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    Usar "iffy" en una oración

    iffy oraciones de ejemplo


    1. As my mind tries to find a way through this apparently insoluble problem, the tussock of grass under my right foot gives way suddenly, my balance being iffy due to the alcohol, I suddenly sway and Stephen has to move pretty fast to stop me falling over

    2. ‘The next stretch is going to be the iffy one

    3. I know Mum was iffy on the phone, but it was the first she had heard of your existence so you can understand that she was taken unawares by my announcement that you’re moving in

    4. “Dangerous driving is a little iffy, but he admits to speeding on the Lake Road

    5. In the iffy spring weather, there was a tendency for the aircraft to run fine up to five or ten thousand feet, then for some reason; above that they would bog out

    6. Moreover, it is not clear to me why an imperfect being could not, despite being imperfect, at least conceive of a perfect being, so Axiom 3 also seems iffy

    7. She's iffy about it anyway--the investment may or may not pay off

    8. A few minutes elapsed while I thought of all the iffy but hysterical text messages that have passed between myself and my friends

    9. "And then I found out that Claire had made Kristen be a bitch to us so we'd really never forgive her for blaming Claire and I don't even know if it was Kemp who instigated it anymore, Claire and Kristen always had an iffy relationship

    10. The upper floors were iffy in spots

    11. And he still felt ethically iffy about the fanzines—especially now that, amid the mess of his desk, the third issue, the one he’d taken uptown, could not be found

    12. The only iffy thing with him and Krissi happened just before Christmas and wouldn’t happen again

    13. Because advanced mathematics gives the appearance of precision to the inherently iffy process of foreseeing the future, investors must be highly skeptical of anyone who claims to hold any complex computational key to basic financial problems

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    chancy flukey fluky iffy