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    Usar "immigrant" en una oración

    immigrant oraciones de ejemplo


    1. His strange new work colleague Moses Tah, an immigrant from the battle-scarred West African state of Liberia claims the ability to give him these powers, but is he for real? If Moses does possess the powers that Michael wants, will he be able to gain them? If he can learn them in time, will they be enough to change the destiny of the people around him? Lives are at stake; families, friends, colleagues, innocent bystanders

    2. Amongst other things she was instrumental in liaising with France to put an end to the black market trade in lethal feuhlstones and in uncovering Gerisse Stowman’s illegal immigrant scam

    3. If you are not an immigrant and dream that you or someone is an immigrant, then it implies that you are acknowledging an aspect of yourself that was unexpressed

    4. If you are helping an illegal immigrant in your dream, then it means acceptance

    5. Alternatively, the dream may reflect your waking experience as an immigrant

    6. Consider how you or they feel as an immigrant and what they endured or went through

    7. “Maybe an old farmer who just couldn’t leave, or is it a new immigrant who took over this place?” he said

    8. There was/is one major difference however, that, compared with modern standards, ethnic neighborhoods, however rundown, were generally safer, crime was lower, immigrant classes better educated, families more tightly knit, homes cleaner, children smiled more and engaged in sidewalk games, neighbors gathered on stoops on sweltering summer evenings, unemployment was lower and drugs virtually

    9. ) Teaching correctly about this war could go a long way towards ending the cyclical periods of anti immigrant hysteria

    10. The Mexican-American population in the US is both indigenous and immigrant, but students are rarely taught this

    11. On April 8, 1949, the immigrant ship that sailed from Marseille with Pola, Fela and our two sons, Andzja and her husband Boris aboard, entered the port in Haifa

    12. The aim of every immigrant was, above all else, to become an American; not the preservation of separate identities in a ―foreign‖ environment

    13. In part this was due to his own party's history in Texas, where business leaders long recognized more of their profits depend on trade with Mexico than on trade with the rest of the US, and much of the workforce is made up of immigrant labor

    14. Leon Czolgolz was out of work, an immigrant, and an anarchist

    15. When he returned to South Africa, it would be as a highly qualified immigrant

    16. The same report stated that by 2014 the net cost (benefits minus taxes paid) to the taxpayer for low-skill immigrant households will approach $1 trillion/year

    17. immigrant, and a legal one at that

    18. process of legal immigration? What about requiring, for the benefit of the immigrant, the learning of English? It was difficult to get ahead in a country without knowing its

    19. Their company has hired many a Russian immigrant

    20. process the next illegal immigrant

    21. The de-Americanization of American school students, immigrant and native alike, is illustrated by comments of high school graduates collected by educator and commentator Kay S

    22. I was the third of four children to immigrant parents-

    23. ” As an immigrant whose homeland accent is a constant reminder to the

    24. “…He is a wonderful role model for thousands of minority and immigrant young people who might wonder if they really have a chance in this country

    25. Why is a rat more important that preventing fires? A Taiwanese immigrant farmer was arrested for running over a kangaroo rat while tilling his own land and fined $200,000

    26. Hilsith was an immigrant from the northern elves, and she was the most skilled Healer among the High People, though she was only seven hundred and sixteen years old

    27. 7, ‘06: Montgomery and Arlington Counties in Maryland schools gave the students who joined the immigrant protest a grade for

    28. The Florida coast, and Gulf and Caribbean waters are the hot spots for immigrant smuggling

    29. As important as the Coast Guard mission is for national security, port security, and drug and immigrant interdiction, its historic function has been the protection of life and property, and search and rescue

    30. Ties between some immigrant and indigenous groups and terrorist organizations have been revealed

    31. According to Helena Blavatsky (who lived in the nineteenth century), Russian immigrant, mystic, and founder of the Theosophical Society, the Akashic records are much more than simply an account of static data which may be gleaned by a sensitive; instead, the records have an ongoing creative stimulus upon the present

    32. The area attracted a large immigrant population of both shoppers and traders as the prices in Whitechapel were always much cheaper than elsewhere around London

    33. The Front are successfully launching a number of campaigns against the immigrant population of London, we need all of you to get involved and join the fight

    34. He had become the English immigrant working with his Afrikaans friends on a co-operative farm that covered 25,000 acres of bush and near desert close to the small town of Adavale

    35. He is actually an immigrant whose mother was Austrian and father was Slovakian, though he allegedly was raised in Turkey then studied in France, Japan and Germany before he came to the United States to do his post-doctoral project, according to his employee profile

    36. Its muted echoes bloated the quietness with its immigrant chord

    37. and Great Britain (within immigrant or newcomer populations)

    38. Suride Town was a settlement where immigrant aliens to the planet lived

    39. We’re staying at an immigrant camp were some stupid racist group’s trying to kill us

    40. Just consider corporate America, outsourcing, downsizing, immigrant laborers and the minimum wage

    41. Being a recent immigrant and not that familiar with English, he may not have known what was sent in the mail

    42. The Dental Board required immigrant dentists, from the continent, to pass a special exam before they could become registered, so dad started studying for that

    43. Knowing that her story about being a Kurdish illegal immigrant was now hopelessly full of holes because of the discovery of her equipment and pistol, Farah resolutely looked up at the Russian

    44. immigrant parents didn't have the bread to give him bus fare

    45. The fact is that he was not expelled by the UK Government, or designated a prohibited immigrant, so there was no way of preventing him from returning

    46. immigrant hands, the sweat, blood and tears of several European

    47. Mules were often treated better than a Chinese immigrant laying

    48. Refugee or immigrant that have created problems include Palestinians, Lebanese, Iranians, Kurd, Sikhs, Chinese, Indians, Sri Lankan Tamils, Algerians, Croats and Northern Irish

    49. rockets to 30 percent, such is the birthrate of the immigrant communities

    50. A client, whose father was an Italian immigrant worked hard in his fruit shop for many years

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