the group of women and children cowering in one corner

    28. The jaws of the hyena opened wide before it lunged at her, closing on her joined arms and her baby

    29. Her strength doubled by her fury and despair, she skewered the hyena biting Kem with a mighty downward lunge, making it howl with pain

    30. As the last hyena left the cave with its human catch, she saw young Kin go to his mother, who had now fallen face down on the ground, dying

    31. There are animals subjected to you indirectly such as the carnivore, which is the beasts of prey “fox, hyena, tiger, lion

    32. “…you are forbidden the meat of strangled animal…” inside a well or a pond, “… beaten animal”: by beating thing “… fallen animal”: it fell from a high place “… butted animal”: it was butted by another animal “ …and mangled animal by beats of prey …” a wolf, and the like such as lion, hyena

    33. Threatening things could happen in the night; dogs were poisoned or carried off by leopard or hyena

    34. Guys with guns, and lion, hyena, buffalo–’

    35. that he had a mass of muscles that could crush the skul of a hyena, no, his

    36. God and dragon that has opposite standards under culture and religions make race like scorpion and hyena under elemental spirit, ready to strike death

    37. For example, the camel carries our belongings, the horses and the mules draw, the bulls plow, the sheep supply you with wool and milk, the hens produce eggs, the hyena cleans the wild from carrions so as to keep the environment disinfected and of fresh air, the dog guards, the cat rids the house from insects, the bees make honey and help in pollinating the flowers… and so on

    38. Our officer meanwhile, continued his search becoming increasingly agitated, when suddenly he was surprised by a huge and terrible hyena with flashing eyes that seemed to scatter sparks in his direction

    39. The hyena, an animal with strong instincts to attack its prey, would no doubt take the opportunity to attack immediately

    40. If he missed or caused a flesh wound it would only serve to make the hyena more ferocious

    41. Accordingly, Mohammad Amin sat down a short distance from the hyena, which was staring at him with green fiery eyes, and undaunted despite his dangerous situation, he looked at the animal with a steady gaze

    42. The hyena rose and tensed, ready to pounce, letting out a terrible manic whoop which echoed round the hills, but our officer responded only by shouting a single word:

    43. [38]What a strange thing to do! The hyena seemed confused, and squatted on all fours, motionless, regarding Mohammad Amin with a strange quietness, bright eyes glowing and peering into the darkness of the night

    44. Suddenly and unexpectedly the hyena leapt to its feet and tensed for the attack

    45. At once, the hyena let out a terrible howl which tore through the silence of the beautiful, gentle dawn and reverberated in the uplands and the valleys

    46. The hyena then turned and fled

    47. They asked him what had happened and he related to them the facts of the night he had passed sitting with his rifle across his lap, facing the ferocious hyena

    48. On hearing his tale they told him that this hyena had already terrorised the entire region and that it had killed two people in the nearby village, al-Dimmas

    49. Our officer then wondered how it was that Al’lah had given him such amazing composure and steadiness for an entire night when he was faced by a ravenous hyena, and had filled his heart with all the necessary emotions and ability to deal with that difficult situation, only to find himself petrified at the sound of a caged animal here, in the middle of a noisy, bustling city, where women and children were wandering happily among the animals’ cages

    50. Perhaps he would regard me as the German variety of a hyena in petticoats--the imagination recoils before the probable fearfulness of such an animal--or, if not quite so bad as that, at any rate a creature hysterically inclined; and he would begin to feel lonely, and think of his comrades, and his pleasant mess, and perhaps even of his mother, for he was very young and newly fledged

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