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    Usar "improperly" en una oración

    improperly oraciones de ejemplo


    1. You can't use can't improperly if you want to

    2. But, upon this account alone, the denomination of barren or unproductive should seem to be very improperly applied to it

    3. I don’t know if that was true but we were indeed ordered not to polish it, but by time a few cadets already had theirs shining like a mirror and earned the sergeants wrath for being “commies and f longhaired liberals who is trying to improperly influence him, Sergeant van der Merwe by the grace of General Coetzee blah blah blah

    4. Laws that are improperly enforced are vapid and unmanly and should be unceremoniously repealed!

    5. are/were (however) ill-conceived or improperly managed… if in fact they were/are…

    6. (evolutionary) mission; overbearing in the manner it assumes a (uniquely) higher moral authority predicated on vague, oftentimes mistaken (historical) assumptions (improperly) formed by modern ideology

    7. Whenever legal revisions are inconsonant with the underlying assumptions of Original Intent, such modifications are improperly considered and, in some instances, morally objectionable (Abortion) once their conceptual designs have been improperly

    8. Services as well as its Post Office is alleged to have improperly steered UN contracts to several Indian

    9. They have encouraged banks to loan money improperly and then protected the loans

    10. With this, products and services have the warranty of the free circulation in the market, without anybody to have the definitive possession or to do stocks improperly

    11. active Communists, improperly vetted and moved from venue to venue, had infiltrated

    12. wracked with spending abuses, nepotism and money was improperly

    13. nearly $600,000 that was improperly withdrawn from the insurance

    14. 4-billion pension plan that was improperly

    15. was improperly withdrawn from the insurance account to repay money

    16. Searching by location can be very useful, but keep in mind that it will miss tweets from people with bogus or improperly formatted locations

    17. Upon return, they smelled Lysol and detected that the seats had been reinstalled improperly

    18. My subordinate, Wright, who had experienced similar pressure to improperly release Fund Numbers from Ms

    19. Some are risky when administered improperly (alternative or holistic medicine, chiropractic therapy) and some are risky (all medications carry risks of side effects)

    20. Hypnosis is known for producing bad results especially when improperly suggestive as I believe Robert‘s session was

    21. Toney‘s conviction was overturned in December because Tarrant County prosecutors improperly withheld evidence favorable to his defense during his trial

    22. “The helmsman improperly programmed the jump to New St

    23. “My people is properly called the Sauromatians and we are the eastern neighbors of the Scythians but we are effectively called, improperly, Amazons by the Greeks

    24. Used improperly, it can send you to bankruptcy court post haste

    25. Stealing and receiving stolen or lost property; buying from a son or slave of another man without witness or contract; harboring a runaway slave; owning a tavern in which conspirators met but weren’t delivered to the court; improperly constructing a house which falls in and kills the owner; stealing the minor son of another; not paying a mercenary that took one’s place in the army; and convincing a barber to cut the sign of a slave on a slave not to be sold were all acts for which the prescribed punishment was death

    26. be disrupted and the food will be improperly processed

    27. “How dare you suggest that this is purely an old boy’s network here? You are before me because your men acted improperly

    28. ‘Advocate Madonsela found that Mr Zuma improperly benefitted from the Nkandla project in that certain expenditure incurred was of a private (that is, not security-related) nature

    29. Advocate Madonsela found that Mr Zuma improperly benefited from the unlawful expenditure of taxpayers' funds by the construction of a house (used by Mr Zuma and his family for, amongst other events, traditional ceremonies; expensive paving; a swimming pool; a cattle kraal and a chicken run at Mr Zuma's residence

    30. 3 of the Code of Ethics state that Members of the Executive (which includes the President and any other member of the cabinet) may not wilfully mislead the legislature to which they are accountable; act in a way that is inconsistent with their position; use their position or any information entrusted to them, to enrich themselves or improperly benefit any other person; expose themselves to any situation involving the risk of a conflict between their official responsibilities and their private interests; or receive remuneration for any work or service other than for the performance of their functions as members of the Executive

    31. This power of thought, if understood and correctly used, is the greatest labor-saving device ever dreamed of, but if not understood or improperly used, the result will in all probability be disastrous, as we have already seen

    32. If executed improperly though, email campaigns can backfire with

    33. Would he stand there all day, they wondered, with that really most improperly suggestive cake, so very like a christening cake? One or two of them sat down squarely on the sofas behind months-old magazines round whose edges they peeped, making it clear to the unhappy man that they, at least, intended to stay there; and they all coughed a little every now and then in the way a waiting congregation coughs in church

    34. If opened improperly, a built-in program immediately erased the contents of the disk

    35. Suppose he was quietly whistling a little melody, and every now and then he would get annoyed at some door improperly closed, at some key that would remain stuck in the keyhole, at some button that had to be pushed at the other end of a huge, messy table over which it was hard to reach, specially with all the bundles of keys hanging from his waist

    36. First, that you are a competent ringer and that you were improperly discharged from the service of the railroad

    37. They were poured and cooled improperly and there are hidden cracks, pipes and blowholes in the metal of them

    38. that our thought faculties are combining improperly and thereby attracting the wrong force-currents

    39. Instead: the tragedy of immature adults, improperly raising children, has been going on for thousands of years

    40. Yet improperly used, or not used at all: it becomes a corrupting influence or worthless

    41. Working as a tool, making sure your car is running properly, your computer is running properly, your appliances, your house is properly maintenanced, the plumbing is not leaking, the paint is not peeling, the doors and windows not fitting improperly, etc… the cost of running governments and businesses is spent mostly maintaining their mechanical systems: the infrastructure of all modern industrialized nations is all tool-intensive, exorbitantly expensive, and time consuming

    42. Improperly adjusted seats can lead to a very uncomfortable ride

    43. Now there are millions of amateurs at home using cheap printers improperly; creating hundreds millions of typographical, and clerical and printing errors that wastes paper in untold countless tons

    44. As described elsewhere, the term Lord refers to a human or physical universe entity and has been improperly

    45. (By the way, Mario is upset that the 1/6 in the photo above and in the video is improperly set up

    46. He knew nothing of the habits of this beggar, knew not the use that would be made of this money, although he had every reason to suspect that it would be spent improperly

    47. and Judaism improperly treat it

    48. permeates ancient Hebrew texts was later used improperly and literally throughout the New

    49. elsewhere, the term Lord refers to a human or physical universe entity and has been improperly

    50. improperly literal use of the symbol “day” as well

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