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    Usar "ideology" en una oración

    ideology oraciones de ejemplo


    1. This ideology includes and eclipses the idea that clouds and darkness are there because no one can see God in His full glory

    2. That mistake had been made a couple of generations ago: trying to defeat an enemy driven by an uncompromising ideology

    3. The only way to win was by defeating the ideology itself

    4. All seven of the current committee were proponents of the reformist ideology (appointed on that basis)

    5. Without the empire to define an ideology for them, they would be lost

    6. Of course, it was a different nation back then; a nation alienated by distance rather than ideology

    7. (evolutionary) mission; overbearing in the manner it assumes a (uniquely) higher moral authority predicated on vague, oftentimes mistaken (historical) assumptions (improperly) formed by modern ideology

    8. In the name of Communist ideology, the state took over these farms and the crop yields dropped dramatically

    9. More Americans die every year, preventably, because of conservative ideology about “free market” capitalism than from most wars fought overseas in almost any time frame

    10. Here is where ideology must confront reality

    11. However, based on their ideology, they assume deregulation leads to greater prosperity economically

    12. It is that of an incompetent one, and one so blinded by his own anti Communist ideology that he failed to understand the enemy, believing the earlier Red Scares that had consumed America

    13. A well-order society requires the cooperation of all its citizens; that they work at resolving their differences in manner bounded by common goals, apart from common ideology, if that society hopes to flourish and sustain itself

    14. It was an ideology of conquest or extermination against both indigenous groups, American Indians and Mexicans

    15. ” The incompetence of neoconservatives in Iraq and elsewhere is a clear example of ideology ignoring basic facts on the ground

    16. It would not be until occupying Germany after World War II that the US learned the right way to deal with a defeated enemy with an evil ideology determined to start wars: execute all the leaders guilty of war crimes and waging aggressive war, while removing the rest from government for good

    17. For their ideology, sometimes their very masculinity, is tied up in the image of America as strong and unbeatable, and to them Carter threatens that

    18. “This is a war of ideology, one that I was bound to lose through the tyranny of arithmetic

    19. I was the symbol of his ideology, and bearing his children was an integral part of that role

    20. Forget about ideology, unless it is constrained by something deeper

    21. Had Truman allowed himself to be led astray again? But then, who was he to talk? Hadn’t he also been led along a primrose path of ideology, except in the opposite direction?

    22. Ideological and cultural mentality what brings physiological effects?Good ideology culture and ideology, can produce a good chemical reaction in the body, is conducive to health

    23. everybody should focus entirely on the saint ideas on culture and ideology

    24. thought idea, the cultural knowledge and ideology, there are open educational wisdom

    25. difficult to grasp the master thought, culture and ideology

    26. ideology, culture and ideology reflected, so the Buddha represents the truth

    27. should not worship the Buddha's body (body), we should study the Buddha's ideology and culture

    28. This, she states, is part of their “inflexible ideology

    29. Even today nothing so bristles a liberal as to be told that his ideology is an emotion, a belief, a fantasy, a religion

    30. Advanced industrial ideology was an intense subject that demanded his full attention

    31. “New Class” (including judicial insurgents) will stop at nothing to impose a revolutionary ideology on the United States

    32. The ideology of all too many teachers, protected by their government monopoly, is grounded in anti-American globalism, multiculturalism, and radical social change

    33. The system we call public education has long been turned away from an intelligent analysis of the purpose it is to serve, and sunk into sterile and debasing ideology

    34. Gregory Rodriguez, a director at the New America Foundation, cites studies that show over the past 30 years the development of segregation by ideology

    35. There are times when true believers to their ideology lack an understanding of truth and history

    36. ideology or religion but gently unwrapped the mystery of the self

    37. Do you know what the State's ideology is called?

    38. Pretty much everyone knows the State's ideology is called Sci–Coll

    39. Nazism, or National Socialism, shared this same ideology of centralised State power

    40. One might say that the concept of utopia, the striving towards a mythical perfect 'destination', has inflicted more misery on mankind than any other ideology

    41. This ideology deals only with quantities, not qualities

    42. "That's a petrifying ideology

    43. And Scientism–Collectivism is our State's ideology, because it is a one-party State that is controlled by Sci–Coll

    44. They've politicised science to fit it to their ideology

    45. With more than one billion two-hundred million inhabitants, it is trying almost desperately to open its commercial doors to the exterior, while at the same time it is equally determined to maintain closed the windows of thought and ideology

    46. The State's perfect and righteous ideology was then publically declared,

    47. For Sci–Coll, despite pursuing the concept of nothingness and trying to force reality to conform to its nihilistic ideology, is pursing something

    48. And according to his father‘s anti-colonial ideology, which Obama has internalized for himself, that system is the military and economic power of the United States of America

    49. socialist ideology will prove helpful in meeting the challenges with which we are confronted

    50. In conclusion, Watrin expresses his doubts that “policies based on socialist ideology will prove helpful in meeting the challenges with which we are confronted

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